Integrating mechanics and kinematic gaits in tetrapod locomotion congruence and variation in walking and running

REILLY, Stephen M.; BIKNEVICIUS, Audrone R.; Ohio University; Ohio University: Integrating mechanics and kinematic gaits in tetrapod locomotion: congruence and variation in “walking” and “running” Two descriptive paradigms have emerged from studies of terrestrial vertebrate locomotion: kinematic patterns of footfalls are used to describe the gaits used by animals and kinetic patterns are used to […]

Stress tolerance and the Hsp response of tidepool sculpins, Oligocottus maculosus, acclimatized to laboratory or field conditions

TODGHAM, A.E.*; FANGUE, N.A.; SCHULTE, P.M.; IWAMA, G.K.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Stress tolerance and the Hsp response of tidepool sculpins, Oligocottus maculosus, acclimatized to laboratory or field conditions In nature, a fish�s thermal history is important in structuring its cellular response to stress. The plastic nature of the Hsp response and its involvement […]

Stress in Summer Flounder Anesthesia Mitigates Transportation-Induced Stress Response and Increases Post-Transport Performance

MARCACCIO, N.D.; SPECKER, J.L.; University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography; University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography: Stress in Summer Flounder: Anesthesia Mitigates Transportation-Induced Stress Response and Increases Post-Transport Performance A significant problem affecting the mariculture of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, is the incidence of post-transport epizootic, leading to significant delayed mortality. […]

Metabolic acclimation to hypoxia in Fundulus heteroclitus

RICHARDS, J.G.*; SCHULTE, P.M.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver; University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Metabolic acclimation to hypoxia in Fundulus heteroclitus Environmental hypoxia has profound effects on pathways involved in ATP production. During periods of acute hypoxia, ATP is primarily produced by �anaerobic� metabolism and there is a down regulation of aerobic metabolism. During acclimation […]

Hormonal, Metabolic, and Performance Based Measurements of Chronic Stress in Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris

LANKFORD, S.E.; MILLER, R.A.; ADAMS, T.E.; CECH JR., J.J.; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis: Hormonal, Metabolic, and Performance Based Measurements of Chronic Stress in Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris To simulate chronic stress, groups of three 0+ green sturgeon were place into flow-through, indoor tanks […]

Growth hormone differentially regulates muscle myostatin-I and II and increases circulating cortisol in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

BIGA, PR; CAIN, KD; HARDY, RW; OVERTURF, K; OTT, TL; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID; USDA, ARS, Hagerman, ID; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID: Growth hormone differentially regulates muscle myostatin-I and �II and increases circulating cortisol in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Myostatin negatively regulates […]

DNA microarray analysis of gene expression during heat stress in the eurythermal goby Gillichthys mirabilis

BUCKLEY, Bradley A.; GRACEY, Andrew Y.; SOMERO, George N.; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station: DNA microarray analysis of gene expression during heat stress in the eurythermal goby Gillichthys mirabilis Exposure to elevated but sub-lethal temperatures can have deleterious effects at the cellular level, including abnormal […]

Analyzing Variation in Thermal Performance Curves

IZEM, R*; MARRON, JS; KINGSOLVER, JG; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill: Analyzing Variation in Thermal Performance Curves A thermal performance curve (TPC) represents the performance of an individual or genotype as a continuous function of temperature. Patterns of genetic variation in thermal performance curves and other continuous reaction norms are important for determining evolutionary […]

2-DE comparison of the heat-shock protein complement in intertidal Tegula congeners

TOMANEK, Lars; Univ. of California, Davis: 2-DE comparison of the heat-shock protein complement in intertidal Tegula congeners. Species of the genus Tegula occupy widely varying thermal habitats along the transition from the sub- to the intertidal zone and show distinct biogeographic distribution ranges. Separation of proteins using 1D gel-electrophoresis has shown that these congeners vary […]

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