Leaf Trait Evolution in Viburnum

Meeting Abstract 37-7  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:30 – 09:45  Leaf Trait Evolution in Viburnum MOEGLEIN, MK*; PARK, B; CACHO, NI; OLSON, ME; EATON, DA; DONOGHUE, MJ; EDWARDS, EJ; Yale University; Yale University; National Autonomous University of Mexico; National Autonomous University of Mexico; Columbia University; Yale University; Yale University morgan.moeglein@yale.edu Though plant leaves are critically important to plant […]

Digging for answers the causes and consequences of geophytism in the monocots

Meeting Abstract 37-3  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  Digging for answers: the causes and consequences of geophytism in the monocots HOWARD, C.C.*; LANDIS, J.B.; FOLK, R.; BEAULIEU, J.M.; CELLINESE, N.; University of Florida; University of Riverside; Florida Museum of Natural History; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Florida Museum of Natural History cchoward@ufl.edu http://www.codycoyotee.com Geophytes are plants with […]

Biomechanics of ballistic seed dispersal in the witch hazel (Hamamelis)

Meeting Abstract 37-6  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Biomechanics of ballistic seed dispersal in the witch hazel (Hamamelis) JORGE, JF*; HARRISON, JS; MANOS, PS; PATEK, SN; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University jfj7@duke.edu Ballistochoric plants project seeds away from the parent plant so that offspring can avoid competition for nutrients and sunlight. Their diversity […]

Biology, biomechanics and biomimetic potential of Aldrovanda vesiculosa underwater snap-traps

Meeting Abstract 37-5  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Biology, biomechanics and biomimetic potential of Aldrovanda vesiculosa underwater snap-traps WESTERMEIER, A*; SACHSE, R; POPPINGA, S; KöRNER, A; BORN, L; MADER, A; BISCHOFF, M; GRESSER, GT; KNIPPERS, J; SPECK, T; University of Freiburg, Plant Biomechanics Group and Botanic Garden (PBG); Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies […]

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