Meeting Abstract 37.1 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:00 Cell differentiation in cleavage arrested embryos of the comb jelly Mnemiopsis – Do they have a cleavage clock? FISCHER, AHL*; PANG, K; HENRY, JQ; MARTINDALE, MQ; MBL, Woods Hole; SARS Bergen, Norway; University of Illinois, Urbana; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, Univ. Florida Ctenophores, an early branching group of […]
sessions: Session 37
Visualizing fly vision using calcium imaging of neuron populations to unravel motion vision in fruit flies
Meeting Abstract 37.1 Monday, Jan. 5 08:00 Visualizing fly vision: using calcium imaging of neuron populations to unravel motion vision in fruit flies STROTHER, J.A.*; NERN, A.; ROGERS, E.; REISER, M.B.; Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI; Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI; Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI; Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI Visual perception of object motion […]
Visual and mechanosensory integration for figure-ground discrimination
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Monday, Jan. 5 08:30 Visual and mechanosensory integration for figure-ground discrimination MURELI, S; FOX, JL*; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University Multisensory integration is crucial for many animal behaviors. In flies, information from the mechanosensory halteres is combined with information from the visual system. Without this mechanosensory information, flies are unable […]
Laser localization of wing mechanosensory cells with multisite recording
Meeting Abstract 37.6 Monday, Jan. 5 09:15 Laser localization of wing mechanosensory cells with multisite recording SANDERS, EJ*; WOODS, J; DICKERSON, BH; DANIEL, TL; Univ. Washington; Roosevelt High School; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington Using a suite of sensory modalities, including vision and mechanoreception, insects process such information control flight. The precision, sensitivity, and rapid processing speeds […]
Insect abdominal mechanoreceptors show rapid adaptation
Meeting Abstract 37.7 Monday, Jan. 5 09:30 Insect abdominal mechanoreceptors show rapid adaptation. HOWELL, DB*; WOODS, J; CHAUHAN, N; SANDERS, EJ; DYHR, J; DANIEL, TL; Univ. Washington; Roosevelt High School; Univ. Prep.; Univ. Washington; Northwest Univ.; Univ. Washington Flying insects rely on multi-modal, tightly coordinated sensorimotor systems to accomplish complex flight trajectories. To execute adaptive, compensatory […]
Characterization of flight patterns in long-legged flies of the genus Condylostylus (Diptera Dolichopodidae)
Meeting Abstract 37.8 Monday, Jan. 5 09:45 Characterization of flight patterns in long-legged flies of the genus Condylostylus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). RUIZ, C.A.*; ORTEGA, G.; THEOBALD, J.; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University Long-legged flies spend most of their time chasing each other and their prey in fast but complex flights. These bursts […]
Bilateral sensory inputs are not created equal bilaterality in mechanosensory inputs is more important than olfactory for plume tracking hawkmoths, Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 37.4 Monday, Jan. 5 08:45 Bilateral sensory inputs are not created equal: bilaterality in mechanosensory inputs is more important than olfactory for plume tracking hawkmoths, Manduca sexta SMITH, AE*; WILLIS, MA; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University Males of the hawkmoth species Manduca sexta are able to track plumes of female pheromone […]
Behavioral context modulates use of wide-field motion input in Manduca sexta flight
Meeting Abstract 37.5 Monday, Jan. 5 09:00 Behavioral context modulates use of wide-field motion input in Manduca sexta flight. COPLEY, S*; WILLIS, MA; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University For most animals in flight, wide-field motion input is vital for maintaining control of movement. Males of the crepuscular hawkmoth, Manduca sexta use this information, […]
A visual horizon modifies fruit fly bar tracking responses
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Monday, Jan. 5 08:15 A visual horizon modifies fruit fly bar tracking responses CABALLERO, JL*; MAZO, C; RODRIGUEZ-PINTO, I; THEOBALD, JC; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University In order to navigate effectively in three dimensions, flying insects must gauge distances to objects around them. Humans use […]
Transcriptomic time series of coral and Symbiodinium in a coral reef reveals environmental transcriptional plasticity
Meeting Abstract 37-4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:00 Transcriptomic time series of coral and Symbiodinium in a coral reef reveals environmental transcriptional plasticity RUIZ-JONES, LJ*; PALUMBI, SR; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station Corals living in back-reef environments regularly experience fluctuations in temperature, pH, and oxygen, yet we do not know what physiological […]