Sexual dimorphisms in Anolis lizard behavior and morphology the result of niche partitioning or sexual selection

Meeting Abstract 37.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Sexual dimorphisms in Anolis lizard behavior and morphology: the result of niche partitioning or sexual selection? JOHNSON, M.A.*; SANGER, T.J.; SPARKS, M.N.; LOSOS, J.B.; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Harvard University; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Harvard University Sexual dimorphisms in size and shape may result from ecological differences between […]

Approximate Bayesian analysis of sire precedence reveals first-male advantage in the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei)

Meeting Abstract 37.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Approximate Bayesian analysis of sire precedence reveals first-male advantage in the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei) DURYEA, MC*; KERN, AD; COX, RM; CALSBEEK, RG; Dartmouth College; Rutgers University; University of Virginia; Dartmouth College Studies of the effects of mating order, classically analyzed as the proportional paternity of the second male […]

Why do giant squid have giant eyes

Meeting Abstract 37.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Why do giant squid have giant eyes? JOHNSEN, S.*; NILSSON, D.-E.; WARRANT, E.J.; Duke Univ.; Lund Univ.; Lund Univ. Giant and colossal deep-sea squid (Architeuthis and Mesonychoteuthis) have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, but there is no explanation for why they would need eyes that are nearly three […]

The costs and benefits of losing an arm autotomy in the octopus Abdopus aculeatus

Meeting Abstract 37.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  The costs and benefits of losing an arm: autotomy in the octopus Abdopus aculeatus ALUPAY, J/S*; CALDWELL, R/L; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Animals have evolved a diversity of defense mechanisms including cryptic and startling displays and flight responses to escape their predators. Arguably one of the […]

Pressure across the head of a freely-swimming rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) in uniform flow

Meeting Abstract 37.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Pressure across the head of a freely-swimming rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) in uniform flow LIAO, J.C.*; CHAMBERS, L. M.; AKANYETI, O.; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida Gainesville; Robotics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida Gainesville The mathematician Sir […]

Jurassic marine photonics Squid dynamic iridescence and predation by large extinct marine reptiles

Meeting Abstract 37.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Jurassic marine photonics: Squid dynamic iridescence and predation by large extinct marine reptiles SWEENEY, A.M.*; JOHNSEN, S; GAGNON, Y; MORSE, D.E.; STRAMSKI, D.; University of Pennsylvania; Duke University; Duke University; Scripps Institute of Oceanography; UCSB Dynamic iridescence in Loliginid squids has been fascinating and well-studied from an ultrastructural and biochemical […]

Unequal second cleavage (of the CD blastomere) in the leech Helobdella austinensis

Meeting Abstract 37.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30  Unequal second cleavage (of the CD blastomere) in the leech Helobdella austinensis ROGERS, D.V.; WEISBLAT, D.A.*; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Among animals that develop via spiral cleavage (a diverse group that may be synonymous with the super-phylum Lophotrochozoa), D quadrant specification is the process by […]

The ins and outs of beta-catenin mediated binary cell fate specification

Meeting Abstract 37.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15  The ins and outs of beta-catenin mediated binary cell fate specification SCHNEIDER, SQ*; BASTIN, BR; PRUITT, MM; LETCHER, EJ; CHOU, H; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University In the spiralian annelid Platynereis dumerilii each embryonic cell division oriented along the […]

The Starfish Oocyte is an Excitable Medium

Meeting Abstract 37.4  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:45  The Starfish Oocyte is an Excitable Medium VON DASSOW, G.*; SU, K. C.; BEMENT, W. M.; University of Oregon; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Wisconsin, Madison Most animal oocytes undergo two extreme-asymmetrical divisions during meiosis, creating the egg and two polar bodies. In oocytes of the starfish Patiria […]

Targeted cell cycle arrest halts basement membrane gap expansion during nematode uterine-vulval attachment

Meeting Abstract 37.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00  Targeted cell cycle arrest halts basement membrane gap expansion during nematode uterine-vulval attachment MATUS, DQ*; CHANG, E; MAKOHON-MOORE, SC; SHERWOOD, DR; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University The creation of large gaps in basement membranes (BM) is a critical component of tissue construction and normal physiology, as […]

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