Developmental and Interspecific Body Size Effects on Grasshopper Jumping Performance

KIRKTON, S.D.*; HARRISON, J.F.; Arizona St. University; Arizona St. University: Developmental and Interspecific Body Size Effects on Grasshopper Jumping Performance Due to the increased length of their tracheal system, larger insects are believed to have reduced safety margins for oxygen delivery. The gigantic insects of the late Paleozoic may have overcome oxygen delivery problems due […]

A field and laboratory study of the effects of perch attributes on path choice during the arboreal escape locomotion of four ecomorphs of Anolis lizards

MATTINGLY, W.B.*; JAYNE, B.C.; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati: A field and laboratory study of the effects of perch attributes on path choice during the arboreal escape locomotion of four ecomorphs of Anolis lizards Arboreal locomotion is constrained by the networks of perches that comprise discrete paths. Thus, we examined how the structure of […]

Hormonal, behavioral, and thermoregulatory consequences of lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness in the White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)

OWEN-ASHLEY, N. T.*; TURNER, M.; HAHN, T. P.; WINGFIELD, J. C.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of Washington, Seattle: Hormonal, behavioral, and thermoregulatory consequences of lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness in the White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) Exposure to pathogens or inflammatory stimuli such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activates the […]

Effects of Testosterone on Female Aggression and Immune Function Possible Evidence of Intersexual Conflict in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis)

ZYSLING, D.A.; GREIVES, T.J.; DEMAS, G.E.; KETTERSON, E.D.; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University: Effects of Testosterone on Female Aggression and Immune Function: Possible Evidence of Intersexual Conflict in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) Intersexual conflict occurs when a trait that is beneficial to one sex is costly to the other. Conflict can be […]

Conspecific and Heterospecific Song Exposure Accelerates Photoinduced Reproductive Development in the Flexibly Breeding Rufous-winged Sparrow, Aimophila carpalis

SMALL, Thomas W *; DEVICHE, Pierre; SHARP, Peter; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Roslin Inst., Scotland: Conspecific and Heterospecific Song Exposure Accelerates Photoinduced Reproductive Development in the Flexibly Breeding Rufous-winged Sparrow, Aimophila carpalis In most birds, annual changes in day length control seasonal reproductive development and regression. For example, photostimulation induces testicular development in […]

Brood Size Affects Adrenal Responsiveness of Free-living Kittiwake Chicks

BUCK, CLB; O’REILLY, KM; Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; Univ. of Portland: Brood Size Affects Adrenal Responsiveness of Free-living Kittiwake Chicks Secretion of corticosterone by black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla, BLKI) is linked to nutritional state; and sibling aggression, and brood reduction of BLKI are linked to low forage availability. Therefore, we hypothesized that breeding success of […]

The paradox of the weakening combatant trade-off between closing force and gripping speed in a sexually selected combat structure

ALLEN, B.J.*; LEVINTON, J.S.; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook University: The paradox of the weakening combatant: trade-off between closing force and gripping speed in a sexually selected combat structure Previous evidence demonstrates that closing force decreases proportionally as fiddler crab claw size increases. Larger crabs do have greater absolute closing force, but less than would […]

The importance of sexual selection in the maintenance of primate trichromatic vision

FERNANDEZ, A. F.*; MORRIS, M. R.; Ohio University: The importance of sexual selection in the maintenance of primate trichromatic vision. Foraging efficiency theory has dominated the literature on the evolution of primate trichromatic color vision over the past twenty years; however, recent empirical studies propose that its implications may have been over stated. Our analyses […]

Relationships between sexually selected traits and parental quality in dark-eyed juncos

MCGLOTHLIN, J. W.; GAUDIOSO, J. M.; KETTERSON, E. D.; Indiana University, Bloomington; Providence College, RI; Indiana University, Bloomington: Relationships between sexually selected traits and parental quality in dark-eyed juncos Sexually selected traits are often related to some aspect of male quality, enabling females to choose higher-quality males as mates. In species with biparental care, elaboration […]

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