The stress of stopping over oxidative stress associated with long-duration flights and its implications for the ecology of migrants at stopover sites

Meeting Abstract 36.1  Friday, Jan. 4  The stress of stopping over: oxidative stress associated with long-duration flights and its implications for the ecology of migrants at stopover sites. MCWILLIAMS, S.R.*; BAUCHINGER, U.; BOLSER, J.A.; ALAN, R.R.; SMITH, A.D.; SEERAM, N.P.; PIERCE, B.J.; BOYLES, M.; LANGLOIS, L.; GERSON, A.; PRICE, E.; GUGLIELMO, C.; Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston; Univ. […]

Flight metabolic rate as an expression of quality in temperature stressed alfalfa leafcutting bees, Megachile rotundata

Meeting Abstract 36.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Flight metabolic rate as an expression of quality in temperature stressed alfalfa leafcutting bees, Megachile rotundata BENNETT, MM*; OWINGS, A; YOCUM, G; RINEHART, J; GREENLEE, K; North Dakota State University, Fargo; North Dakota State University, Fargo; United States Dept. of Agriculture, Fargo; United States Dept. of Agriculture, Fargo; North Dakota State […]

Energy metabolism of small muscle phenotype mice compared to inbred strains in response to exercise

Meeting Abstract 36.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Energy metabolism of small muscle phenotype mice compared to inbred strains in response to exercise MIDDLETON, KM*; COATS, BR; University of Missouri; University of Chicago In recent years, studies of the skeletal system have revealed that it occupies a central role in whole-organism energy regulation via interactions with the autonomic […]

Direct measurement of starvation-induced shifts in endogenous fuel oxidation in mice

Meeting Abstract 36.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Direct measurement of starvation-induced shifts in endogenous fuel oxidation in mice MCCUE, M.D.; St. Mary’s Univ Fasting animals typically switch from one metabolic substrate to another in the order of carbohydrates, lipids, and then proteins. The timing of these physiological transitions are traditionally estimated using indirect measures of substrate oxidation […]

Adaptations of Elephant Skin for Non-Evaporative and Evaporative Heat Loss

Meeting Abstract 36.6  Friday, Jan. 4  Adaptations of Elephant Skin for Non-Evaporative and Evaporative Heat Loss DUNKIN, R.C.*; WILLIAMS, T.M.; KOOPMAN, H.N.; U.C. Santa Cruz; U.C. Santa Cruz; U.N.C. Wilmington Despite lacking sweat glands, elephants have among the highest rates of cutaneous water loss (CWL) of a variety of arid dwelling herbivores. Though the unique morphology […]

Where’s the Food Copper Impairs Foraging in a Keystone Indicator Species

Meeting Abstract 36.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00  Where’s the Food?: Copper Impairs Foraging in a Keystone Indicator Species LAHMAN, S E*; MOORE, P A; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University Elevated pollution levels can disrupt ecosystem functions by altering a keystone indicator species’ ability to perform behaviors such as foraging, reproduction, or predator avoidance. […]

Metallothionein gene expression differs in populations with different exposure history

Meeting Abstract 36.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:15  Metallothionein gene expression differs in populations with different exposure history MUSTONEN, MS; HAIMI, J; KNOTT, KE*; University of Jyvaskyla; University of Jyvaskyla; University of Jyvaskyla Metal pollutants in soils can harm organisms and decrease species diversity. Species can cope with metal contamination with the help of metallothioneins, small metal-binding […]

Hepatic Melanomacrophage Aggregates and Metal Bioaccumulation in Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)

Meeting Abstract 36.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30  Hepatic Melanomacrophage Aggregates and Metal Bioaccumulation in Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) FRENCH, J.D.*; YOUNG, J.E.; CHUMCHALL, M.M.; BRINKMAN, E.L.; MOORE, B.C.; Louisiana Tech University; Louisiana Tech University; Texas Christian University; Arkansas Game and Fish Commission; Louisiana Tech University Toxic metal contamination of aquatic environments can pose serious health threats […]

Environmental Impact on hemic neoplasia, growth and reproductive output in the softshell clam (Mya arenaria)

Meeting Abstract 36.4  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:45  Environmental Impact on hemic neoplasia, growth and reproductive output in the softshell clam (Mya arenaria). BOETTGER, S.A.; West Chester University Hemic neoplasia a disease in bivalve mollusks characterized by highly mitotic hemocytes is one of the six most destructive molluscan diseases. Efforts to link the onset of this fatal […]

Effects of Corexit 9500A on gill structure and oxygen consumption in Danio rerio

Meeting Abstract 36.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15  Effects of Corexit 9500A on gill structure and oxygen consumption in Danio rerio MOORE, S. L.*; OLIVA, O. M.; WILLIAMS, M. B.; POWELL, M. L.; MEADE, M. E.; ANTONY, V. B.; WATTS, S. A.; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; […]

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