Parasite release in an urban colonizer

Meeting Abstract 35.2  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Parasite release in an urban colonizer WILLIAMS, CK*; MARRA, PP; EZENWA, VO; BREUNER, CW; University of Montana; Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center; University of Georgia; University of Montana Urban habitat is rapidly increasing worldwide, yet we know little about the effects of urbanization on wildlife. Despite diverse challenges presented by cities, […]

Environment, Behavior and Physiology A role for barometric pressure in predicting storms

Meeting Abstract 35.5  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Environment, Behavior and Physiology: A role for barometric pressure in predicting storms? BREUNER, CW*; SPRAGUE, RS; WOODS, HA; The University of Montana; National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; The University of Montana Animals use environmental cues to time annual cycles, fine tune the timing of breeding, or make behavioral decisions on […]

Effects of Environmental Estrogens on Organismal Growth and the Growth Hormone-Insulin-Like-Growth Factor System of Rainbow Trout

Meeting Abstract 35.3  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Effects of Environmental Estrogens on Organismal Growth and the Growth Hormone-Insulin-Like-Growth Factor System of Rainbow Trout HANSON, AM*; SHERIDAN, MA; North Dakota St. Univ. The increasing production, use, and disposal of an expanding array of chemicals that enter the environment pose a serious threat to terrestrial and aquatic animals, as […]

Responses of species to climate change the role of thermal adaptation of thermal reaction norms

Meeting Abstract 35.6  Thursday, Jan. 5  Responses of species to climate change: the role of thermal adaptation of thermal reaction norms SEARS, Michael W*; ANGILLETTA, Michael J; BUCKLEY, Lauren B; Bryn Mawr College; Arizona State University; University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Understanding the responses of organisms to changing climates is one of the more pressing questions […]

Respiratory response of the deep-sea amphipod Stephonyx biscayensis indicates bathymetric range limitation by temperature and hydrostatic pressure

Meeting Abstract 35.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  Respiratory response of the deep-sea amphipod Stephonyx biscayensis indicates bathymetric range limitation by temperature and hydrostatic pressure BROWN, A.*; THATJE, S.; University of Southampton; University of Southampton Depth zonation of fauna on continental margins is well documented. Whilst increasing hydrostatic pressure with depth has long been considered a factor contributing […]

Novel remote sensing technique assesses intertidal habitat and reveals population expansion of West Indian Topshell

Meeting Abstract 35.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  Novel remote sensing technique assesses intertidal habitat and reveals population expansion of West Indian Topshell MEYER, Erin L*; MATZKE, Nicholas J; WILLIAMS, Simon; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Habitat assessments are important for conservation because they establish baselines for spatial distribution and preferred […]

Forecasting the sublethal impacts of climate change no more lizard lovin’ and mussel beaches

Meeting Abstract 35.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Forecasting the sublethal impacts of climate change: no more lizard lovin’ and mussel beaches? HELMUTH, B*; KEARNEY, MR; MATZELLE, A; University of South Carolina, Columbia; University of Melbourne, Victoria; University of South Carolina, Columbia Despite an emphasis on measuring and predicting patterns of mortality and species range boundaries, recent studies […]

Extreme events and biogeography of range boundaries in the European intertidal

Meeting Abstract 35.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  Extreme events and biogeography of range boundaries in the European intertidal WETHEY, DS*; WOODIN, SA; HILBISH, TJ; LIMA, FP; JONES, SJ; Univ South Carolina, Columbia; Univ South Carolina, Columbia; Univ South Carolina, Columbia; CIBIO, Univ Porto, Portugal; NOAA, Washington DC Against the background of several decades of gradual warming, the […]

Development time, seasonality, and body size clines in insects a general explanation

Meeting Abstract 35.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Development time, seasonality, and body size clines in insects: a general explanation? DILLON, M.E.*; FRAZIER, M.R.; University of Wyoming, Laramie; U.S. EPA, Western Ecology Division, Newport, OR Body size clines and their underlying mechanisms have long fascinated ecologists. Bergmann originally documented consistent increases in body size with latitude among endotherm […]

When biomechanics meets biogeochemistry functional correlates of Loggerhead Shrike (Passeriformes Laniidae) feeding ecology based on stable isotopes analysis

Meeting Abstract 35.2  Friday, Jan. 4  When biomechanics meets biogeochemistry: functional correlates of Loggerhead Shrike (Passeriformes: Laniidae) feeding ecology based on stable isotopes analysis SUSTAITA, D*; RUBEGA, M; HARTMAN, G; University of Connecticut, Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology; University of Connecticut, Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology; University of Connecticut, Dept. of Anthropology Loggerhead Shrikes […]

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