Explaining patterns of diversity within ray-finned fish

Meeting Abstract 35.1  Monday, Jan. 5  Explaining patterns of diversity within ray-finned fish SANTINI, F*; CARNEVALE, G; HARMON, LJ; ALFARO, ME; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of Pisa; Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of California, Los Angeles santini@eeb.ucla.edu Using a large molecular timescale we present the first systematic study of the patters of diversity of ray-finned fish, […]

Brain diversity develops at the boundaries

Meeting Abstract 35.3  Monday, Jan. 5  Brain diversity develops at the boundaries SYLVESTER, JB*; RICH, CA; LOH, YE; FRASER, GJ; STREELMAN, JT; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology gth644s@mail.gatech.edu The brain is the best-studied vertebrate organ. Modifications of brain structure are largely responsible […]

Aggression and the diversification of Lake Malawis rock-dwelling cichlids

Meeting Abstract 35.6  Monday, Jan. 5  Aggression and the diversification of Lake Malawis rock-dwelling cichlids DANLEY, Patrick D; Baylor University patrick_danley@baylor.edu Among the rock-dwelling Haplochromine cichlids of Lake Malawi, males must obtain and defend a territory to secure access to females. As a result, aggression plays a critical role in mbuna territoriality. This study examined the patterns […]

Using the fossil record to test phylogeographic and ecological niche model hypotheses about the locations of glacial refugia

Meeting Abstract 35.5  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Using the fossil record to test phylogeographic and ecological niche model hypotheses about the locations of glacial refugia MCGUIRE, JL*; DAVIS, E; ORCUTT, JD; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Oregon; Univ. of Oregon mcguire@berkeley.edu During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), continental ice sheets covered much of the northern portion of […]

The natural history, taxonomic status, and conservation biology of the endangered African treefrog, Leptopelis karissimbensis

Meeting Abstract 35.3  Tuesday, Jan. 5  The natural history, taxonomic status, and conservation biology of the endangered African treefrog, Leptopelis karissimbensis ROELKE, Corey E.*; GREENBAUM, Eli B; The University of Texas at Arlington; The University of Texas at El Paso croelke@uta.edu Leptopelis karissimbensis is a treefrog species endemic to the Albertine Rift of central Africa and is […]

Phylogeny and phylogeography of western toads in the western Great Basin

Meeting Abstract 35.2  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Phylogeny and phylogeography of western toads in the western Great Basin TRACY, CR*; FORISTER, M; HAGERTY, B; SANDMEIER, F; SIMANDLE, E; NOLES, P; BECK, M; FISHER, R; University of Nevada Reno; University of Nevada Reno; University of Nevada Reno; University of Nevada Reno; Paul Smiths University; University of Nevada Reno; University […]

Natural History of Mammals in Native American Art

Meeting Abstract 35.1  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Natural History of Mammals in Native American Art KENAGY, J.; University of Washington kenagy@uw.edu The artwork of indigenous people depicts animals that inhabit their homelands and waters. The ethnology collection of the University of Washington’s Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture contains nearly 2000 contemporary prints representing the Native American […]

Diversity, consumer pressure and resource availability on subtidal rock walls

Meeting Abstract 35.4  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Diversity, consumer pressure and resource availability on subtidal rock walls ELAHI, R*; SEBENS, KP; University of Washington elahi@u.washington.edu Resource competition theory predicts an inverse relationship between species richness and resource availability. More species should more fully exploit available resources, decreasing the rate of colonization by both native and exotic species. Space […]

Using multiple endpoints to determine the effects of atrazine ingestion on gravid female watersnakes and their offspring

Meeting Abstract 35.4  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Using multiple endpoints to determine the effects of atrazine ingestion on gravid female watersnakes and their offspring NEUMAN-LEE, LA*; BAUMGARTNER, KA; VOORHEES, JM; GAINES, KF; MULLIN, SJ; Utah State University; Eastern Illinois University; Eastern Illinois University; Eastern Illinois University; Eastern Illinois University lorin215@gmail.com Ecotoxicological studies that focus on a single endpoint […]

The stress of parenthood Relationships between reproductive investment and glucocorticoid concentrations in Tree Swallows

Meeting Abstract 35.1  Wednesday, Jan. 5  The stress of parenthood? Relationships between reproductive investment and glucocorticoid concentrations in Tree Swallows BONIER, F*; MOORE, IT; Queen’s University; Virginia Tech bonierf@queensu.ca Glucocorticoid, or stress hormone, concentrations may reflect the level of environmental challenges confronting an individual. In general, elevated glucocorticoids are thought to indicate an individual in trouble – […]

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