Comparative Evolution of Trophic Morphology Among the East African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi, Victoria, and Tanganyika

Meeting Abstract 34.1  Monday, Jan. 5  Comparative Evolution of Trophic Morphology Among the East African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi, Victoria, and Tanganyika COOPER, W. J.*; MCINTYRE, A. M.; MCGEE-MOORE, A. C.; KERN, B. S.; ALBERTSON, R. C.; Syracuse University; Syracuse University; Syracuse University; Syracuse University; Syracuse University The explosive trophic divergences among East African Rift Lake […]

XROMM analysis of rib kinematics and intercostal muscle strain during breathing in Iguana iguana

Meeting Abstract 34.3  Tuesday, Jan. 5  XROMM analysis of rib kinematics and intercostal muscle strain during breathing in Iguana iguana BRAINERD, E.L.*; RITTER, D.A.; DAWSON, M.M.; SULLIVAN, A.; Brown University The functions of external intercostal (EI) and internal intercostal (II) muscles have been debated for centuries. In this study we used X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology […]

Muscle-tendon architecture shapes conditions for economical force production

Meeting Abstract 34.1  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Muscle-tendon architecture shapes conditions for economical force production SAWICKI, G. S.*; ROBERTS, T. J.; Univ. North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NC State University; Brown University During cyclic movements (e.g. running, walking), muscle fibers at distal joints save metabolic energy by producing force nearly isometrically, avoiding costly mechanical work. Series […]

In- vivo determination of 3D muscle architecture of the human triceps surae using free hand ultrasound

Meeting Abstract 34.5  Tuesday, Jan. 5  In- vivo determination of 3D muscle architecture of the human triceps surae using free hand ultrasound RANA, M*; HAMARNEH, G; WAKELING, J.M; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Muscle fibre architecture is one of the main factors that determine muscle function. Muscle fascicles can […]

Geared up to stretch pinnate muscle behavior during active lengthening

Meeting Abstract 34.2  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Geared up to stretch: pinnate muscle behavior during active lengthening AZIZI, E*; ROBERTS, TJ; Brown University; Brown University Many locomotor activities require muscles to actively lengthen and absorb energy in order to decelerate the body. These eccentric contractions can disrupt cytoskeletal structures within myofibrils and reduce force output. Here we […]

Functional morphology of the radialis muscle in shark tails

Meeting Abstract 34.4  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Functional morphology of the radialis muscle in shark tails FLAMMANG, B.E.; Harvard University The functional morphology of intrinsic caudal musculature in sharks has not been studied previously, although the kinematics and function of body musculature have been the focus of a great deal of research. In the tail, ventral to […]

Building a robotic link between muscle dynamics and hydrodynamics

Meeting Abstract 34.6  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Building a robotic link between muscle dynamics and hydrodynamics RICHARDS, Christopher/T; Harvard University Physiologists have long appreciated that the temporal pattern of muscle force depends on the level of neural activation and the shortening velocity against a load. This well-established relationship has enabled modeling of interactions between muscle activation and […]

The effect of physical perturbation on behavior an example from yellow-chinned anole (Anolis gundlachi)

Meeting Abstract 34.4  Wednesday, Jan. 5  The effect of physical perturbation on behavior: an example from yellow-chinned anole (Anolis gundlachi) KUO, CY*; IRSCHICK, DJ; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst Fulfilling energy requirements and evading predation are crucial to organismal survival. As both foraging and anti-predatory behaviors typically involve locomotion, locomotor performance (e.g., sprinting, […]

Mechanisms driving winner and loser effects in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis)

Meeting Abstract 34.6  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Mechanisms driving winner and loser effects in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) GARCIA, Mark J*; EARLEY, Ryan L; University of Alabama; University of Alabama Fighting experience can alter an individual’s probability of winning future contests; victory begets victory (winner effect) while defeat begets defeat (loser effect). The presence, magnitude, […]

Lost Gills and Low Oxygen Respiratory Ecology of Damselfly Larvae

Meeting Abstract 34.5  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Lost Gills and Low Oxygen: Respiratory Ecology of Damselfly Larvae SESTERHENN, T.M.*; REARDON, E.E.; CHAPMAN, L.J.; Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington; McGill Univ., Montreal, PQ; McGill Univ., Montreal, PQ Oxygen limitation is an important influence on the ecology of aquatic animals. The respiratory ecology of larval damselflies is of particular interest […]

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