Meeting Abstract 33.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Distal-less and dachshund pattern both plesiomorphic and apomorphic structures in chelicerates: RNAinterference in the harvestman Phalangium opilio (Opiliones) SHARMA, P/P*; SCHWAGER, E/E; GIRIBET, G; JOCKUSCH, E/L; EXTAVOUR, C/G; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University; University of Connecticut; Harvard University The discovery of genetic mechanisms whereby a morphological structure is transformed […]
sessions: Session 33
Visual Sensitivities of Deep Water Fishes in Lake Superior
Meeting Abstract 33.5 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00 Visual Sensitivities of Deep Water Fishes in Lake Superior HARRINGTON, K.A.*; HRABIK, T.R.; ALLEN, A.F.; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota ; University of Minnesota The mid and deep water trophic interactions have been well established in Lake Superior. The primary predator, siscowet, a fatty morphotype of lake trout […]
The ontogeny of an iridescent nanostructure composed of hollow melanosomes
Meeting Abstract 33.1 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:00 The ontogeny of an iridescent nanostructure composed of hollow melanosomes SHAWKEY, MD*; D’ALBA, L; XIAO, M; BUCHHOLZ, R; University of Akron; University of Akron; University of Akron; University of Mississippi Iridescent feathers are among the most colorful objects in nature and are model systems for the evolution of sexually […]
Pax3 and the genetic basis of variation in levels and integration of pigmentation in cichlid fishes
Meeting Abstract 33.3 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30 Pax3 and the genetic basis of variation in levels and integration of pigmentation in cichlid fishes ALBERTSON, RC*; POWDER, KE; HU, Y; COYLE, KP; ROBERTS, RB; PARSONS, KJ; UMass; UMass; UMass; NCSU; NCSU; Univ. Glasgow Variation in pigmentation type and levels is a hallmark of myriad evolutionary radiations, and […]
Flashing in Ctenoides ales “disco clams” Structure and function in an ecological context
Meeting Abstract 33.2 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15 Flashing in Ctenoides ales “disco clams”: Structure and function in an ecological context DOUGHERTY, LF*; CALDWELL, RL; JOHNSEN, S; MARSHALL, J; University of California, Berkeley The disco or electric clam, Ctenoides ales, has a bright photic display that is the result of highly reflective tissue and localized mantle lip […]
Dynamic Polarization Signaling in Swordtails Alters Female Mate Preference
Meeting Abstract 33.4 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:45 Dynamic Polarization Signaling in Swordtails Alters Female Mate Preference CALABRESE, G.M.*; BRADY, P.; GRUEV, V.; CUMMINGS, M.E.; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin; Washington University in St. Louis; University of Texas at Austin Polarization of the light field—and visual sensitivity to it—is pervasive across aquatic […]
Color vision in a deep sea crustacean, the hyperiid amphipod Paraphronima gracilis
Meeting Abstract 33.8 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:45 Color vision in a deep sea crustacean, the hyperiid amphipod Paraphronima gracilis BALDWIN FERGUS, JL; Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History The mesopelagic realm, oceanic depths of 200 to 1000 meters, is often described as the twilight zone. Here, the struggle to perceive dim down-welling light and bioluminescent point […]
Clearly camouflaged muscle architecture in transparent shrimp
Meeting Abstract 33.7 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:30 Clearly camouflaged: muscle architecture in transparent shrimp BAGGE, L.E.*; KIER, W.M.; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Duke University Transparency is a common camouflage strategy for small, thin, or gelatinous animals inhabiting pelagic environments, but is rare among larger species with more complex body […]
Variation in life history of the amphipod Corophium volutator in the Bay of Fundy effects of temperature and shorebird predation
Meeting Abstract 33.3 Monday, Jan. 5 08:45 Variation in life history of the amphipod Corophium volutator in the Bay of Fundy: effects of temperature and shorebird predation WILSON, W.H.; Colby College The amphipod, Corophium volutator, is the primary prey for Semipalmated Sandpipers in the upper Bay of Fundy during fall migration. In the upper Bay, Corophium […]
Life after the mudflat adventures of a scientist, lawyer and artisan
Meeting Abstract 33.6 Monday, Jan. 5 09:15 Life after the mudflat: adventures of a scientist, lawyer and artisan BRENCHLEY, G.A.M.*; Retired Scientists today have many career options. One of the biggest challenges after academia is identifying which career(s) comport to one’s skills, personality, and interests. Entry into some alternative careers can be challenging yet frustrating. Many […]