Meeting Abstract 32.6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Morphological and Kinematic Variation in Upper Jaw Protrusion in Cypriniform Fishes STAAB, KL*; FERRY-GRAHAM, LA; HERNANDEZ, LP; George Washington University; Moss Landing Marine Labs; George Washington University Cypriniformes is a diverse clade of freshwater fishes that likely owes some of its success to the novel feeding mechanism employed by members […]
sessions: Session 32
Filter feeding in hemichordate worms and the evolution of the vertebrate adenohypophysis
Meeting Abstract 32.2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Filter feeding in hemichordate worms and the evolution of the vertebrate adenohypophysis GONZALEZ, P; CAMERON*, CB**; Université de Montréal; Université de Montréal Observations on the hemichordate worm Protoglossus graveolens demonstrate that the gill slits, pre-oral ciliary organ and the lining of the cylindrical pharynx are used in filter feeding. Pumping […]
Feeding kinematics of three batoid species Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), yellow stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis) and clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria)
Meeting Abstract 32.11 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Feeding kinematics of three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), yellow stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis) and clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria). MULVANY, SL*; MOTTA, PJ; Univ. S Florida, Tampa Many batoids utilize their body to pin benthic organisms against the substrate during feeding. While this general prey capture technique is well known, […]
Feeding behavior and jaw kinematics in Ptychocheilus lucius, an endangered, cyprinid piscivore
Meeting Abstract 32.5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Feeding behavior and jaw kinematics in Ptychocheilus lucius, an endangered, cyprinid piscivore. BURNETTE, M.F.*; GIBB, A.C.; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University Prey capture in piscivorous fishes is thought to be restricted by two factors: the body depth of the prey and the size of the predators mouth gape; previous […]
Feeding Morphology and Bite Force Generation in Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrnidae)
Meeting Abstract 32.10 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Feeding Morphology and Bite Force Generation in Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrnidae) MARA, Kyle R.*; MOTTA, Philip J.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Hammerhead sharks offer a unique opportunity to study form and function through phylogeny. Because sphyrnid sharks posses cranial morphologies with extreme variation, they can be used […]
Contingency and determinism in the trophic apparatus of threespine stickleback implications for adaptive evolution
Meeting Abstract 32.7 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Contingency and determinism in the trophic apparatus of threespine stickleback: implications for adaptive evolution MCGEE, MD*; WAINWRIGHT, PC; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis Adaptive evolution is often thought to proceed in a deterministic fashion, with chance and contingency playing only a minor role as the population ascends […]
Temperature insensitivity of prey-capture dynamics in Rana pipiens reveals an elastic recoil mechanism
Meeting Abstract 32.1 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Temperature insensitivity of prey-capture dynamics in Rana pipiens reveals an elastic recoil mechanism SANDUSKY, P.E.*; DEBAN, S.M.; University of South Florida, Tampa; University of South Florida, Tampa In ectotherms, thermal independence in the kinematics and dynamics of a movement suggests that an underlying physical mechanism, such as elastic recoil, powers […]
Modulation of the movements of the trophic and locomotor systems in response to prey size and velocity in Lizards
Meeting Abstract 32.3 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Modulation of the movements of the trophic and locomotor systems in response to prey size and velocity in Lizards MONTUELLE, Stephane J*; HERREL, Anthony; LIBOUREL, Paul-Antoine; DAILLIE, Sandra; BELS, Vincent; Ohio University; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle – Paris; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle – Paris; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle – Paris; Museum […]
Modulation in the Strike Kinematics of the Ant-lion Larvae, Myrmeleon crudelis
Meeting Abstract 32.2 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Modulation in the Strike Kinematics of the Ant-lion Larvae, Myrmeleon crudelis LAMBERT, E.P.*; MOTTA, P.J.; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida Ant-lions are pit-building larvae (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), which possess relatively large mandibles used for catching and consuming prey. Few studies involving terrestrial arthropod larvae have investigated feeding kinematics […]
Empirical Standardization of Bite-force Performance
Meeting Abstract 32.5 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Empirical Standardization of Bite-force Performance LAPPIN, A.K.**; JONES, M.E.H.; California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona; University College London Essential aspects of measuring animal performance are elicitation of maximum effort and standardization for behavioral variation among trials, so as to capture maximum voluntary performance. Bite force, second only to locomotion in terms […]