Meeting Abstract 32.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Growing pains: the ontogeny of mantle muscle morphology, mechanics, and jetting in squids THOMPSON, J.T.*; BAKSI, A.E.; ROSS, K.E.; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA Squids (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) of all ages move using pulsed jets. The mantle and […]
sessions: Session 32
Forelimb muscle activity in swimming sliders and sea turtles are muscle activation patterns conserved
Meeting Abstract 32.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Forelimb muscle activity in swimming sliders and sea turtles: are muscle activation patterns conserved? RIVERA, A.R.V.*; WYNEKEN, J.; BLOB, R.W.; Clemson Univ; Florida Atlantic Univ; Clemson Univ Tetrapod limbs have been modified numerous times through evolution to yield a diverse array of forms. New locomotor behaviors might arise through evolutionary […]
Allometry of maximal muscular power output in corvids
Meeting Abstract 32.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Allometry of maximal muscular power output in corvids JACKSON, B.E.; Univ. of Montana, Missoula Body size has observable influences on virtually all aspects of animal biology, yet we lack detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying many of these patterns. In an effort to examine the allometry of locomotor performance […]
Sexual Dimorphism and Seasonal Variation in the Harderian Gland of the Red-sided Garter Snake
Meeting Abstract 32.2 Monday, Jan. 5 Sexual Dimorphism and Seasonal Variation in the Harderian Gland of the Red-sided Garter Snake MASON, R.T.*; ERICKSON, S. M.; HALPERN, M.; Oregon State University; Oregon State University; SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn The Harderian gland of the red-sided garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, is a secretory structure that plays a […]
Evidence for chemical signalling systems (Glutamate, GABA and Nitric Oxide) involved in coordinated body contractions of Ephydatia muelleri
Meeting Abstract 32.1 Monday, Jan. 5 Evidence for chemical signalling systems (Glutamate, GABA and Nitric Oxide) involved in coordinated body contractions of Ephydatia muelleri. ELLIOTT, Glen RD*; LEYS, Sally P; University of Alberta Sponges are benthic suspension feeders that are considered to lack a tissue level of organization, sensory cells and coordinated behaviour. Recent molecular and […]
The implications of mouthbrooding on feeding performance of two closely related cichlid species
Meeting Abstract 32.8 Tuesday, Jan. 5 The implications of mouthbrooding on feeding performance of two closely related cichlid species TKINT, T.*; VERHEYEN, E.; ADRIAENS, D.; Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium ; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural History, Brussels, Belgium; Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium The cichlids of the East African […]
Syngnathid feeding apparatus morphology long vs short snouts
Meeting Abstract 32.9 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Syngnathid feeding apparatus morphology: long vs short snouts LEYSEN, H.*; ROOS, G.; VAN WASSENBERGH, S.; ADRIAENS, D.; Ghent University, Belgium; University of Antwerp, Belgium; University of Antwerp, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium The family Syngnathidae (Gasterosteiformes) encompasses pipefishes and seahorses, which are characterized by an elongated snout with small terminal jaws. […]
Suckermouth armoured catfishes crack the paradox between respiration and suckermouth attachment
Meeting Abstract 32.3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Suckermouth armoured catfishes crack the paradox between respiration and suckermouth attachment GEERINCKX, Tom*; HERREL, Anthony; ADRIAENS, Dominique; Ghent University, Belgium; Musée National de l’Histoire Naturelle, France; Ghent University, Belgium Suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) use their suckermouth for respiration, feeding, and attachment to substrates. The combination of respiration and suction attachment […]
Prey processing in chimaeroid fishes
Meeting Abstract 32.1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Prey processing in chimaeroid fishes FERRY-GRAHAM, LA*; HUBER, DR; DEAN, M; CLAES, JM; MALLEFET, J; California State Univ.; Univ. of Tampa; Univ. of California Irvine; Univ. Catholique de Louvain; Univ. Catholique de Louvain Holocephalans are uniquely derived for durophagy: the upper jaw is fused to the neurocranium (holostyly), and all […]
Prey acceptance and feeding kinematics in native and non-native fishes from Colorado River tributaries, or “My what a big mouth you haveâ€
Meeting Abstract 32.4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Prey acceptance and feeding kinematics in native and non-native fishes from Colorado River tributaries, or “My what a big mouth you have!” GIBB, A.C.; ARENA, A.*; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University The American Southwest is home to a diverse fish fauna that has been imperiled by the introduction of […]