Lizards, eggs, and ultrasound testing the efficacy of quantifying reproductive effort in squamate reptiles using portable ultrasonography

GILMAN, Casey*; WOLF, Blair; University of New Mexico: Lizards, eggs, and ultrasound: testing the efficacy of quantifying reproductive effort in squamate reptiles using portable ultrasonography. Most studies of reproductive effort in lizards have required that individuals be sacrificed to obtain population level data on life history traits such as clutch and egg size. While this […]

Clutch-specific Sensitivity to Estrogen in a Turtle with Temperature-dependent Sex Determination

DODD, K.L.**; WIBBELS, T.; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham: Clutch-specific Sensitivity to Estrogen in a Turtle with Temperature-dependent Sex Determination Most turtles exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination in which the incubation temperature of the egg determines the sex of the embryo. Previous studies have revealed clutch-specific variation in the pivotal temperature of sex […]

Testing the free radical theory of aging hypothesis physiological differences in long lived and short lived Colubrid snakes

Meeting Abstract 32.2  Jan. 5  Testing the “free radical theory of aging” hypothesis: physiological differences in long lived and short lived Colubrid snakes ROBERT, K.A*; BRONIKOWSKI, A.M; Iowa State University; Iowa State University We test the �free radical theory of aging� using 6 species of Colubrid snakes (numerous, widely distributed, non-venomous snakes of the family Colubridae) […]

Seasonal variation in Resting Metabolic Rates (RMR) and Daily Energy Expenditures (DEE)

Meeting Abstract 32.1  Jan. 5  Seasonal variation in Resting Metabolic Rates (RMR) and Daily Energy Expenditures (DEE) SZAFRANSKA, Paulina A.*; ZUB, Karol; KONARZEWSKI, Marek; SPEAKMAN, John R.; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sicences; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sicences; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sicences and Univesity of Bialystok; University of Aberdeen The […]

Na+,K+-ATPase immunolocalization, activity and gene expression in Mugil auratus fry gills after acclimated to artificial salinities

Meeting Abstract 32.6  Jan. 5  Na+,K+-ATPase immunolocalization, activity and gene expression in Mugil auratus fry gills: after acclimated to artificial salinities KHODABANDEH, Saber*; SHAHRIARI MOGHADDAM, Mohsen; ABTAHI, Behroz; Univ. of Tarbiat Modarres, Tehran, IRAN The immunolocalization, activity, quantitative analysis of intensity and gene expression of the Na+,K+-ATPase in the gills of the golden grey mullet fry, […]

Circadian Pattern of Plasma Corticosterone and Binding Globulins in Mice Selectively Bred for High Activity Levels

Meeting Abstract 32.3  Jan. 5  Circadian Pattern of Plasma Corticosterone and Binding Globulins in Mice Selectively Bred for High Activity Levels MALISCH, J.L.**; GOMES, F.; BREUNER, C.W.; GARLAND, JR., T.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of California, Riverside In vertebrates, baseline glucocorticoids vary predictably on a diel basis, typically […]

Are there physiological differences between the photoreceptors of juvenile and adult ontogenetic migrators

Meeting Abstract 32.5  Jan. 5  Are there physiological differences between the photoreceptors of juvenile and adult ontogenetic migrators? FRANK, T.M.; Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, FL For all visually competent organisms, the driving force behind the adaptation of photoreceptors involves obtaining the best balance of resolution to sensitivity in the prevailing light regime, as in […]

&946;-Glucocerebrosidase activity in stratum corneum of House Sparrows following acclimation to high or low humidity

Meeting Abstract 32.4  Jan. 5  β-Glucocerebrosidase activity in stratum corneum of House Sparrows following acclimation to high or low humidity COX, Robert M*; MUNOZ-GARCIA, Agusti; JURKOWITZ, Marianne; WILLIAMS, Joseph B; Ohio State University; Ohio State University; Ohio State University; Ohio State University Skin is an important avenue for water loss, so environmental conditions that necessitate water […]

Neuromuscular control of mechanical power output in hummingbirds I EMG recordings from pectoral muscles

Meeting Abstract 32.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Neuromuscular control of mechanical power output in hummingbirds I: EMG recordings from pectoral muscles WELCH, D.B.*; WELCH, K.C.; ALTSHULER, D.L.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Electromyogram recordings (EMGs) of exercising muscle from most vertebrate organisms, including birds, display compound waveforms representing the summed […]

Morphological and functional investigation of the radialis muscle in shark tails

Meeting Abstract 32.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Morphological and functional investigation of the radialis muscle in shark tails FLAMMANG, B.E.; Harvard University Although the swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics of heterocercal tails in elasmobranchs have been studied previously, the locomotor functions of the internal morphological structures of the caudal fin remain largely unexplored. The morphology and function of […]

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