KROCHMAL, A.R.*; BAKKEN, G.S.; LADUC, T.J.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University; University of Texas, Austin: The role of facial pits in pitviper thermoregulation: behavioral and phylogenetic perspectives Pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) possess unique organs, the facial pits, which allow them to detect subtle temperature fluctuations within their environments. It was previously thought that these organs […]
sessions: Session 32
The evolution of dewlap size in Anolis carolinensis
VANHOOYDONCK, B*; HERREL, A; MEYERS, J; IRSCHICK, DJ; University of Antwerp, Belgium; University of Antwerp, Belgium; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff; Tulane University, New Orleans: The evolution of dewlap size in Anolis carolinensis Secondary sexual traits are believed to function as signals of a male�s quality (i.e. mating success and survival). By investigating how the size […]
The effects of early social environment on the exploratory behavior of prairie voles Evaluation of methodologies
LEE, DN; TANG-MARTINEZ, Z; Univ of Missouri, St. Louis; Univ of Missouri, St. Louis: The effects of early social environment on the exploratory behavior of prairie voles: Evaluation of methodologies In this study, I examined the effects of pre-weaning social environment on exploratory behavior of prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster . I predicted that individuals that […]
The effect of hatching timing and substrate type on performance and behavior of a direct-developing frog
BUCKLEY, Christine R.; MICHAEL, Scott F.; IRSCHICK, Duncan J.; Tulane University; Tulane University; Tulane University: The effect of hatching timing and substrate type on performance and behavior of a direct-developing frog The timing of hatching can have profound consequences for juvenile fitness in ectotherms. Potentially fatal threats may create a tradeoff between hatching early to […]
Song Repertoire Size and Immunosuppression in Song Sparrows
PFAFF, J. A.*; PANCZUK, J. K.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, S. A.; Univ. of Western Ontario; Queen’s Univ.; Univ. of Western Ontario: Song Repertoire Size and Immunosuppression in Song Sparrows In many species of songbirds, song repertoire size has been found to be an important determinant of mate choice. Lab studies using song sparrows have demonstrated a female […]
Patterns of herbivory in leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes)
MIKHEYEV, AS; University of Texas at Austin: Patterns of herbivory in leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes) Leaf cutting ants are dominant herbivores of neotropical forests harvesting 12-17% of the leaves around their nests and possessing remarkable dietary breadth. In contrast with other studies, which assumed that leaf cutter foraging is guided by interspecific vairability in plant […]
Movement, Home Range and Core Area Use Patterns in Two Populations of North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis)
BOEGE-TOBIN, D.D.*; TANG-MARTINEZ, Z.; BOURNE, G.R.; Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis; Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis; Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis: Movement, Home Range and Core Area Use Patterns in Two Populations of North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis). North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) were radio-implanted and subsequently tracked for 11-20 months at two locations in Missouri. […]
Marine Mammals as Ocean Sensors
COSTA, D.P.*; KLINCK, J; HOFMAN, E; BURNS, J.M.; FEDAK, M.A.; CROCKER, D.E.; Univ of California, Santa Cruz; Old Dominion University; Old Dominion University; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Sea Mammal Research Unit; Sonoma State University; ; : Marine Mammals as Ocean Sensors An exciting, development from observations of diving predators such as marine mammals, fish and […]
In Search of Fluctuating Asymmetry No Evidence among Midges Parasitized by Mites
EDWARDS, D.D.; Univ. of Evansville: In Search of Fluctuating Asymmetry: No Evidence among Midges Parasitized by Mites Studies involving a variety of host-parasite systems have reported a positive relationship between parasitism and fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Hosts with higher levels of FA may be more susceptible to parasitism. Alternatively, parasites can increase FA of hosts through […]
Group size, group composition, and behavioral correlates in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia, USA
BEECHING, Simon C.; RYAN, Wendy L.; SCHOFIELD, David; ANSWINI, Albert; Marine Science Consortium; Marine Science Consortium; Marine Science Consortium; Marine Science Consortium: Group size, group composition, and behavioral correlates in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia, USA The behavioral biology of bottlenose dolphins is characterized by a complex of stereo-typed behavior performed within […]