Observing skeletal evolution in real time preliminary results from an artificial selection experiment in laboratory mice

Meeting Abstract 32.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Observing skeletal evolution in real time: preliminary results from an artificial selection experiment in laboratory mice. ROLIAN, C*; DOWHANIK, A; KRUEGER, C; HALLGRIMSSON, B; University of Calgary cprolian@ucalgary.ca Vertebrates show tremendous diversity in the morphology of the postcranial skeleton. This diversity is the long-term result of evolutionary forces acting on population-level […]

Multiple origins of the adipose fin and the morphological diversification of novel vertebrate appendages

Meeting Abstract 32.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Multiple origins of the adipose fin and the morphological diversification of novel vertebrate appendages STEWART, TA; Univ. of Chicago tomstewart@uchicago.edu Adipose fins are appendages found between the dorsal and caudal fins of some teleost fishes. Their evolutionary history is poorly understood, as is their function. These fins are often regarded as […]

Getting a grip on grasping in carnivorans a three-dimensional analysis of forelimb shape

Meeting Abstract 32.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Getting a grip on grasping in carnivorans: a three-dimensional analysis of forelimb shape FABRE, A-C*; SLATER, G; CORNETTE, R; PEIGNé, S; GOSWAMI, A; POUYDEBAT, E; CNRS and MNHN, France ; University College London, UK ; Smithonian Institution, Washington, DC; MNHN, Paris, France; CNRS and MNHN, Paris, France; University College London, UK; […]

Evolution and Kinematics of Pectoral Fins in Malawi Cichlids

Meeting Abstract 32.6  Friday, Jan. 4  Evolution and Kinematics of Pectoral Fins in Malawi Cichlids RUPP, M.F.*; HULSEY, C.D.; University of Tennessee Knoxville; University of Tennessee Knoxville mrupp@utk.edu In adaptive radiations such as Malawi cichlids there is a high degree of variation in the way pectoral fins are used in locomotion during feeding and other routine activities. […]

Reanalysis of microRNAs reveals an archosaur rather than a lepidosaur affinity for turtles

Meeting Abstract 32.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:15  Reanalysis of microRNAs reveals an archosaur rather than a lepidosaur affinity for turtles FIELD, D.J.*; KING, B.L.; GAUTHIER, J.A.; PETERSON, K.J.; Yale University; Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory; Yale University; Dartmouth College daniel.field@yale.edu The phylogenetic interrelationships of the major amniote clades have received considerable attention in the last decade. Specifically, […]

Problems with dating a nudibranch age and ancestral range reconstruction of the genus Acanthodoris Gray, 1850 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia)

Meeting Abstract 32.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30  Problems with dating a nudibranch: age and ancestral range reconstruction of the genus Acanthodoris Gray, 1850 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia) HALLAS, JM*; GOSLINER, TM; San Francisco State University; California Academy of Sciences jhallas@calacademy.org In the absence of a reliable fossil record, the use of geological events to calibrate a relaxed molecular […]

Phylogeography of the Four-lined Skinks, Plestiodon tetragrammus, in the Balcones Escarpment region of Texas

Meeting Abstract 32.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00  Phylogeography of the Four-lined Skinks, Plestiodon tetragrammus, in the Balcones Escarpment region of Texas MOSELEY, M. A.*; COX, C. L.; CHIPPINDALE, P. T.; University of Texas-Arlington; University of Virginia; University of Texas-Arlington mmoseley@uta.edu Characterizing patterns of biodiversity is important for understanding the mechanisms underlying diversity and has broad applications for […]

Origin and Lineage-Specific Evolution of Ligand-gated Ion Channels in Basal Metazoans and Bilaterians

Meeting Abstract 32.1  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:00  Origin and Lineage-Specific Evolution of Ligand-gated Ion Channels in Basal Metazoans and Bilaterians KOHN, A.B.*; MOROZ, L.L.; UF, Whitney lab; UF, Whitney lab and Dept of Neuroscience abkohn@msn.com Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) or ionotropic receptors are transmembrane ion channels that are opened or closed in response to the binding of […]

Getting inside the head of ancient ray-finned fishes

Meeting Abstract 32.4  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:45  Getting inside the head of ancient ray-finned fishes GILES, S*; FRIEDMAN, M; University of Oxford, UK; University of Oxford, UK sam.giles@earth.ox.ac.uk The endocranial cavity is found inside the skull of vertebrates, and represents the space in which the brain and associated nervous tissues sit. During fossilisation, these soft tissues rot […]

Genomic imprints of freshwater transitions in the Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)

Meeting Abstract 32.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15  Genomic imprints of freshwater transitions in the Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) VELOTTA, J.P.*; SCHULTZ, E.T.; JUE, N.; O’NEILL, R.J.; MICHALAK, P.; MCCORMICK, S.D.; University of Connecticut; University of Connecticut; University of Connecticut; University of Connecticut; Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech; Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center, United States Geological Survey jonathan.velotta@gmail.com […]

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