Food supplementation promotes molt and not reproduction in a tropical bird

Meeting Abstract 30.1  Monday, Jan. 4  Food supplementation promotes molt and not reproduction in a tropical bird CLASS, A.M.*; MOORE, I.T.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Tropical vertebrates typically exhibit a ‘slow pace of life’ syndrome relative to their higher latitude counterparts. Characteristics of this syndrome include delayed maturation, slowed aging, low fecundity and high annual survival. […]

Correlation between differences in CRF levels and behavior in wild-trapped kangaroo rats

Meeting Abstract 30.3  Monday, Jan. 4  Correlation between differences in CRF levels and behavior in wild-trapped kangaroo rats CSIKAR, E.J.*; VALENTINO, R.J.; WALSBERG, G.E.; ASU; C.H.O.P.; ASU In laboratory studies in which CRF was administered to animals in a novel environment, animals showed an increase in vigilance, a reduction in ambulatory movement, and increased levels of […]

Acanthamoeba spp Distribution in a Chesapeake Bay Tributary After Sewage Treatment Upgrade

Meeting Abstract 30.0  Monday, Jan. 4  Acanthamoeba spp. Distribution in a Chesapeake Bay Tributary After Sewage Treatment Upgrade MUNSON, Donald A.; Washington College The large diversity of amoebae species in soils and sewage sludge reported by Singh and Hanumaih (Monograph No. 1 of the Association of Microbiologists of India, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 1979) was found […]

The function of trabeculae in the accessory heart wall of squid

Meeting Abstract 30.2  Wednesday, Jan. 5  The function of trabeculae in the accessory heart wall of squid BARBANO, Duane L.*; NISHIKAWA, Kiisa C. ; UYENO, Theodore A. ; Northern Arizona University An interesting question arises in surveying the diverse morphologies of hearts: Why is there so much variation in the three-dimensional structure of the luminal surface […]

Running guinea fowl prefer to expire at foot down Coordination patterns of step and ventilatory cycles

Meeting Abstract 30.4  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Running guinea fowl prefer to expire at foot down: Coordination patterns of step and ventilatory cycles MARKLEY, J.S.; University of Utah Sustained locomotion requires continuous lung ventilation. How birds coordinate cursorial locomotion and breathing is largely unknown. Locomotion and ventilation would be expected to be coordinated such that steps positively […]

Patterns of pressure in the thorax of a carabid beetle

Meeting Abstract 30.5  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Patterns of pressure in the thorax of a carabid beetle COX, L.M.*; SOCHA, J.J.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Many insect species are known to breathe using active ventilation of the tracheal system. Rhythmic tracheal compression (RTC) is one form of active ventilation in which parts of the insect’s tracheal system […]

Origin of the in-series circulation in amniotes

Meeting Abstract 30.3  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Origin of the in-series circulation in amniotes OWERKOWICZ, T.*; SPIKINGS, T.; ELSEY, R.M.; HICKS, J.W.; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, LA; UC Irvine Among tetrapods, mammals and birds possess a derived in-series circulatory design. The capacity to shunt blood between systemic and pulmonary circuits, as found […]

Energetics of burrowing by the cirratulid polychaete, Cirriformia moorei

Meeting Abstract 30.1  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Energetics of burrowing by the cirratulid polychaete, Cirriformia moorei DORGAN, Kelly M.*; LEFEBVRE, Stephane C.; STILLMAN, Jonathon H.; KOEHL, M. A. R.; University of California, Berkeley; Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University; Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University; University of California, Berkeley […]

Do gut movements induce tracheal collapse in carabid beetles

Meeting Abstract 30.6  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Do gut movements induce tracheal collapse in carabid beetles? PENDAR, H.*; SOCHA, J.J.; Virginia Tech Some insects actively produce volume changes of the tracheal system to augment gas exchange. Respiratory tracheal structures (tracheae, air sacs, and tracheoles) are chitin-based membranous composites capable of deformation given sufficient pressure or mechanical force. […]

The effects of high carbohydrate versus high protein diet on body composition, endurance flight capacity and fuel mixture in a migratory songbird

Meeting Abstract 30.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  The effects of high carbohydrate versus high protein diet on body composition, endurance flight capacity and fuel mixture in a migratory songbird GUGLIELMO, C.G.*; GERSON, A.R.; Univ. of Western Ontario; Univ. of Western Ontario Migratory birds eat a wide variety of diets, and some switch diets during migration. A typical […]

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