A Molecular Timescale For Snakes

Meeting Abstract 30.8  Friday, Jan. 4  A Molecular Timescale For Snakes ALAMILLO, Hugo*; ALFARO, Michael E.; Washington State University; Washington State University halamillo@wsu.edu Despite a rich fossil record and a flurry of recent studies of snake origins, patterns of snake diversification remain poorly understood. Many hypotheses of snake evolution, such as accelerated diversification of colubroids during the […]

A Combined-Evidence of Anguimorpha (Reptilia, Squamata)

Meeting Abstract 30.11  Friday, Jan. 4  A Combined-Evidence of Anguimorpha (Reptilia, Squamata) CONRAD, JL*; NORELL, MA; AST, JC; AMNH; AMNH; Univ Mich jconrad@amnh.org Anguimorpha is a clade of limbed and limbless squamates with 181 extant species and a fossil record spanning 100 million years. Morphology-based (MB) and molecule/genetic-based (GB) phylogenetic analyses find contrasting hypotheses for phylogenetic relationships […]

Sickness behavior and fever vary among free-living sparrows along a life history gradient

Meeting Abstract 30.3  Monday, Jan. 5  Sickness behavior and fever vary among free-living sparrows along a life history gradient ADELMAN, J. S.*; WIKELSKI, M. C.; HAU, M.; Princeton University; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology jsadelma@princeton.edu Studies in ecological immunology suggest that organisms trade-off the limited resources of time, nutrients, and energy between […]

Latitudinal Variation in Winter Immune Function in a Differential Migrant

Meeting Abstract 30.1  Monday, Jan. 5  Latitudinal Variation in Winter Immune Function in a Differential Migrant O’NEAL, DM*; SWANGER, L; KETTERSON, ED; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University daoneal@indiana.edu Sex differences in migratory behavior (differential migration) can give rise to sexual segregation during the non-breeding season. The dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) is one such differential migrant with […]

Evidence for a trade-off between immunity and reproduction in the pregnant Siberian hamster

Meeting Abstract 30.5  Monday, Jan. 5  Evidence for a trade-off between immunity and reproduction in the pregnant Siberian hamster? CHESTER, E.M.*; FRENCH, S.S.; DEMAS, G.E.; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington emcheste@indiana.edu One assumption in life-history theory is that resources available for competing life functions (i.e., growth, reproduction and somatic maintenance) are limited, and […]

Consequences of immunosenescence in the wild A field experiment in tree swallows

Meeting Abstract 30.2  Monday, Jan. 5  Consequences of immunosenescence in the wild: A field experiment in tree swallows PALACIOS, M.G.*; WINKLER, D.W.; VLECK, C.M.; Iowa State University, Ames ; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Iowa State University, Ames mgp@iastate.edu Aging is a pervasive phenomenon in free-living organisms, but its consequences in the wild are remarkably understudied. We previously […]

Bottlenecks, budgets and immunity the possibility of immune strategies in long distance migrant birds

Meeting Abstract 30.4  Monday, Jan. 5  Bottlenecks, budgets and immunity: the possibility of immune strategies in long distance migrant birds BUEHLER, D. M*; TIELEMAN, B. I.; PIERSMA, T.; Univ. of Groningen; Univ. of Groningen; Univ. of Groningen; Royal Netherlands Insitute for Sea Research d.m.buehler@rug.nl How do migrating birds deal with disease threats and allocate resources needed for […]

The Setal Patch of a Macrobrachium Shrimp Grooming function, a Sexual dimorphism, or our Black box

Meeting Abstract 30.5  Monday, Jan. 4  The Setal Patch of a Macrobrachium Shrimp: Grooming function, a Sexual dimorphism, or our Black box? VAN MAURIK, L.N.**; WORTHAM, J.L.; MCRAE, M.G.; University of Tampa, FL; University of Tampa, FL; University of Tampa, FL Lvanmaurik@ut.edu Many crustaceans expend a great amount of time grooming and decreasing fouling. Grooming behaviors include […]

Physiological Correlations of Neophobic behavior Is Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Correlated to Responses to Novelty

Meeting Abstract 30.4  Monday, Jan. 4  Physiological Correlations of Neophobic behavior: Is Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Correlated to Responses to Novelty? LIEBL, Andrea L.*; SCHMIDT, Evelyn J.; MARTIN, Lynn B.; University of South Florida aliebl@mail.usf.edu One of the best predictors of success for an introduced species is response to novelty. Animals can be attracted to (neophilia), […]

Human-avian interactions in urban areas

Meeting Abstract 30.2  Monday, Jan. 4  Human-avian interactions in urban areas CLUCAS, B.*; MARZLUFF, J.M.; University of Washington, Seattle and Humboldt University, Berlin; University of Washington, Seattle baclucas@uw.edu Contact between humans and other animals can create positive or negative outcomes and these interactions can be quite numerous in urban areas. In particular, many avian species appear to […]

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