Meeting Abstract 30-6 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:45 – 15:00 Survival and Swimming Behavior of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) Following Recreational Capture and Release WHITE, CF*; WHITNEY, NM; WEBER, DN; FRAZIER, BS; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; New England Aquarium, Boston, MA; Texas A&M, Corpus Cristi, TX; Department of Natural Resources, Charleston, SC Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is […]
sessions: Session 30
Mesobot Toward autonomous observations of organismal behavior in the ocean’s midwaters
Meeting Abstract 30-5 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 14:45 Mesobot: Toward autonomous observations of organismal behavior in the ocean’s midwaters KATIJA, K*; GOVINDARAJAN, A; LLOPIZ, J; WIEBE, P; BREIER, J; HOBSON, B; RISI, M; ROBISON, B; ROCK, S; YOERGER, D; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institution, Moss Landing, CA; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA; Woods Hole […]
Invasive Behavioral Syndrome in Cypriniform Fishes
Meeting Abstract 30-1 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30 – 13:45 Invasive Behavioral Syndrome in Cypriniform Fishes LEFAUVE, MK*; HERNANDEZ, LP; George Washington University; George Washington University Species are introduced to new environments on a daily basis, but only about 10% do well enough to become an invasive species. Invasive species have successfully navigated the four main steps […]
European Free-tailed Bats Use Wind Regimes to Fly High and Fast
Meeting Abstract 30-2 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:45 – 14:00 European Free-tailed Bats Use Wind Regimes to Fly High and Fast O’MARA, MT; AMORIM, F; SCACCO, M; MCCRACKEN, GF; SAFI, K; MATA, V; TOMÉ, R; SWARTZ, SM*; WIKELSKI, M; BEJA, P; REBELO, H; DECHMANN, DKN; Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond LA; University of Porto, Portugal; Max Planck Institute of […]
Does crude oil exposure alter behavior in fish
Meeting Abstract 30-7 Saturday, Jan. 4 15:00 – 15:15 Does crude oil exposure alter behavior in fish? KHURSIGARA, AJ*; ESBAUGH , AJ; The University of Texas at Austin; The University of Texas at Austin Crude oil is a common environmental toxicant of concern in aquatic environments, and the impact it has on marine fishes has been […]
What is good about good genes in gray tree frogs How is call duration linked with larval quality
WELCH, A.M.: What is good about “good genes” in gray tree frogs: How is call duration linked with larval quality? Male displays traits are predictive of offspring quality in some species, although the basis of the relationship between display traits and offspring quality is not well understood. Female gray tree frogs prefer male calls of […]
Species variation in female preference for male behavioral and morphological signaling traits
QUINN, V.S.*; HEWS, D.K.: Species variation in female preference for male behavioral and morphological signaling traits Handicap and Fisherian run-away theories of sexual selection predict that male traits and female preferences for those traits have coevolved. Thus, gains or losses of male traits are coincident with female preferences for those male traits. However, sensory bias […]
Sexual selection and dimorphism of morphology and locomotor performance I n a polygynous, territorial lizard lizard
PETERSON, C.C.*; HUSAK, J.: Sexual selection and dimorphism of morphology and locomotor performance I n a polygynous, territorial lizard lizard Integrative, whole-animal traits such as locomotor performance could, in theory, evolve via sexual selection. Predictions of this hypothesis include: 1) such a secondary sexual performance characteristic should be sexually dimorphic in adults, but not in […]
Sexual dimorphism, cheliped assymetry and selection pressure in , Uca spp
Croll, G.A. *; McClintock, J.B.: Sexual dimorphism, cheliped assymetry and selection pressure in , Uca spp. Left-right claw asymmetry occurs in a variety of decapod species. The asymmetries can be present in early development or arise during sexual differentiation. In Uca spp., males have a dimorphic enlargement of one of the two chelipeds. The larger […]
Parasites, female mating behavior and sexual selection on male traits
PFENNIG, K.S.*; TINSLEY, R.C.: Parasites, female mating behavior and sexual selection on male traits Female choice for parasite-free mates often may favor the evolution of elaborate male traits that indicate male health. Yet, parasite infection of females can alter their mate preferences, thereby mitigating selection on male traits. Here, we show that female spadefoot toads […]