BMR is not repeatable over extended periods in deer mice

CHAPPELL, M.A.**; RUSSELL, G.A.; HAMMOND, K.A.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside: BMR is not repeatable over extended periods in deer mice Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is probably the most thoroughly investigated aspect of energy metabolism in vertebrate endotherms. Hundreds of studies have explored its mass allometry, phylogenetic and […]

A positive association between resting and field metabolic rates in weasels

SZAFRANSKA, Paulina A.*; ZUB, Karol; KONARZEWSKI, Marek; SPEAKMAN, John R.; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences; University of Bialystok; University of Aberdeen: A positive association between resting and field metabolic rates in weasels A positive association between resting (RMR) and field metabolic rate (FMR) is one of […]

What do pitvipers see Computer visualizations based on anatomy, optics, heat transfer, and neurophysiology

Meeting Abstract 3.8  Jan. 4  What do pitvipers see? Computer visualizations based on anatomy, optics, heat transfer, and neurophysiology BAKKEN, George S.*; COLAYORI, Samantha E.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University The facial pit of pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) appears to function as a pinhole eye, using thermal infrared radiation to form temperature-contrast images on a sensory […]

What Happens To Crayfish Antennule Structure And Function During Regeneration

Meeting Abstract 3.5  Jan. 4  What Happens To Crayfish Antennule Structure And Function During Regeneration? MCCALL, J. M.; MEAD, K. S.*; Univ. of California, San Diego; Denison University Crayfish are capable of regenerating sensory structures such as their antennules. These olfactory appendages allow the organisms to receive stimuli from the environment such as information directing them […]

Variation in mantis shrimp visual and chemical signaling under different light conditions

Meeting Abstract 3.10  Jan. 4  Variation in mantis shrimp visual and chemical signaling under different light conditions CHEROSKE, A.G.*; CRONIN, T.W.; CALDWELL, R.L.; Mesa Community College; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County; Univ. of California, Berkeley Many organisms perform behavioral displays that involve visual communication (often with color) during courting. While visual cues often are used at […]


Meeting Abstract 3.2  Jan. 4  THE MAGNETIC MAP OF SEA TURTLES: EVIDENCE FOR MULTIPLE MAGNETIC ELEMENTS WANG, JH*; LOHMANN, CMF; LOHMANN, KJ; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Juvenile sea turtles take up residence in specific coastal feeding sites and return to these sites after displacement. […]

Sensory Ecology of Low-Light Vision in Kelp-Forest Rockfish (genus Sebastes)

Meeting Abstract 3.9  Jan. 4  Sensory Ecology of Low-Light Vision in Kelp-Forest Rockfish (genus Sebastes). REILLY, Christian; Reed College An animal’s ability to behave appropriately in response to the events in its environment depends on the ability of its sensory systems to detect those events. The absolute limits to low-light visual sensitivity are thought to be […]

Retinal Photoreceptor Arrays in Larval Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and Speckled Worm Eel (Myrophis punctatus)

Meeting Abstract 3.7  Jan. 4  Retinal Photoreceptor Arrays in Larval Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and Speckled Worm Eel (Myrophis punctatus) TAYLOR, S.M.; GRACE, M.S.*; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, current: St. Matthew’s University, British West Indies; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne The teleost subdivision Elopomorpha includes tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), ladyfish (Elops saurus), bonefish (Albula vulpes) and an […]

Peripheral sensory pathways in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis

Meeting Abstract 3.6  Jan. 4  Peripheral sensory pathways in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis WYETH, R.C.*; CROLL, R.P.; Dalhousie University Sensory systems are integral to the neural control of behavior. However, despite extensive neuroethological study of gastropod molluscs, there is only patchy understanding of their sensory pathways. For example, previous work has identified nitrergic chemosensory neurons, […]

Geomagnetic Navigational Markers for Hatchling Sea Turtles Invisible Guideposts for a Transoceanic Migration

Meeting Abstract 3.3  Jan. 4  Geomagnetic Navigational Markers for Hatchling Sea Turtles: Invisible Guideposts for a Transoceanic Migration FUXJAGER, M.J.*; LOHMANN, K.J.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Hatchling loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from eastern Florida undergo long-distance migrations in the north Atlantic gyre, a current system that encircles […]

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