The Effects of Joint Immobilization on Skeletal Muscle Plasticity in Varanus exanthematicus

SZUCSIK, Amanda M.*; BENNETT, Albert F.; HICKS, James W.; University of California-Irvine; University of California-Irvine; University of California-Irvine: The Effects of Joint Immobilization on Skeletal Muscle Plasticity in Varanus exanthematicus Reptiles are purported to possess limited plasticity in their oxygen transport system upon exposure to various forms of chronic physiological stress. This lack of plasticity […]

Specialized Muscle in the Skate Embryonic Tail Appendage Enables Perfusion

SCHACHAT, F*; SONG, L; LONG, JR., JH; KOOB, TJ; Duke University; Duke University; Vassar College; Shriners Hospital for Children, Tampa: Specialized Muscle in the Skate Embryonic Tail Appendage Enables Perfusion Fertilized eggs of the North Atlantic little skate, Leucoraja erinacea, are laid in a horny capsule that protects the embryo from predators. At the same […]

Salmon Shark (Lamna ditrops) an Endothermic Fish from Polar Area with Higher SERCA2 Activity

CASTILHO, P.C.; LANDEIRA-FERNANDEZ, A.M.; MORRISSETTE, J.M.; SCHALLERT, R.; WENG, K.; BLOCK, B.A.; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; ; : Salmon Shark (Lamna ditrops): an Endothermic Fish from Polar […]

Modeling work loops from molecular motors filament compliance determines ATP consumption

TANNER, B.C.W.; DANIEL, T.L.; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington: Modeling work loops from molecular motors: filament compliance determines ATP consumption. Work loops have become an important method for characterizing the mechanical performance of muscles undergoing cyclic length changes. While such methods provide a clear measure of mechanical power output, they do not reveal the […]

Effects of development at high altitude aerobic metabolism in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

RUSSELL, G.A.*; HAMMOND, K.A.; CARDULLO, R.A.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California White Mountain Research Station; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside: Effects of development at high altitude: aerobic metabolism in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus Studies of high altitude (HA) physiology have traditionally focused on two groups: populations that have resided […]

A tale of three muscles physiological comparisons of the equine deep and superficial digital flexors and soleus muscle fibers

BUTCHER, MT*; CHASE, PB; HERMANSON, JW; CLARK, AN; BERTRAM, JEA; Florida State University; Florida State University; Cornell University; Florida State University; University of Calgary: A tale of three muscles: physiological comparisons of the equine deep and superficial digital flexors and soleus muscle fibers. A thorough investigation into the physiology of equine skeletal muscle fibers was […]

Out in the cold Physiological performance affects behavior of deer mice

HAYES, JP*; SEARS, MW; BANTA, MR; O’CONNOR, CS; University of Nevada, Reno: Out in the cold: Physiological performance affects behavior of deer mice Physiological performance (e.g., summit metabolism (VO2max) or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is often thought to be ecologically significant. If VO2max (which describes the upper limit to heat production) and BMR (which describes […]

Fuel Storage And Mobilization Strategies Associated With Seasonal Acclimatization Of Resident Passerines

LIKNES, E.T.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; SWANSON, D.L.*; Augustana College; University of Western Ontario; University of South Dakota: Fuel Storage And Mobilization Strategies Associated With Seasonal Acclimatization Of Resident Passerines Seasonal acclimatization in small birds wintering in cold climates generally results in the upregulation of metabolism in winter to meet enhanced thermoregulatory demands. We measured lipid and […]

Effects of high altitude development and cold acclimation on summit metabolism and organ mass in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

RUSSELL, GA*; CHAPPELL, MA; HAMMOND, KA; Univ. of California, Riverside: Effects of high altitude development and cold acclimation on summit metabolism and organ mass in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus A key to understanding putatively adaptive changes in metabolic rate is identifying causative changes in organ or organ system mass. Changes in summit metabolism (maximum […]

Causes and consequences of temperature-oxygen interactions in metabolism

WOODS, H.A.; Univ. of Texas, Austin: Causes and consequences of temperature-oxygen interactions in metabolism Biochemical reaction rates change more with temperature than do physical rates such as diffusion. Consequently, organisms exposed to rapid or high-magnitude temperature variation may experience profound variation in relative oxygen supply and demand. This problem is faced by all ectotherms that […]

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