Meeting Abstract 3-5 Friday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15 Environmental drivers of host defense and the cost of parasitism GEHMAN, A-L. M*; SCHAEFFER, O.; HARLEY, C.D.G.; University of British Columbia, Hakai Institute; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia, Hakai Institute Parasites can exacerbate or buffer host response to environmental conditions, and thus hosting […]
sessions: Session 3
Environmental Predictors of Avian Schistosome (Swimmer’s Itch) Abundance Among Michigan Inland Lakes
Meeting Abstract 3-3 Friday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45 Environmental Predictors of Avian Schistosome (Swimmer’s Itch) Abundance Among Michigan Inland Lakes SCKRABULIS, JP*; MESSNER, ML; MCWHINNIE, RB; ANSARI, HD; RAFFEL, TR; Oakland University Avian schistosomes are snail-borne trematode parasites (Trichobilharzia spp.) that can cause a nasty skin rash in humans when their cercariae mistake us for […]
Effects of supplemental feeding on the gut microbiome and parasite resistance of Eastern Bluebirds
Meeting Abstract 3-4 Friday, Jan. 4 08:45 – 09:00 Effects of supplemental feeding on the gut microbiome and parasite resistance of Eastern Bluebirds KNUTIE, SA; University of Connecticut Supplemental feeding of birds by humans can affect host-parasite interactions. For example, increased food availability can have both a positive and negative effect on parasite resistance in […]
Behavioral trait variation mediates the relationship between genetic diversity and disease
Meeting Abstract 3-8 Friday, Jan. 4 09:45 – 10:00 Behavioral trait variation mediates the relationship between genetic diversity and disease KEISER, CN*; SALTZ, JB; RUDOLF, VHW; University of Florida; Rice University; Rice University The relationship between population diversity and the severity of disease dynamics is a highly debated but poorly resolved theme in infectious disease […]
Are Parasites Always Detrimental Costs of infection to final hosts that forage on prey modified by parasites
Meeting Abstract 3-7 Friday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 09:45 Are Parasites Always Detrimental? Costs of infection to final hosts that forage on prey modified by parasites NADLER, LE*; ELLIS, HI; NELSON, A; TURNER, AV; WILLIAMS, CL; ØVERLI, Ø; HECHINGER, RF; Norw. Univ. Life Sci.; Univ. of San Diego; Univ. of California, San Diego; Univ. of California, San […]
Amphibian hosts experience decreased metabolic rates and diminished stress responses during the time course of chytridiomycosis
Meeting Abstract 3-2 Friday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30 Amphibian hosts experience decreased metabolic rates and diminished stress responses during the time course of chytridiomycosis GRIM, J/M*; PAWLAN, J; BOWEN, V; BROSNAN, E/B; MCMAHON, T/A; University of Tampa; University of Tampa; University of Tampa; University of Tampa; University of Tampa The proximate cause of wide-spread amphibian […]