Locomotor and feeding muscles in Anolis lizards are tuned to different functional demands

Meeting Abstract 3-6  Monday, Jan. 4 09:15  Locomotor and feeding muscles in Anolis lizards are tuned to different functional demands ANDERSON, C.V.*; JAIN, S.S.; PARK, N.R.; ROBERTS, T.J.; Brown University, Providence; Brown University, Providence; Brown University, Providence; Brown University, Providence Christopher_V_Anderson@brown.edu http://www.chamaeleonidae.com Muscle, the biological motor of movement in animals, is used to perform a diverse range […]

Intrinsic muscle dynamics power stability in the absence of autogenic proprioceptive feedback

Meeting Abstract 3-7  Monday, Jan. 4 09:30  Intrinsic muscle dynamics power stability in the absence of autogenic proprioceptive feedback GORDON, JC; CARR, JA; BIEWENER, AA; DALEY, MA*; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Harvard University; Harvard University; Royal Veterinary College, University of London mdaley@rvc.ac.uk http://www.rvc.ac.uk/about/our-people/monica-daley Terrestrial vertebrates achieve agile and robust locomotion in the face of changing […]

Alterations of pectoralis myosin heavy chain expression as White-crowned sparrows prepare for and complete spring migration

Meeting Abstract 3-4  Monday, Jan. 4 08:45  Alterations of pectoralis myosin heavy chain expression as White-crowned sparrows prepare for and complete spring migration VELTEN, B. P.*; RAMENOFSKY, M.; WELCH, JR., K. C.; University of Toronto; University of California, Davis; University of Toronto, Scarborough brandy.velten@mail.utoronto.ca Migratory birds undergo a variety of physiological changes to support long distance flight. […]

A multi-function muscle in squid

Meeting Abstract 3-5  Monday, Jan. 4 09:00  A multi-function muscle in squid THOMPSON, JT*; LAVALVA, SM; LOIACONO, MM; Franklin and Marshall College joseph.thompson@fandm.edu Some striated muscles are multi-functional; i.e., they are able to serve several different roles during locomotion and movement, including acting as motors, brakes, struts, or springs. We discovered a multi-function muscle, the nuchal retractor, […]

Temperature Effects on Parasite Larval Size Over Time and Across Multiple Life Stages

Meeting Abstract 3-5  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Temperature Effects on Parasite Larval Size Over Time and Across Multiple Life Stages GEHMAN, A.M.*; BYERS, J.E.; University of British Columbia; University of Georgia gehman@zoology.ubc.ca http://gehmana.weebly.com Temperature has predictable effects on many biological processes, and yet the effects of temperature on parasites are less well understood compared to […]

Plasticity in thermal tolerance of early life history stages of marine invertebrate larvae

Meeting Abstract 3-6  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:30 – 09:45  Plasticity in thermal tolerance of early life history stages of marine invertebrate larvae GENOVESE, C.B.*; MARKO, P.B.; LEI, W.; PATTON, A.; MORAN, A.L.; University of Hawaii at Manoa cgenoves@hawaii.edu Temperature is a key factor in determining the physiology and distribution of marine species. The planktonic larvae of benthic […]

Multiple Bacterial Cues Induce Larval Invertebrate Settlement

Meeting Abstract 3-4  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Multiple Bacterial Cues Induce Larval Invertebrate Settlement FRECKELTON, ML*; NEDVED, BT; HADFIELD, MG; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa marnief@hawaii.edu Larvae of the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans can be induced to metamorphose by monospecific biofilms of a number of […]

Is it mom’s or dad’s fault Effects of ocean acidification on gametes and fertilization success of the tropical sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina

Meeting Abstract 3-2  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  Is it mom’s or dad’s fault? Effects of ocean acidification on gametes and fertilization success of the tropical sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina CHAN, K.Y.K.*; NGO, J. ; Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech. ; Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech. karenchan@ust.hk http://www.chanlab.ust.hk Ocean acidification (OA), the […]

Effects of postlarval experience on settlement behavior in postlarval and juvenile lobsters, Homarus americanus

Meeting Abstract 3-1  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  Effects of postlarval experience on settlement behavior in postlarval and juvenile lobsters, Homarus americanus JACOBS, MW*; BAYER, SR; McDaniel College; Univ. of Maine mjacobs@mcdaniel.edu Recruitment is likely a significant bottleneck for lobster populations in the Gulf of Maine, as a result of intense predation on juveniles and limited […]

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