Temperature-Dependent Immune Investment in Insects

Meeting Abstract 3.5  Sunday, Jan. 4 09:00  Temperature-Dependent Immune Investment in Insects FEDORKA, K.M.*; KUTCH, I.C.; SEVGILI, H; University of Central Florida fedorka@ucf.edu As temperatures decrease, many insects increase the amount of melanin in their cuticle for a variety of purposes; including improved thermoregulation or desiccation resistance. However, melanin is also central to insect immunity, leading to […]

Sources of variation in blood parasite infection and its impact on immune function and flight performance in yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata)

Meeting Abstract 3.4  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:45  Sources of variation in blood parasite infection and its impact on immune function and flight performance in yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata) ROONEY, L.A.*; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; SHRINER, S.A.; WESTERN UNIVERSITY, LONDON, ON; WESTERN UNIVERSITY, LONDON, ON; NATIONAL WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTER, FORT COLLINS, CO lrooney3@uwo.ca Endurance flight during migration and immune system […]

Protein expression profiles in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, exposed to copper during early life stage can a stress proteome be inherited through generations

Meeting Abstract 3.1  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:00  Protein expression profiles in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, exposed to copper during early life stage : can a stress proteome be inherited through generations ? SILVESTRE, F*; DANIS, L; BAYAR, MA; DUBOIS, A; ADEYEMI, J; KLERKS, P; University of Namur; University of Namur; University of Namur; University of Namur; […]

Oxidative stress, immune response and male ornaments in the common yellowthroat

Meeting Abstract 3.3  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:30  Oxidative stress, immune response and male ornaments in the common yellowthroat HENSCHEN, A. E.*; WHITTINGHAM, L. A. ; DUNN, P. O.; Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee hensche9@uwm.edu Females are thought to choose mates based on the size or color of male ornaments because […]

Mitochondrial function, innate immunity, and ornament production

Meeting Abstract 3.7  Sunday, Jan. 4 09:30  Mitochondrial function, innate immunity, and ornament production HILL, G/E; Auburn Univ. ghill@auburn.edu http://www.thehilllab.com The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis posits that ornamental traits are honest signals of parasite resistance because ornament production is dependent on high levels of steroid hormones that depress immune responsiveness. This hypothesis was proposed with little understanding of […]

Evolution of gene expression network underlying a disease state

Meeting Abstract 3.2  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:15  Evolution of gene expression network underlying a disease state BABBITT, C.C.*; PFEFFERLE, L.W.; CRAWFORD, G. E.; WRAY, G. A.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University cbabbitt@bio.umass.edu We used a comparative approach to understanding differential disease susceptibilities between closely related species. Humans and chimpanzees are separated by […]

Drift and selection shape MHC variation in prairie-chickens

Meeting Abstract 3.6  Sunday, Jan. 4 09:15  Drift and selection shape MHC variation in prairie-chickens BATESON, Z.W.*; WHITTINGHAM, L.A.; JOHNSON, J.A.; DUNN, P.O.; Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Univ. of North Texas, Denton; Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee zbateson@uwm.edu As a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, many species now exist in smaller and more isolated populations which […]

Within-winter Flexibility in Muscle Mass, Myostatin and Cellular Metabolic Intensity in Passerine Birds

Meeting Abstract 3-1  Monday, Jan. 4 08:00  Within-winter Flexibility in Muscle Mass, Myostatin and Cellular Metabolic Intensity in Passerine Birds SWANSON, DL*; KING, MO; CULVER, W; ZHANG, Y; Univ South Dakota; Univ South Dakota; Humboldt St Univ; Univ South Dakota david.swanson@usd.edu http://www.usd.edu/faculty-and-staff/David-Swanson Metabolic rates are flexible traits that vary seasonally, but also among and within winters, with […]

Reducing expression of giant sarcomere associated proteins Reducing expression of giant sarcomere associated proteins Effects on arthropod force hysteresis

Meeting Abstract 3-3  Monday, Jan. 4 08:30  Reducing expression of giant sarcomere associated proteins: Reducing expression of giant sarcomere associated proteins: Effects on arthropod force hysteresis KRANS, JL; Western New England Uni jkrans@wne.edu We are interested in the contribution of giant sarcomere associated proteins (gSAPs, e.g. titin) to history dependent modulation of force production and have developed […]

Reduced metabolic rate mitigates muscle atrophy in western fence lizards

Meeting Abstract 3-2  Monday, Jan. 4 08:15  Reduced metabolic rate mitigates muscle atrophy in western fence lizards BALABAN, JP*; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine jbalaban@uci.edu http://jordanbalaban.wix.com/physiology Hibernating mammals can resist muscle atrophy despite months of inactivity by lowering their body temperature and activating novel physiological pathways. However, since they employ both strategies […]

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