Ecologically-relevant stresses hurt differently the response of Eurosta solidaginis to repeated freeze-thaw cycles

Meeting Abstract 3.9  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Ecologically-relevant stresses hurt differently: the response of Eurosta solidaginis to repeated freeze-thaw cycles. MARSHALL, Katie E*; SINCLAIR, Brent J; University of Western Ontario Repeated freeze-thaw cycles are common in temperate latitudes, and are predicted to change in frequency in future climates. The goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis overwinters through a […]

Ecological physiology of the Antarctic Trematomus fishes effect of temperature and ice on freeze avoidance

Meeting Abstract 3.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Ecological physiology of the Antarctic Trematomus fishes: effect of temperature and ice on freeze avoidance FIELDS, L.G.*; DEVRIES, A.L.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The frigid waters of the Southern Ocean encompass a range of habitats. The high latitudes can experience year-round ice cover whereas […]

Comparison of upper thermal limits among geographically-distributed populations of the mosquito, Culex tarsalis

Meeting Abstract 3.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Comparison of upper thermal limits among geographically-distributed populations of the mosquito, Culex tarsalis VORHEES, Ashley*; GRAY, Emilie; BRADLEY, Timothy; University of California, Irvine Thermal limits to activity play a central role in determining the abundance and geographic distribution of ecothermic animals. Therefore, understanding variation in thermal limits will be highly […]

Comparative physiological energetics of the blue mussel species in response to increased temperatures

Meeting Abstract 3.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Comparative physiological energetics of the blue mussel species in response to increased temperatures FLY, E.K.*; HILBISH, T.J.; University of South Carolina; University of South Carolina The three species of the blue mussel complex are distributed worldwide, but differ biogeographically with respect to temperature. Mytilus galloprovincialis is sub-tropical, while M. edulis […]

Carapace coloration affects body temperature and limits activity in the fiddler crab Uca panacea

Meeting Abstract 3.6  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Carapace coloration affects body temperature and limits activity in the fiddler crab Uca panacea DARNELL, M.Z.*; FOWLER, K.; MUNGUIA, P.; University of Texas at Austin Ectotherms can regulate body temperature behaviorally or, in some cases, by changing coloration. Body coloration, however, is also used in communication and camouflage. Organisms using […]

A comparison of heat and cold tolerance among closely related anoles from different thermal environments

Meeting Abstract 3.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  A comparison of heat and cold tolerance among closely related anoles from different thermal environments. STIMOLA, M.*; MUñOZ, M.M.; LANDESTOY, M.A.; CONOVER, A.; RODRIGUEZ, A.J.; LOSOS, J.B.; Columbia University; Harvard University; University of California, Davis; Harvard University The adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, […]

Why do fish have different shapes A test using simple physical models

Meeting Abstract 3.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Why do fish have different shapes? A test using simple physical models FEILICH, K. L.*; LAUDER, G. V.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Variation in fish tail and body morphology is one of the most frequently studied features in analyses of fish ecomorphology. There are myriad suggestions […]

On the interpretation of swimming as a limit cycle

Meeting Abstract 3.3  Friday, Jan. 4  On the interpretation of swimming as a limit cycle JACOBS, H.O.; Imperial College London When the wind blows through the venetian blinds in your house, it is not uncommon for them to flutter. The next time this happens, note two things. Firstly, the fluttering is really the sound of a […]

Modeling midline kinematics of fish swimming in a vortex street

Meeting Abstract 3.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Modeling midline kinematics of fish swimming in a vortex street AKANYETI, O.*; LIAO, J. C.; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida Gainesville; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida Gainesville How fish swim in unsteady flows is hardly understood despite its strong ecological relevance. Previous […]

Flow patterns associated with swimming motions of benthic and pelagic batoids as visualized with DPIV

Meeting Abstract 3.6  Friday, Jan. 4  Flow patterns associated with swimming motions of benthic and pelagic batoids as visualized with DPIV FISH, F E*; NEAL, D; FONTANELLA, J E; DINENNO, N; GABLER, M K; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; LaVision, Michigan; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania Batoid fishes display undulatory […]

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