MYERS, E.M.*; ZAMUDIO, K.R.; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: Genetic Characterization of Reproductive Strategy in an Amphibian with Aggregate Breeding Aggregate or explosive breeding is widespread among vertebrates and likely increases the probability of multiple paternity. We assessed paternity in seven field collected clutches of the explosive breeding spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) […]
sessions: Session 29
Effects of Latitude and Altitude on House Wren Reproductive Biology
LEVIN, R.N.*; CORREA, S.M.; WILL, M.C.; JANG, S.C.; Pomona College, Claremont, CA: Effects of Latitude and Altitude on House Wren Reproductive Biology We are exploiting the broad distribution of the house wren to test hypotheses addressing environmental influences on mate fidelity and the hormonal control of reproductive behavior. Here, we present breeding data from two […]
A New Male Parental Care Behavior in Frogs from New Guinea
BICKFORD, David; University of Miami: A New Male Parental Care Behavior in Frogs from New Guinea Male parental care is extremely rare in nature and one of the most fascinating aspects of New Guinea�s biodiversity is the evolution of male parental care in the frog family Microhylidae. Here, I report a novel mode of parental […]
Organ Masses and Carbohydrate Metabolism of Mice Artificially Selected for High Voluntary Wheel Running
GOMES, F R; REZENDE, E L; BUNKERS, J L; GARLAND, T, Jr.; Univ. of California, Riverside: Organ Masses and Carbohydrate Metabolism of Mice Artificially Selected for High Voluntary Wheel Running Selection experiments are a powerful tool for the study of microevolutionary processes, including the correlated evolution of behavior and morpho-physiological traits. To examine the microevolution […]
Contribution of Cardiac Shunt to Recovery from an Exhaustive Exercise Bout in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis
HARTZLER, L.K.*; MUNNS, S.L.; HICKS, J.W.; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine: Contribution of Cardiac Shunt to Recovery from an Exhaustive Exercise Bout in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis. During recovery from an exhaustive exercise bout at 30°C, arterial pH returns to resting levels several hours before the source […]
Cardiac Performance of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in Response to Temperature
BLANK, J.M.; MORRISSETTE, J.M.; LANDEIRA-FERNANDEZ, A.M.; BLOCK, B.A.; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University: Cardiac Performance of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in Response to Temperature Tunas are endothermic teleosts with high metabolic rates and exceptional cardiac performance. Previous physiological studies of tuna […]
The relationship of the moment arms of muscle-tendon units to limb orientation in animals
PAYNE, R. C. *; HUTCHINSON, J. R. ; ROBILLIARD, J. J. ; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK: The relationship of the moment arms of muscle-tendon units to limb orientation in animals. The moments (torques) generated about animal limb joints are the product of muscle-tendon unit […]
The function of muscle-tendon units during sit-stand transitions in humans and other animals
HUTCHINSON, J.R.; DENNENY, D.; ROBILLIARD, J.; WILSON, A.; Royal Veterinary College, Univ. London; London South Bank Univ.; Royal Veterinary College, Univ. London; Royal Veterinary College, Univ. London: The function of muscle-tendon units during sit-stand transitions in humans and other animals. Locomotor economy generally relies on keeping muscle fibre length changes low, whereas length changes occur […]
Storage of elastic energy in guinea fowl lateral gastrocnemius tendon in running versus jumping
HENRY, H.T.*; RUBENSON, J; HOOGENDYK, T.A.; MARSH, R.L.; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston: Storage of elastic energy in guinea fowl lateral gastrocnemius tendon in running versus jumping Muscle function during running and jumping was examined in the guinea fowl lateral gastrocnemius (LG) using in vivo sonomicrometry and electromyographic […]
Proximal hindlimb muscle strain and activation patterns in jumping goats
MCGUIGAN, M.P.*; LEE, D.V.; YOO, E.H.; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University: Proximal hindlimb muscle strain and activation patterns in jumping goats Terrestrial animals are required to move over a variety of different terrains in their natural habitat. Goats are non specialist locomotors who are very proficient runners, jumpers and climbers, […]