Meeting Abstract 29-4 Thursday, Jan. 4 14:15 – 14:30 Foraging Ecology of Florida’s Nesting Leatherback Turtles: Insight from Stable Isotope Analysis COPPENRATH, CM*; LASALA, JA; GINGRAS, M; BALDWIN, J; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University While many leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting populations worldwide are decreasing, the North Atlantic population […]
sessions: Session 29
Diopatra biscayensis Disjunct Population Not a Relict, Rather Human-Assisted Transport
Meeting Abstract 29-1 Thursday, Jan. 4 13:30 – 13:45 Diopatra biscayensis Disjunct Population Not a Relict, Rather Human-Assisted Transport WETHEY, DS*; WOODIN, SA; GALASKA, MP; HALANYCH, KM; DUBOIS, SF; ARIAS, A; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Auburn Univ., Alabama; IFREMER, Plouzané, France; Univ. of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain […]
Understanding spatial effects of climate change on Chesapeake Bay blue crab using statistical downscaling and agent-based modeling
Meeting Abstract 29-2 Friday, Jan. 4 13:45 – 14:00 Understanding spatial effects of climate change on Chesapeake Bay blue crab using statistical downscaling and agent-based modeling KRINOS, AI*; DIXON, K; ROSS, A; STOCK, CA; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, OAR, NOAA; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, OAR, NOAA; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, OAR, NOAA; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, OAR, […]
Turn Up the Lights In Here Impacts of Artificial Light at Night on Anoles
Meeting Abstract 29-5 Friday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 14:45 Turn Up the Lights In Here: Impacts of Artificial Light at Night on Anoles THAWLEY, CJ*; HALL, JM; KOLBE, JJ; University of Rhode Island; Auburn University; University of Rhode Island As anthropogenic global change increases, one aspect of urbanization that affects many species is artificial light […]
The Effect of Aerobic Performance on High-Elevation Deer Mouse Survival
Meeting Abstract 29-7 Friday, Jan. 4 15:00 – 15:15 The Effect of Aerobic Performance on High-Elevation Deer Mouse Survival SENNER, N.R.*; SASSER, K.T.; WOLF, C.J.; VELOTTA, J.P.; SCHWEIZER, R.M.; STAGER, M; CHEVIRON, Z.A.; University of South Carolina; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana […]
Spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) breeding population structure and dynamics across 20 years at a northeastern Ohio pond
Meeting Abstract 29-6 Friday, Jan. 4 14:45 – 15:00 Spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) breeding population structure and dynamics across 20 years at a northeastern Ohio pond THOMAS, S*; PURRENHAGE, JL; FOSTER, A; LOUCEK, J; ROEDER, A; BRANCH, TL; MOORE, F BG; NIEWIAROWSKI, P H; The University of Akron; University of New Hampshire; The University of Akron; The […]
Selection for agricultural crops predicts space use of a rapidly expanding invasive species in North America
Meeting Abstract 29-3 Friday, Jan. 4 14:00 – 14:15 Selection for agricultural crops predicts space use of a rapidly expanding invasive species in North America WILBER, MQ; CHINN, SM*; BEASLEY, JC; PEPIN, KM; National Wildlife Research Center, USDA & Colorado State Univ.; Univ. of Georgia; Univ. of Georgia; National Wildlife Research Center, USDA Invasive alien species […]
Is the Eelgrass Isopod a Vector for Labyrinthula zosterae Wasting Disease on Zostera marina
Meeting Abstract 29-8 Friday, Jan. 4 15:15 – 15:30 Is the Eelgrass Isopod a Vector for Labyrinthula zosterae Wasting Disease on Zostera marina? ANDERSON, SJ*; COWLES, DL; Walla Walla University; Walla Walla University Zostera marina eelgrass, an important foundation species for many temperate coastal marine ecosystems in the North Pacific and North Atlantic, is nevertheless vulnerable […]
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Phylogenetic Diversity of Benthic Infauna in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Meeting Abstract 29-1 Friday, Jan. 4 13:30 – 13:45 Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Phylogenetic Diversity of Benthic Infauna in the Northern Gulf of Mexico KISKADDON, EP*; DORGAN, KM; BERKE, SK; Dauphin Island Sea Lab; Dauphin Island Sea Lab; Siena College Understanding ecological responses to environmental change is a core focus of ecology. […]
Development of a New Environmental DNA Assay for Detection of the Rio Grande Siren in Highly Turbid Water
Meeting Abstract 29-4 Friday, Jan. 4 14:15 – 14:30 Development of a New Environmental DNA Assay for Detection of the Rio Grande Siren in Highly Turbid Water RUPPERT, KM*; BARE, EA; KLINE, RJ; RAHMAN, MS; University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; University of Texas Rio […]