Meeting Abstract 28.9 Jan. 5 Things Fall Apart HART, M.W.**; SUNDAY, J.; Simon Fraser Univ.; Simon Fraser Univ. Phylogeographic studies of marine (and other) animals frequently report within-species genetic variation that is consistent with cryptic species diversity or hybridization. We reviewed a number of such studies with an eye toward developing a quantitative and objective rule-of-thumb […]
sessions: Session 28
Systematic Revision and Biogeography of North American Tortoises (TestudinidaeGopherus)
Meeting Abstract 28.6 Jan. 5 Systematic Revision and Biogeography of North American Tortoises (Testudinidae:Gopherus) JONES, CB; San Diego State University Gopherus is one member of a clade of tortoises that are endemic to North America. Gopherus arose sometime in the late Eocene or early Oligocene. During the Cenozoic, three other named genera of tortoises existed in […]
Redescription of the freshwater bivalve Guianadesma sinuosum and implications for the historical biogeography of northern South America
Meeting Abstract 28.4 Jan. 5 Redescription of the freshwater bivalve Guianadesma sinuosum and implications for the historical biogeography of northern South America ARONOWSKY, A.*; ANDERSON, L.C.; HELLBERG, M.E.; Louisiana State University; Louisiana State University; Louisiana State University The tropical bivalve Guianadesma sinuosum Morrison, 1943 is restricted to freshwater, an uncommon habitat for either of the two […]
Phylogeography of Astrotoma agassizii from South American and Antarctic waters using mtDNA
Meeting Abstract 28.2 Jan. 5 Phylogeography of Astrotoma agassizii from South American and Antarctic waters using mtDNA HUNTER, Rebecca L.*; HALANYCH, Kenneth M.; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL The isolation of the Antarctic continent has been a driving evolutionary force for Antarctic fauna for ~40 million years. Separation of Antarctica and South America, […]
Paraphyly across oceans a molecular phylogeny of the family Chromodorididae (Gastropoda Nudibranchia) using three molecular markers
Meeting Abstract 28.8 Jan. 5 Paraphyly across oceans: a molecular phylogeny of the family Chromodorididae (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) using three molecular markers TURNER, L.M.; WILSON, N.G.*; British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge; Scripps Insitute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego The Chromodorididae are a colourful, speciose family of nudibranchs (sea slugs), and are found in all of the […]
Larval Mode and Species Accumulation in a Transisthmian Marine Bivalve
Meeting Abstract 28.5 Jan. 5 Larval Mode and Species Accumulation in a Transisthmian Marine Bivalve MARKO, P.B.*; MORAN, A.L.; Clemson University; Clemson University Evolutionary biologists have employed the formation of the Isthmus of Panama and the closure of the Central American Seaway approximately 3.1 million years ago as a model system for the study of allopatric […]
Identification of luminescent symbionts from the genera Uroteuthis, Loliolus, and Euprymna (Mollusca Cephalopoda)
Meeting Abstract 28.11 Jan. 5 Identification of luminescent symbionts from the genera Uroteuthis, Loliolus, and Euprymna (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) GUERRERO-FERREIRA, R.C.*; NISHIGUCHI, M.K.; New Mexico State University; New Mexico State University Luminescent bacteria in the family Vibrionaceae (Bacteria: γ-Proteobacteria) are commonly found in complex, bilobed light organs of sepiolid and loliginid squids. Although morphology of these organs […]
Evolutionary Specialization of Sponge-Cyanobacteria Symbioses Cospeciation vs Colonization
Meeting Abstract 28.10 Jan. 5 Evolutionary Specialization of Sponge-Cyanobacteria Symbioses: Cospeciation vs. Colonization THACKER, R.W.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Highly specific interactions between hosts and symbionts are often attributed to cospeciation; however, independent colonization events can generate similar patterns of host specificity. Symbiotic filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria spongeliae) have been reported from diverse marine sponges, with […]
Evolution of gibbons resolving the Hylobates phylogeny with multiple datasets
Meeting Abstract 28.7 Jan. 5 Evolution of gibbons: resolving the Hylobates phylogeny with multiple datasets WHITTAKER, D.J.; Indiana University, Bloomington The lar group of gibbons or small apes (genus Hylobates) has long represented a phylogenetic puzzle, with different datasets producing very different results. Most likely, this radiation represents a true polytomy. Rising sea levels in southeast […]
An atypical type taxon Phylogenetics and biology of the echinid Echinoidea
Meeting Abstract 28.3 Jan. 5 An atypical type taxon: Phylogenetics and biology of the echinid Echinoidea COX, L.N.*; MOOI, R.; Auburn Univ., Alabama; California Acad. Sciences, San Francisco The Echinidae Gray, 1825 is a well-known, widely distributed group of sea urchins. Their ubiquity in the northern Atlantic, particularly the genus Echinus, gave rise to the earliest […]