Meeting Abstract 28.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Electromyography of bat wing membrane muscles CHENEY, JA*; MIDDLETON, KM; KONOW, N; GIBLIN, EL; BREUER, KS; SWARTZ, SM; Brown University, Providence, RI; University of Missouri, Columbia; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI Bat wing membranes consist of a double layer […]
sessions: Session 28
Did bat ancestors glide A phylogenetic approach
Meeting Abstract 28.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Did bat ancestors glide? A phylogenetic approach PADIAN, K.*; DIAL, K.P.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Montana, Missoula The predominant biological view of the evolution of flight is that it is preceded phylogenetically by a gliding stage. Support for this hypothesis has mainly rested on what is presumed to […]
Two closely related cichlids with divergent social systems differ in socially relevant behaviours and molecular pathways
Meeting Abstract 28.1 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30 Two closely related cichlids with divergent social systems differ in socially relevant behaviours and molecular pathways O’CONNOR, CM*; MARSH-ROLLO, S; CORTZ GHIO, S; HICK, K; TAN, J; WONG, MYL; REDDON, AR; AUBIN-HORTH, N; BALSHINE, S; McMaster University; McMaster University; Universite Laval; McMaster University; McMaster University; University of Wollongong; McMaster University; […]
Oxidative Costs of Reproduction and the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding
Meeting Abstract 28.2 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:45 Oxidative Costs of Reproduction and the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding GUINDRE-PARKER, S.*; RUBENSTEIN, D.R.; Columbia University, NYC; Columbia University, NYC For cooperative breeders where more than two individuals care for young, high costs of parental care may contribute to the evolution of this social behavior. This hypothesis has gone […]
Experimentally testing potential benefits of cooperative display in passerine bird
Meeting Abstract 28.3 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:00 Experimentally testing potential benefits of cooperative display in passerine bird JONES, M.A.; Florida State University Much of the research of understanding cooperative behaviors has focused on why helpers assist. There has been little attention to why the recipient of the help participates; the benefit is often assumed. Yet it […]
Collective learning and optimal consensus decisions in social animal groups
Meeting Abstract 28.4 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:15 Collective learning and optimal consensus decisions in social animal groups KAO, AB*; MILLER, N; TORNEY, C; HARTNETT, A; COUZIN, ID; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University Learning has been studied extensively in the context of isolated individuals. However, many organisms are social and consequently make […]
Unable to shift gears the loss of variable gearing in aged muscles
Meeting Abstract 28.1 Monday, Jan. 5 08:00 Unable to shift gears: the loss of variable gearing in aged muscles HOLT, NC*; DANOS, N; AZIZI, E; UC Irvine In pennate muscles, shortening of muscle fibers is accompanied by a change in their pennation angle. This fiber rotation can increase whole muscle shortening velocity for a given fiber […]
Titin function during in vitro cyclic movements
Meeting Abstract 28.5 Monday, Jan. 5 09:00 Titin function during in vitro cyclic movements MONROY, J.A.*; NISHIKAWA, K.C.; Denison University; Northern Arizona University The goal of predicting how muscle force changes during natural cyclic movements remains elusive. The sarcomeric protein, titin, has been suggested to play a role in a number of muscle properties that influence […]
Simulating titin’s role in force enhancement using the “winding filament hypothesis”
Meeting Abstract 28.8 Monday, Jan. 5 09:45 Simulating titin’s role in force enhancement using the “winding filament hypothesis” NISHIKAWA, K*; FUQUA, RD; HANSON, S; MONROY, JA; PACE, CM; Northern Arizona University; The Jackson Laboratories; Northern Arizona University; Denison University; Northern Arizona University We developed a “winding filament” hypothesis for muscle contraction that includes a role for […]
Passive force along the length-tension curve A role for titin
Meeting Abstract 28.3 Monday, Jan. 5 08:30 Passive force along the length-tension curve: A role for titin? PACE, CM*; MONROY, JA; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; Denison University; Northern Arizona University When a muscle has been stretched during activation, the passive tension of the relaxed muscle is greater than after an isometric contraction at the stretched […]