Color-polymorphism in the Green Crab, Carcinus maenas Are green morphs really more stress tolerant than red morphs

Meeting Abstract 27.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Color-polymorphism in the Green Crab, Carcinus maenas: Are green morphs really more stress tolerant than red morphs? FREDERICH, M.*; TOOMBS, C.; PENNOYER, K.; Univ. of New England, Biddeford; Univ. of New England, Biddeford; Univ. of New England, Biddeford Despite the name green crab, this species shows carapace coloration from bright […]

Can spatial variation in mitochondrial degradation predict mitochondrial distribution in skeletal muscle

Meeting Abstract 27.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Can spatial variation in mitochondrial degradation predict mitochondrial distribution in skeletal muscle? PATHI, B.; KINSEY, S.T.*; HOWDESHELL, M.E.; PRIESTER, C.; MCNEILL, R.S.; LOCKE, B.R. ; Florida State Univ.; UNC Wilmington; UNC Wilmington; UNC Wilmington; UNC Wilmington; Florida State Univ. Mitochondrial density is governed by the balance between biogenesis and degradation […]

A Four-Pronged Approach to Supporting At-Risk Students Successes and Re-Evaluations of the PERSIST Scholars Program

Meeting Abstract 27.6  Wednesday, Jan. 4  A Four-Pronged Approach to Supporting At-Risk Students: Successes and Re-Evaluations of the PERSIST Scholars Program LOVETT, D.L. *; BRADLEY, L.M.; CHAN, B.C.; NAYAK, S.; OSBORN, J.M.; College of New Jersey, Ewing; College of New Jersey, Ewing; College of New Jersey, Ewing; College of New Jersey, Ewing; College of New Jersey, Ewing […]

The evolution of Gecko adhesion An integrative perspective

Meeting Abstract 27.2  Friday, Jan. 4  The evolution of Gecko adhesion: An integrative perspective IRSCHICK, D.J.*; CROSBY, AJ; FEDERLE, W; Univ. Massachusetts Amherst; Univ. Massachusetts Amherst; Cambridge University, UK Gecko adhesion has received a great deal of attention in the popular media and among scientists aiming to mimic their adhesive properties for human use. However, while […]

The Effect of Water on the Gecko Adhesive System

Meeting Abstract 27.1  Friday, Jan. 4  The Effect of Water on the Gecko Adhesive System STARK, A.Y.*; NIEWIAROWSKI, P.H.; DHINOJWALA, A.; BADGE, I.; Integrated Bioscience Program, The University of Akron, OH; Integrated Bioscience Program, The University of Akron, OH; Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron, OH; Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron, OH […]

Running on water The impressive rushing behaviour of Western and Clark’s Grebes

Meeting Abstract 27.6  Friday, Jan. 4  Running on water: The impressive rushing behaviour of Western and Clark’s Grebes CLIFTON, G.T.*; HEDRICK, T.L.; BIEWENER, A.A.; Concord Field Station, Harvard U., Bedford, MA; U. of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill; CFS, Harvard U., Bedford, MA As foot-propelled diving birds, Western and Clark’s grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis and clarkii) spend almost […]

Gecko toe and lamella adhesion on macroscopically rough surfaces

Meeting Abstract 27.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Gecko toe and lamella adhesion on macroscopically rough surfaces GILLIES, A G*; LIN, H; HENRY, A; REN, A; SHIUAN, K; FEARING, R S; FULL, R J; University of California, Berkeley The role in adhesion of the lamellae and toes – intermediate sized structures – found on the gecko foot remains […]

Double network gels and biological glues a powerful new toughening mechanism

Meeting Abstract 27.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Double network gels and biological glues: a powerful new toughening mechanism SMITH, A. M.; Ithaca College, NY Limpets, marsh periwinkles and some terrestrial slugs produce remarkable glues that are gels. A key question has been how they can achieve tenacities on the order of several hundred kilopascals using only a […]

Division of labour between adhesion and friction pads in stick insects (Carausius morosus)

Meeting Abstract 27.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Division of labour between adhesion and friction pads in stick insects (Carausius morosus) LABONTE, D*; FEDERLE, W; University of Cambridge; University of Cambridge Stick insect legs bear two types of attachment pads, tarsal “heel” pads (euplantulae) and a pre-tarsal “toe” pad (arolium). In order to investigate whether these pads are […]

Variation in tensile properties of tracheal tubes in the American cockroach

Meeting Abstract 27.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30  Variation in tensile properties of tracheal tubes in the American cockroach BECKER, W. R.*; WEBSTER, M. R.; SOCHA, J. J.; DE VITA, R.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Insects use an extensive network of tracheal tubes to transport oxygen directly to cells throughout the body. These […]

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