Impacts of climate change on sea turtle development

Meeting Abstract 27-2  Thursday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00  Impacts of climate change on sea turtle development LOLAVAR, A*; WYNEKEN, J; ERB, T; Florida Atlantic University Sex in many reptiles is environmentally determined, primarily by temperature during incubation. For this reason, the thermal effects with climate changes are predicted to have profound effects on sex ratios. […]

Hatchling Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) Sea Turtles Nest Emergence at Their Primary Nesting Beach

Meeting Abstract 27-4  Thursday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30  Hatchling Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) Sea Turtles: Nest Emergence at Their Primary Nesting Beach BONKA, AN*; WIBBELS, T; HERNANDEZ, MH; NAJERA, BMZ; SARTI, L; ILLESCAS, F; PENA, LJ; BURCHFIELD, PM; UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM; UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM; GLADYS PORTER ZOO, BROWNSVILLE, TX; COMISION NACIONAL DE […]

Geological age and host polymorphism affect functional diversity and community composition in plant-insect interactions across a space-for-time chronosequence on the Hawaiian Islands

Meeting Abstract 27-8  Thursday, Jan. 5 15:15 – 15:30  Geological age and host polymorphism affect functional diversity and community composition in plant-insect interactions across a space-for-time chronosequence on the Hawaiian Islands. TIELENS, EK*; GRUNER, DS; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park Understanding local diversity, turnover and variation in community response to environmental […]

Genomic analyses of invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in Lake Erie

Meeting Abstract 27-7  Thursday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15  Genomic analyses of invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in Lake Erie RESH, CA*; MAHON, AR; Central Michigan University; Central Michigan University Invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were introduced into the United States in the early 1960s to help control nuisance aquatic vegetation in ponds and lakes. Since […]

Can climate warming offer opportunities to desert tortoises to defend against Mycoplasma agassizii

Meeting Abstract 27-1  Thursday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45  Can climate warming offer opportunities to desert tortoises to defend against Mycoplasma agassizii? TRACY, CR*; SANDMEIER, F; HUNTER, K; SNYDER, S; WEITZMAN, C; MALONEY, N; NUSSEAR, K; MARLOW, R; HYDE, D; DUPRE, S; MOHAMMIDPOUR, H; Colorado State University, Pueblo; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; Bard […]

Aestivation in the apple snail Pomacea maculata

Meeting Abstract 27-6  Thursday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00  Aestivation in the apple snail Pomacea maculata MUECK, K; Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette The apple snail Pomacea maculata is a nuisance invasive with the potential to become an ecological and agricultural threat in the southeastern United States. To gain insight into the ability of the snails […]

Magnetic Navigation and Natal Homing in Mass Nesting Sea Turtles

Meeting Abstract 27-1  Thursday, Jan. 4 13:30 – 13:45  Magnetic Navigation and Natal Homing in Mass Nesting Sea Turtles BROTHERS, JR*; LOHMANN, KJ; University of North Carolina; University of North Carolina Diverse animals migrate tremendous distances before returning to reproduce in the same location where they began life. An extreme example of this behavior called natal […]

MHC-Mediated Mate Choice and Preen Oil as a Chemical Signal of MHC Similarity in Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia)

Meeting Abstract 27-6  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:45 – 15:00  MHC-Mediated Mate Choice and Preen Oil as a Chemical Signal of MHC Similarity in Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) SLADE, JWG*; WATSON, MJ; KELLY, TR; BERNARDS, MA; GARNER, SG; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, EA; Western University; Western University; Western University; Western University; Western University; Western University Sexual selection theory has […]

Incubation Temperature and Social Context Affect Nest Exodus Performance of Precocial Ducklings

Meeting Abstract 27-5  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 14:45  Incubation Temperature and Social Context Affect Nest Exodus Performance of Precocial Ducklings HOPE, SF*; KENNAMER, RA; VAN MONTFRANS, SG; HOPKINS, WA; Virginia Tech; University of Georgia; William Fleming High School, Roanoke, VA; Virginia Tech The environment that animals experience during development can have major fitness consequences. […]

Communication and Combat The Function of Ultrafast, Ritualized Striking in Mantis Shrimp

Meeting Abstract 27-4  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:15 – 14:30  Communication and Combat: The Function of Ultrafast, Ritualized Striking in Mantis Shrimp GREEN, P.A.*; PATEK, S.N.; Duke University Theory predicts that animals should resolve conflicts safely, yet many animals use potentially dangerous “weapons” during contests. Behavioral and biomechanical studies can reveal the role of weaponry in […]

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