Thermal noise limits visual sensitivity in the Rockfish (genus Sebastes)

REILLY, C.R.L.; Stanford University: Thermal noise limits visual sensitivity in the Rockfish (genus Sebastes). An animal’s ability to behave appropriately in response to the dynamic events in its local environment depends on the ability of its sensory systems to detect and encode those events. This necessitates an informational relationship through which salient features of the […]

Spatial vision in the echinoid genus Echinometra

BLEVINS, E.L.*; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University; Duke University: Spatial vision in the echinoid genus Echinometra Although eyes are generally considered necessary for image resolution, a diffuse photoreceptive system with directional sensitivity may also have this ability. Two species of the echinoid genus Echinometra were tested for spatial vision by examining their ability to locate and […]

Sending fish to preschool Early enrichment affects brain and behavioral phenotype in salmon

KIHSLINGER, Rebecca L*; NEVITT, Gabrielle A; Univ. of California, Davis: Sending fish to preschool: Early enrichment affects brain and behavioral phenotype in salmon. It is well established that rearing environment plays a critical role in the development of phenotype. This role may be more pronounced in organisms that experience a dramatic change in environmental conditions, […]

Neural bases of species discrimination in female songbirds

HAUBER, ME; THEUNISSEN, FE; University of Auckland; University of California, Berkeley: Neural bases of species discrimination in female songbirds Acoustic perception learning by both females and males is widespread among songbirds, including many species in which only males sing. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrated response selectivity for conspecific song over synthetic stimuli in auditory […]

Ear and Otolith Morphology in a Prominent Group of Coral Reef Fishes with a Putative Specialization for Enhanced Sound Reception

WEBB, J.F.; HERMAN, J.L.; KETTEN, D.R.; Villanova University; Villanova University; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Ear and Otolith Morphology in a Prominent Group of Coral Reef Fishes with a Putative Specialization for Enhanced Sound Reception Specialized ear morphology is correlated with enhanced hearing in fishes with otophysic connections (ear-swim bladder linkages). Butterflyfishes of the genus Chaetodon […]

Detection of free swimming prey via the lateral line in the toadfish, Opsanus tau

MENSINGER, A.F.*; PALMER, L.M.; University of Minnesota Duluth and Marine Biological Laboratory; University of Minnesota Duluth and Marine Biological Laboratory: Detection of free swimming prey via the lateral line in the toadfish, Opsanus tau Inductive neural telemetry was used to record from microwire electrodes chronically implanted into the anterior lateral line nerve of the toadfish, […]

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