The Developmental Origins of Diversity Shell Patterning in a Slipper-Shell Snail

Meeting Abstract 25-8  Thursday, Jan. 5 15:15 – 15:30  The Developmental Origins of Diversity: Shell Patterning in a Slipper-Shell Snail ROSS, DL*; SHUBIN, NH; Univ of Chicago; Univ of Chicago Gastropods exhibit enormous extant diversity and have a rich fossil record, making them fertile ground for testing evolutionary theories. The regular coiling of the gastropod shell […]

Repeated Evolution of Incomplete Ear Development in Acoustically Communicating Toads

Meeting Abstract 25-5  Thursday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45  Repeated Evolution of Incomplete Ear Development in Acoustically Communicating Toads STYNOSKI, JL*; WOMACK, M; TRAMA, FA; COLOMA, LA; HOKE, KL; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; Centro de Capacitación en Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible, Oxapampa, Perú; Centro Jambatu for Research and Conservation […]

Genetic and developmental drivers of convergent ear loss in toads

Meeting Abstract 25-3  Thursday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15  Genetic and developmental drivers of convergent ear loss in toads WOMACK, MC*; STYNOSKI, J; LEMMON, AR; LEMMON, EM; METZ, M; HOKE, KL; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Colorado State University, […]

Evolution of the Animal Face from Principles to Mechanisms

Meeting Abstract 25-4  Thursday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30  Evolution of the Animal Face: from Principles to Mechanisms. ABZHANOV, ARKHAT; Imperial College London and Natural History Museum Understanding the origins of animal diversity is one of the chief challenges to the modern biological sciences. We aim to reveal molecular mechanisms underlying evolutionary processes that generate morphological […]

Cell Proliferation and Segmental Patterning are Closely Linked During Posterior Segmentation in Spiders

Meeting Abstract 25-7  Thursday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15  Cell Proliferation and Segmental Patterning are Closely Linked During Posterior Segmentation in Spiders JAHN, C; LERCH, S; EIBNER, C*; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Although segmentation has been studied in great detail in Drosophila melanogaster, the simultaneous formation of segments (long germ system), as found in […]

Timing of Tooth Development and Tooth Replacement in Homodont and Heterodont Dentitions

Meeting Abstract 26-3  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 14:45  Timing of Tooth Development and Tooth Replacement in Homodont and Heterodont Dentitions BRINK, KS*; CHIBA, K; RICHMAN, JM; University of British Columbia; University of Toronto; University of British Columbia Patterning of the vertebrate dentition is an extensively studied topic in the fields of palaeontology and developmental biology. […]

Evolutionary Consequences of Modularity in the Cichlid Skull

Meeting Abstract 26-4  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:45 – 15:00  Evolutionary Consequences of Modularity in the Cichlid Skull CONITH, A. J.*; KIDD, M. R.; ALBERTSON, R. C.; Univ. of Mass. Amherst; Texas A&M International Univ.; Univ. of Mass. Amherst Cichlid fishes exhibit functional decoupling between their oral and pharyngeal jaws allowing independent control of prey capture […]

Development Shapes Mosaic Evolution in Bird Skulls

Meeting Abstract 26-5  Thursday, Jan. 4 15:00 – 15:15  Development Shapes Mosaic Evolution in Bird Skulls FELICE, RN*; GOSWAMI, A; University College London Mosaic evolution describes the presence of a mixture of derived and pleisomorphic characteristics. This condition can be generated as a result of interrelated clusters of traits, or modules, evolving with different tempo and […]

An Exploration of Morphospace Occupation of the Cypriniform Pharyngeal Jaw

Meeting Abstract 26-2  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:15 – 14:30  An Exploration of Morphospace Occupation of the Cypriniform Pharyngeal Jaw ACKLES, AL*; STORCH, JD; HERNANDEZ, LP; George Washington University; George Washington University; George Washington University The order Cypriniformes consists of over 3,000 species and makes up over one-tenth of all living bony fishes. Multiple novel feeding innovations […]

Adaptive Landscape of Eye Size Evolution in Geckos

Meeting Abstract 26-1  Thursday, Jan. 4 14:00 – 14:15  Adaptive Landscape of Eye Size Evolution in Geckos SCHMITZ, L*; HIGHAM, TE; Claremont McKenna, Scripps, and Pitzer Colleges; UC Riverside Visually guided organisms depend on their ability to collect information about their environment in order to capture prey, avoid predation, and find mates. Visual performance therefore represents […]

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