Meeting Abstract 26.3 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:00 Sprawling locomotion: how similar are kinematics and dynamics in a sample of five phylogenetically, ecologically and morphologically diverse tetrapods? NYAKATURA, J.A.*; ALLEN, V.R.; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany; Friedrich-Schiller-Univeristät, Jena, Germany and Royal Veterinary College, London, UK Sprawling locomotion is utilized by a wide range of extinct and extant non-erect species. […]
sessions: Session 26
Proximal caudal vertebral morphology in relation to tail length among primates and other mammals
Meeting Abstract 26.2 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:45 Proximal caudal vertebral morphology in relation to tail length among primates and other mammals RUSSO, G.A.; The University of Texas at Austin; Northeast Ohio Medical University Tail reduction/loss independently evolved in a number of mammalian lineages. One prerequisite to appropriately contextualizing and understanding its significance is the ability to […]
Plantarflexion component of stride length in bipedal walking
Meeting Abstract 26.5 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:30 Plantarflexion component of stride length in bipedal walking WHITCOME, K/K*; DYER, R/E; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati Because energy for locomotion in the form of muscle force production is necessary to support the body and swing the limbs, increase in stride frequency per distance and speed will increase […]
Examining the relationship among foraging style, rectricial morphology, and the caudal skeleton in birds
Meeting Abstract 26.1 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30 Examining the relationship among foraging style, rectricial morphology, and the caudal skeleton in birds FELICE, RN*; O’CONNOR, PM; Ohio University The tail represents an important locomotor module in modern birds, complementing the role of the wings during flight. The shape of the tail fan determines its aerodynamic properties and […]
An X-ray-based transducer to measure burrowing biomechanics
Meeting Abstract 26.6 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:45 An X-ray-based transducer to measure burrowing biomechanics MOORE, AL*; BARNES, CJ; LEE, DV; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas The study of burrowing biomechanics has been limited by the technical challenges of 1) tracking motions and 2) measuring forces during […]
The impact of carotenoid intake on the physiological effects of supplementation in ornamented bird species
Meeting Abstract 26.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 14:15 The impact of carotenoid intake on the physiological effects of supplementation in ornamented bird species KOCH, R.E.*; WILSON, A.E.; HILL, G.E.; Auburn University Carotenoid coloration is the one of the most frequently studied ornamental traits in animals. Many studies of carotenoid coloration are focused on the associations between dietary […]
Sexual dimorphism in morphology, signaling, and performance in two species of Sceloporus lizards
Meeting Abstract 26.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 14:30 Sexual dimorphism in morphology, signaling, and performance in two species of Sceloporus lizards KARSTEN, K.B.; California Lutheran Univ. Signals can vary substantially, even within a somewhat closely-related taxon. In Sceloporus lizards, many species are dimorphic and signal via blue ventral and throat patches. In the most common scenario, males […]
Reciprocal allocation of parental care benefits tree swallows with more female-like plumage color
Meeting Abstract 26.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 14:00 Reciprocal allocation of parental care benefits tree swallows with more female-like plumage color DAKIN, R; LENDVAI, AZ*; OUYANG, JQ; MOORE, IT; BONIER, F; University of British Columbia; Virginia Tech; Netherlands Institute of Ecology ; Queen’s University Females often increase reproductive allocation when paired with attractive mates, consistent with the […]
Is social monogamy associated with a sedentary lifestyle in Lysiosquilloid stomatopods
Meeting Abstract 26.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 13:45 Is social monogamy associated with a sedentary lifestyle in Lysiosquilloid stomatopods? WRIGHT, M.L.; University of California Berkley Although social monogamy, when a male and female live together for at least one breeding episode, is characteristic of several crustaceans, the evolutionary origins of this mating system are not well understood. […]
Geographic variation in sperm traits of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus
Meeting Abstract 26.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 14:45 Geographic variation in sperm traits of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus SASSON, DA*; BROCKMANN, HJ; University of Florida Why traits that strongly affect fitness vary is a standing question in evolutionary biology. Many such traits may vary across a species’ range, including body size, life-span, development rate, song […]