Eye-Associated Genes in the Eye and Light Organ of the Squid Euprymna scolopes

Meeting Abstract 26.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Eye-Associated Genes in the Eye and Light Organ of the Squid Euprymna scolopes PEYER, Suzanne M*; MCFALL-NGAI, Margaret J.; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Wisconsin, Madison smpeyer@wisc.edu Research on visual systems has revealed conservation of eye-associated genes across animal phyla, including those involved in eye specification [pax6 (paired box gene […]

Direct and indirect selection on size and development in Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 26.6  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Direct and indirect selection on size and development in Manduca sexta KINGSOLVER, JG*; DIAMOND, SE; SEITER, S; HIGGINS, JK; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill jgking@bio.unc.edu Adult size and development time are the outcomes of growth and differentiation throughout the life of an individual organism—its […]

Darwin in a nutshell – the subtle intracapsular survival of the fittest in the common whelk Buccinum undatum

Meeting Abstract 26.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Darwin in a nutshell – the subtle intracapsular survival of the fittest in the common whelk Buccinum undatum SMITH, K E*; THATJE, S; University of Southampton; University of Southampton Kathryn.Smith@noc.soton.ac.uk Life history theories suggest parental fitness is maximised by investing equally into all offspring. The common whelk Buccinum undatum shows large […]

Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity implications for predicting responses to climate change

Meeting Abstract 26.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity: implications for predicting responses to climate change. GUNDERSON, A.R.; Duke University arg12@duke.edu Understanding behavioral responses to thermal variation is crucial for our attempts to predict the biological impacts of climate change. Several models have been proposed to explain the temperature-dependence of activity, usually with reference […]

Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high variation between individuals

Meeting Abstract 26.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high variation between individuals KIM, TW*; TAYLOR, J; LOVERA, C; BARRY, JP; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institue ktwon@mbari.org Future ocean pH is projected to drop considerably at all depths as surface water continues to absorb rising levels of […]

Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia) how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant

Meeting Abstract 26.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia): how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant SAPIR, N*; ROTICS, S.; KAATZ, M.; DAVIDSON, S.; ZURELL, D.; EGGERS, U.; JELTSCH, F.; NATHAN, R.; WIKELSKI, M.; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Max […]

How Weddell seals stay in shape Using morphometric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess seasonal changes in body condition

Meeting Abstract 26.6  Friday, Jan. 4  How Weddell seals stay in shape: Using morphometric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess seasonal changes in body condition SHERO, M.R.*; PEARSON, L.E.; GOETZ, K.T.; ROBINSON, P.W.; HÜCKSTÄDT, L.A.; COSTA, D.P.; BURNS, J.M.; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of California Santa Cruz; Univ. of California Santa Cruz; […]

Food limited butterflies Resting and flight metabolic rate, fecundity and longevity

Meeting Abstract 26.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Food limited butterflies �” Resting and flight metabolic rate, fecundity and longevity NIITEPOLD, K*; PEREZ, A; BOGGS, CL; Stanford University niitepold@stanford.edu Deciding how much to invest in survival and reproduction is fundamental for all organisms, especially when the available resource pool is limited. Resource availability can be affected by small-scale disturbances […]

Comparative Effects of Adult Food Limitation on Butterfly Life Histories

Meeting Abstract 26.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Comparative Effects of Adult Food Limitation on Butterfly Life Histories BOGGS, C.L.*; NIITEPOLD, K.; PEREZ, A.; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University cboggs@stanford.edu Change in resource allocation patterns in response to variation in food acquisition provides a mechanistic basis for understanding observed life history responses to variation in food availability. Organisms […]

Three-Dimensional Head Kinematics During Terrestrial Locomotion in Humans and Chimpanzees

Meeting Abstract 26.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 14:15  Three-Dimensional Head Kinematics During Terrestrial Locomotion in Humans and Chimpanzees THOMPSON, N.E.*; O’NEILL, M.C.; DEMES, B.; Stony Brook University Medicine; Stony Brook University Medicine; Stony Brook University Medicine nathan.thompson@stonybrook.edu Osseous semicircular canal morphology has been used to reconstruct aspects of locomotor behavior in living and fossil primates. Relative to chimpanzees […]

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