Meeting Abstract 26.4 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Eye-Associated Genes in the Eye and Light Organ of the Squid Euprymna scolopes PEYER, Suzanne M*; MCFALL-NGAI, Margaret J.; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Wisconsin, Madison Research on visual systems has revealed conservation of eye-associated genes across animal phyla, including those involved in eye specification [pax6 (paired box gene […]
sessions: Session 26
Direct and indirect selection on size and development in Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 26.6 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Direct and indirect selection on size and development in Manduca sexta KINGSOLVER, JG*; DIAMOND, SE; SEITER, S; HIGGINS, JK; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill; UNC, Chapel Hill Adult size and development time are the outcomes of growth and differentiation throughout the life of an individual organism—its […]
Darwin in a nutshell – the subtle intracapsular survival of the fittest in the common whelk Buccinum undatum
Meeting Abstract 26.3 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Darwin in a nutshell – the subtle intracapsular survival of the fittest in the common whelk Buccinum undatum SMITH, K E*; THATJE, S; University of Southampton; University of Southampton Life history theories suggest parental fitness is maximised by investing equally into all offspring. The common whelk Buccinum undatum shows large […]
Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity implications for predicting responses to climate change
Meeting Abstract 26.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity: implications for predicting responses to climate change. GUNDERSON, A.R.; Duke University Understanding behavioral responses to thermal variation is crucial for our attempts to predict the biological impacts of climate change. Several models have been proposed to explain the temperature-dependence of activity, usually with reference […]
Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high variation between individuals
Meeting Abstract 26.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high variation between individuals KIM, TW*; TAYLOR, J; LOVERA, C; BARRY, JP; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institue Future ocean pH is projected to drop considerably at all depths as surface water continues to absorb rising levels of […]
Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia) how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant
Meeting Abstract 26.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia): how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant SAPIR, N*; ROTICS, S.; KAATZ, M.; DAVIDSON, S.; ZURELL, D.; EGGERS, U.; JELTSCH, F.; NATHAN, R.; WIKELSKI, M.; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Max […]
How Weddell seals stay in shape Using morphometric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess seasonal changes in body condition
Meeting Abstract 26.6 Friday, Jan. 4 How Weddell seals stay in shape: Using morphometric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess seasonal changes in body condition SHERO, M.R.*; PEARSON, L.E.; GOETZ, K.T.; ROBINSON, P.W.; HÜCKSTÄDT, L.A.; COSTA, D.P.; BURNS, J.M.; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of California Santa Cruz; Univ. of California Santa Cruz; […]
Food limited butterflies Resting and flight metabolic rate, fecundity and longevity
Meeting Abstract 26.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Food limited butterflies �” Resting and flight metabolic rate, fecundity and longevity NIITEPOLD, K*; PEREZ, A; BOGGS, CL; Stanford University Deciding how much to invest in survival and reproduction is fundamental for all organisms, especially when the available resource pool is limited. Resource availability can be affected by small-scale disturbances […]
Comparative Effects of Adult Food Limitation on Butterfly Life Histories
Meeting Abstract 26.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Comparative Effects of Adult Food Limitation on Butterfly Life Histories BOGGS, C.L.*; NIITEPOLD, K.; PEREZ, A.; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University Change in resource allocation patterns in response to variation in food acquisition provides a mechanistic basis for understanding observed life history responses to variation in food availability. Organisms […]
Three-Dimensional Head Kinematics During Terrestrial Locomotion in Humans and Chimpanzees
Meeting Abstract 26.4 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:15 Three-Dimensional Head Kinematics During Terrestrial Locomotion in Humans and Chimpanzees THOMPSON, N.E.*; O’NEILL, M.C.; DEMES, B.; Stony Brook University Medicine; Stony Brook University Medicine; Stony Brook University Medicine Osseous semicircular canal morphology has been used to reconstruct aspects of locomotor behavior in living and fossil primates. Relative to chimpanzees […]