Effects Of The Antiandrogen Flutamide Upon Territorial Aggression In Male Free-Living Song Sparrows

SPERRY, T.S.*; WINGFIELD, J.C.: Effects Of The Antiandrogen Flutamide Upon Territorial Aggression In Male Free-Living Song Sparrows Male song sparrows, Melospiza melodia morphna, display territorial aggression in both breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Previous studies have demonstrated that estrogen plays a critical role in maintaining aggressive behavior in song sparrows. However, the role of androgens, acting […]

The kype of male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Restart of bone development in adult animals

WITTEN*, P.E.; ROSENTHAL, H; HALL, B.K.; Institute of Marine Research, Kiel, Germany; Institute of Marine Research, Kiel, Germany; Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada: The kype of male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Restart of bone development in adult animals Maturing upstream migrating Atlantic salmon display drastic skull alterations in both sexes, most prominently, the development of […]

The frog pectoral girdle a non-amniote model of bone formation

SHEARMAN, R.M.; University of Chicago: The frog pectoral girdle: a non-amniote model of bone formation Histogenesis of vertebrate skeletal tissue is highly diverse, particularly among lower vertebrates. The process of bone formation varies at several levels of biological organization; e.g., the role of cells (osteocytes) within calcified matrix, and the timing and patterning of ossification […]

Homology, individuality, and developmental morphology of the axial skeleton of the zebrafish

BIRD, N.C.; MABEE, P.M.; Univ. of South Dakota; Univ. of South Dakota: Homology, individuality, and developmental morphology of the axial skeleton of the zebrafish. Developmental morphology and analysis of mutant morphology have long been key in evaluating hypotheses of homology. In turn, correct determination of homology is central to understanding the precise sequence and nature […]

Creating Cartilage How do Cephalopods do it

COLE, A.G.; HALL, B.K.; Dalhousie University; Dalhousie University: Creating Cartilage: How do Cephalopods do it? Cartilage has long been thought to be a tissue restricted to vertebrates. However, tissues that are histologically indistinguishable from vertebrate cartilage are found in most Cephalopod species. To determine whether or not these tissues develop in a similar manner to […]

Chondrogenesis in the developing pectoral fins of the chondrosteans Polyodon and Acipenser

DAVIS, M.C.; University of Chicago: Chondrogenesis in the developing pectoral fins of the chondrosteans Polyodon and Acipenser Chondrosteans (sturgeons, paddlefish, and their extinct relatives) have often been included in discussions of basal osteichthyan evolution and relationships, both in the classical embryological literature and more recently in molecular and paleontological studies. Chondrosteans are ideal taxa for […]

A comparative and developmental study of the crocodylian dermal interclavicle and avian furcula

VICKARYOUS, M.K.; HALL, B.K.; Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Canada; Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Canada: A comparative and developmental study of the crocodylian dermal interclavicle and avian furcula Common to all major amniote lineages, at least ancestrally, is an unpaired intramembranously derived postcranial element situated within the pectoral/sternal apparatus: the dermal interclavicle (monotremes, lizards and crocodylians), […]

The role of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP on mediating the modulation of Clione limacina swim behavior

PIRTLE, Thomas J; SATTERLIE, Richard A; Abilene Christian University; Arizona State University: The role of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP on mediating the modulation of Clione limacina swim behavior The marine pteropod mollusk, Clione limacina, exhibits behaviorally relevant locomotor speed changes in response to various stimuli. Clione accelerate swimming during prey capture and as an […]

Swimming Cetaceans Hydrodynamics, Body Stiffness, and the Scaling of Performance

LONG, JR., J H; ETNIER, S; PABST, D A; JOHNSON, M; MCLELLAN, W A; Vassar College; Butler University; University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Vassar College; University of North Carolina, Wilmington: Swimming Cetaceans: Hydrodynamics, Body Stiffness, and the Scaling of Performance Our goal is to integrate external and internal forces in a model that offers a […]

Pectoral fin locomotion in fishes fin ray deformation and material properties

MADDEN, P.G. *; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University; Harvard University: Pectoral fin locomotion in fishes: fin ray deformation and material properties Fish pectoral aspect ratio and planform have been studied but little attention has been paid to fin ray flexibility and planform changes during a fin beat. Such changes in fin shape may dramatically affect the […]

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