Stochastic Population Dynamics of a Desert Lizard

Meeting Abstract 24.4  Monday, Jan. 4  Stochastic Population Dynamics of a Desert Lizard ADOLPH, S.C.**; DAVIS, A.R.; FEDEROWITZ, M.; PETERSEN, J.; Harvey Mudd College; University of California, Berkeley; Harvey Mudd College; Harvey Mudd College Desert organisms experience highly variable precipitation, which can strongly affect reproduction and therefore population dynamics. In the viviparous desert night lizard (Xantusia […]

Emersion limits short term growth rates in intertidal Nucella lamellosa

Meeting Abstract 24.5  Monday, Jan. 4  Emersion limits short term growth rates in intertidal Nucella lamellosa PRICE, RM*; ELAHI, R; Univ. of Washington, Bothell; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Many environmental factors affect the growth of marine invertebrates, but the way these factors interact remains poorly understood. For example, tidal emersion may limit the size of intertidal […]

Downstream Hatching Migrations of the River Shrimp Macrobrachium ohione in the Lower Mississippi River System

Meeting Abstract 24.2  Monday, Jan. 4  Downstream Hatching Migrations of the River Shrimp Macrobrachium ohione in the Lower Mississippi River System OLIVIER, T.J.*; BAUER, R.T.; University of Louisiana-Lafayette; University of Louisiana-Lafayette Macrobrachium ohione is the most widely distributed species of Macrobrachium in the United States. Historically found within the Mississippi River System as far north as […]

Cell motility, life stage transitions and cyst distribution of the harmful alga, Heterosigma akashiwo

Meeting Abstract 24.6  Monday, Jan. 4  Cell motility, life stage transitions and cyst distribution of the harmful alga, Heterosigma akashiwo TOBIN, E.D.*; GRUNBAUM, D; CATTOLICO, R.A.; School of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington; School of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington; Depart. of Biology. Univ. of Washington In many harmful algal blooming (HAB) species, transitions between a vegetative, motile […]

Speciation, in the sea

Meeting Abstract 24.1  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Speciation, in the sea? DAWSON, MN; University of California, Merced The fluid mechanics of marine and terrestrial systems are surprisingly similar at many spatial and temporal scales. Not surprisingly, the dispersal of organisms that float, swim, or fly is influenced by the fluid environments of air and seawater. Nonetheless, it […]

Patterns of speciation in sea cucumbers

Meeting Abstract 24.3  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Patterns of speciation in sea cucumbers MICHONNEAU, Francois; University of Florida Despite their striking presence on coral reefs and the multi-millon dollar industry targeting them, aspidochirotid holothurians have received relatively little taxonomic attention. Heavy reliance on ossicles has lead to a confused taxonomy and masks substantial cryptic diversity. As part […]

Molgula pugetiensis is a Pacific tailless ascidian within the Roscovita clade of molgulids

Meeting Abstract 24.4  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Molgula pugetiensis is a Pacific tailless ascidian within the Roscovita clade of molgulids MALISKA, ME*; SWALLA, BJ; University of Washington, Department of Biology and Friday Harbor Laboratories; University of Washington, Department of Biology and Friday Harbor Laboratories The molgulid ascidians are a monophyletic group of tunicates that share specific morphological […]

Just because the shoe fits doesn’t mean you should wear it complex evolutionary patterns in the reef fish genus Naso

Meeting Abstract 24.2  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Just because the shoe fits doesn’t mean you should wear it: complex evolutionary patterns in the reef fish genus Naso HORNE, John B*; VAN HERWERDEN, Lynne; CHOAT, J Howard; James Cook University; James Cook University; James Cook University Some Indo-Pacific coral reef fish species have been reported to have multiple […]

Indications of Incipient Ecological Speciation in a Polymorphic Coral Reef Fish

Meeting Abstract 24.6  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Indications of Incipient Ecological Speciation in a Polymorphic Coral Reef Fish WHITNEY, JL*; KARL, SA; Hawai`i Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai`i, Mānoa; Hawai`i Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai`i, Mānoa A long-standing challenge in marine evolutionary biology has been explaining the origin of high levels of species […]

Divergence of Baltic Sea populations of the poecilogonous polychaete Pygospio elegans reflects barriers to dispersal and predominant developmental mode

Meeting Abstract 24.5  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Divergence of Baltic Sea populations of the poecilogonous polychaete Pygospio elegans reflects barriers to dispersal and predominant developmental mode KESANIEMI, J.E.; KNOTT, K.E.*; University of Jyvaskyla; University of Jyvaskyla Pygospio elegans is a poecilogonous species capable of producing either planktonic or brooded larvae following sexual reproduction. The different larvae are […]

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