FRANZ-ODENDAAL, T.A.; Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada: Growth, development, constraint and variation of the skeletal elements within the teleost eye The sclera plays a supportive role in all vertebrate eyes and usually contains two skeletal elements. In bony fish (Teleostei) the scleral cartilage is restricted to an equatorial ring, unlike the situation in tetrapods. Some […]
sessions: Session 24
Development of the swimbladder and its innervation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
CROLL, RP*; ROBERTSON, GN; MCGEE, CAS; SMITH, FM; Dalhousie Univ; Dalhousie Univ; Dalhousie Univ; Dalhousie Univ: Development of the swimbladder and its innervation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) Gas-filled swimbladders play essential roles in buoyancy control of many teleosts, yet little is known of how these organs and their innervation develop to meet changing demands […]
Three-Dimensional Concentration Measurements Around Actively Tracking Blue Crabs
Meeting Abstract 24.4 Jan. 5 Three-Dimensional Concentration Measurements Around Actively Tracking Blue Crabs JACKSON, Jennifer L*; DICKMAN, Brian D; WEISSBURG, Marc J; WEBSTER, Donald R; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology The fluctuating properties of odor signals in turbulent boundary layer flows are used by large […]
The chemically-mediated orientation and feeding behaviors by the hydrothermal vent crabs Xenograpsus testudinatusWhat makes them swarm in such high densities
Meeting Abstract 24.5 Jan. 5 The chemically-mediated orientation and feeding behaviors by the hydrothermal vent crabs Xenograpsus testudinatus�What makes them swarm in such high densities? HUANG, H.-D.*; JENG, M.-S.; Academia Sinica; Academia Sinica The crab Xenograpsus testudinatus lives at enormously high densities around the sulfur-rich hydrothermal vents found in shallow waters off Kueishan Island, northeastern Taiwan. […]
Olfactory imprinting in coral reef fish
Meeting Abstract 24.6 Jan. 5 Olfactory imprinting in coral reef fish MILLER-SIMS, V*; ATEMA , J; GERLACH, G; KINGSFORD, MJ; Boston University Marine Program; Boston University Marine Program; Marine Biological Laboratories; James Cook University Most marine organisms have a pelagic larval dispersal phase, leading to the question of how far larvae disperse. Larval behavior and odor […]
Importance of odorant chirality in an insect-plant interaction
Meeting Abstract 24.2 Jan. 5 Importance of odorant chirality in an insect-plant interaction REISENMAN, CE*; RIFFELL, JA; HILDEBRAND, JG; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Olfaction plays decisive roles in moths for finding mates, food, and oviposition sites. Odor compounds differ in structural features, and the importance of enantiomers (mirror-image forms of a […]
Encoding navigational flight behavior to odors in the antennal lobe of Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 24.3 Jan. 5 Encoding navigational flight behavior to odors in the antennal lobe of Manduca sexta RIFFELL, J.A.*; CHRISTENSEN, T.A.; HILDEBRAND, J.G.; Univ. of Arizona; Univ. of Arizona; Univ. of Arizona In insects, complex odor blends dictate behavior, where key odorants at specific ratios and concentrations are necessary for olfactory-mediated responses. Surprisingly, few studies […]
Predigestive costs in Python regius
Meeting Abstract 24.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Predigestive costs in Python regius WAAS, S.; WERNER, R.A.; STARCK, J.M.*; University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany; ETH Zuerich, Switzerland; University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany Digestion of a meal and absorption of nutrients incur energetic costs to any organism by activating gastric functions, intestinal enzyme activity, and membrane transporters […]
Modest regulation of gastrointestinal morphology and function for the frequently feeding diamondback watersnake, Nerodia rhombifer
Meeting Abstract 24.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Modest regulation of gastrointestinal morphology and function for the frequently feeding diamondback watersnake, Nerodia rhombifer COX, C. L.*; SECOR, S.M.; University of Texas, Arlington; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Infrequently feeding snakes (boas, pythons, and vipers) widely regulate gastrointestinal performance with each meal as an apparent adaptive response to long […]
Glucose absorption in House sparrow nestlings does not depend on age or diet
Meeting Abstract 24.6 Friday, Jan. 4 Glucose absorption in House sparrow nestlings does not depend on age or diet BRZEK, P.*; CAVIEDES-VIDAL, E.; KARASOV, W.H.; University of Wisconsin, Madison; Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina; University of Wisconsin, Madison Young birds show great age-related changes in functional maturity of their gastrointestinal tract. However, little is known […]