Usherwood, J. R.: Aerodynamics and energetics of animal flight based on propeller models Recent work on flapping insect models has demonstrated the importance of a spiral ‘leading-edge vortex’ created by dynamic stall and maintained by some aspect of spanwise flow, for creating the lift required during flight (Ellington et al., 1996; Dickinson et al., 1999). […]
sessions: Session 23
A mathematical model of insect flight The immersed boundary method with fling
MILLER, L.A.: A mathematical model of insect flight: The immersed boundary method with fling Lift generation by insects at low Reynold’s numbers has been a subject of great interest to some biologists, engineers, and mathematicians over the past few decades. Unfortunately, a realistic mathematical model of insect flight, including a flexible wing moving with three […]
Testosterone and progesterone activate aggression in male tree lizards
WEISS*, S.L.; MOORE, M.C.: Testosterone and progesterone activate aggression in male tree lizards Neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating aggressive behavior are complex, and often no direct relationship between circulating hormone levels and aggression is found. For instance, in the face of identical testosterone levels, male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) express one of two behaviorally-distinct reproductive strategies: “orange” […]
Seasonal Estradiol Production in Three Size Classes of Atlantic Hagfish
POWELL, Mickie/L*; SOWER, Stacia/A: Seasonal Estradiol Production in Three Size Classes of Atlantic Hagfish Hagfish are considered to be the oldest form of extant vertebrates in the Class of Agnatha. During the past ten years they have become the focus of a growing commercial fishery on the East Coast. Since there is little information on […]
Nutritional regulation of myostatin mRNA in the tilapia
RODGERS, Buel D; WEBER, Gregory M; KELLEY, Kevin M; LEVINE, Michael A: Nutritional regulation of myostatin mRNA in the tilapia In mammals, myostatin initiates myoblast differentiation by cell-cycle withdrawal and G1 growth arrest. Mice and cattle possessing null alleles for myostatin display a double muscled phenotype characterized by extreme skeletal muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Our […]
Interaction between Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and growth hormone in the euryhaline tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus
KAJIMURA, S.; UCHIDA, K.; YADA, T.; HIRANO, T.; GRAU, E.G.: Interaction between Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and growth hormone in the euryhaline tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus Growth in vertebrates is controlled by the GH-IGF axis to an important degree. To better understand the interaction between IGFs and GH in teleosts, we studied the effects […]
Growth Regulation in the Tilapia Effect of Salinity and 17&alpha-Methyltestosterone (MT) Treatment
RILEY, L. G.*; HIRANO, T.; RICHMAN III, N. H.; GRAU, E. G.: Growth Regulation in the Tilapia: Effect of Salinity and 17&alpha-Methyltestosterone (MT) Treatment Effects of salinity and MT treatment on growth and the growth hormone / insulin-like growth factor-I axis (GH/IGF-I) in the euryhaline tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus were examined. Animals were raised in either […]
Growth Inhibition by Testosterone in Eastern Fence Lizards (Sceloporus undulatus)
JOHN-ALDER, Henry B.; COX, Robert M.; LEO, Angela; SKELLY, Stephanie: Growth Inhibition by Testosterone in Eastern Fence Lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) In most populations of Sceloporus undulatus, adult females are about 10% larger than adult males, even when controlling for age. In our population, SSD arises because females grow faster than males prior to sexual maturation. […]
Winterkill of Rana luteiventris in a riparian habitat
HATCH, K.A.; TRACY, C.R.; Brigham Young University; University of Nevada, Reno: Winterkill of Rana luteiventris in a riparian habitat Little research has been done on the biology of hibernating frogs in their natural habitat. Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) are primarily aquatic and anecdotal evidence suggested that they dig into soft banks of streams or […]
Unique Pattern of Barnacle Settlement Associated with the 1997-1998 ENSO
VENN, C.*; LENIG, J.L.; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania: Unique Pattern of Barnacle Settlement Associated with the 1997-1998 ENSO The TAO/TRITON buoy array in the tropical Pacific is a network of 77 moorings that are deployed to measure and relay environmental conditions between 8 degrees north and 8 degrees south of the […]