Meeting Abstract 22.3 Monday, Jan. 4 The biogeography of Symbiodinium from giant clams (Tridacnidae) WEBER, M.X.*; FAY, S.A.; LIPPS, J.H.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Tridacnidae, the giant clams, are one of many groups of host organisms for Symbiodinium, a diverse clade of dinoflagellates that structurally and energetically support […]
sessions: Session 22
Quantitative genetics and genomics of reef-building coral Acropora millepora
Meeting Abstract 22.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Quantitative genetics and genomics of reef-building coral Acropora millepora MEYER, E; WANG, S; AGYAMOVA, G; MATZ, M*; University of Texas at Austin Next-generation sequencing and genomic analysis are increasing the rate of biological discovery, but have often been limited to a handful of model systems with sequenced genomes. Their application […]
Mucilage Secretion in Different Symbiodinium Strains
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Monday, Jan. 4 Mucilage Secretion in Different Symbiodinium Strains MAZZILLO, Maria*; KEMPF, Stephen C.; Auburn University; Auburn University Symbiodinium are brown, unicellular dinoflagellates that reside intracellularly in a variety of invertebrate hosts, including many cnidarians. In this mutualism, the endosymbiotic algae are enclosed in a symbiosome membrane (both host and symbiont-derived) and donate […]
Integrative gene expression analysis of stress response in Porites astreoides
Meeting Abstract 22.6 Monday, Jan. 4 Integrative gene expression analysis of stress response in Porites astreoides KENKEL, C.D.*; ALAMARU, A.; CUNNING, J.R.; KUEHL, K.; MAHMOUD, H.; PALMER, C.V.; PANTILE, R.; SHASHANK, K.; SILVERSTEIN, R.N.; TANG, P.C.; MATZ, M.V.; Univ. of Texas, Austin; Tel Aviv Univ., Israel; Univ. of Miami; Florida International Univ., Miami; Kuwait Univ.; Newcastle Univ., […]
Expression profiling coral responses to thermal stress and settlement cues using RNA-Seq
Meeting Abstract 22.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Expression profiling coral responses to thermal stress and settlement cues using RNA-Seq MEYER, E*; MATZ, MV; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin Quantitative transcriptome analysis using next-generation sequencing methods (RNA-Seq) has become an important tool in functional genomics, but this approach has mostly been limited to a handful […]
The influence of host physiology and infection intensity on the metamorphosis of freshwater mussel larva
Meeting Abstract 22.4 Tuesday, Jan. 4 The influence of host physiology and infection intensity on the metamorphosis of freshwater mussel larva. DUBANSKY, B*; WHITAKER, B; GALVEZ, F; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA The larva of unionid freshwater mussels (glochidia) undergo a parasitic stage requiring their attachment to the external epithelia of fish hosts, where they […]
Meeting Abstract 22.2 Tuesday, Jan. 4 THE EVOLUTION OF WOUND HEALING IN NEMATOSTELLA VECTENSIS DUBUC, Timothy/Q*; MARTINDALE, Mark/Q; University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu; University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu The study of wound closure is important for the advancement of medicinal applications in surgical scar healing, as well as initiation of tissue regeneration. Research on wound closure […]
Genomic evolution of a novel cell type the endometrial stromal cell of placental mammals
Meeting Abstract 22.3 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Genomic evolution of a novel cell type: the endometrial stromal cell of placental mammals. LYNCH, VJ; WAGNER, GP*; Yale University; Yale University The cell is the most basic functional unit of life and the complexity of multicellular organisms can be measured in terms of the number of distinct cell types […]
Cell proliferation is required for regeneration in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Cell proliferation is required for regeneration in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis PASSAMANECK, Y.J.*; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. Hawaii; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. Hawaii Within the Cnidaria, studies of growth and regeneration have traditionally focused on the derived medusozoan Hydra. By comparison, relatively little data has been collected on […]
Variation in Stickiness Using the Weibull Distribution to Quantify Adhesion across Geckos
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Variation in Stickiness: Using the Weibull Distribution to Quantify Adhesion across Geckos HAGEY, Travis; University of Idaho Adaptation is a major process in the diversification of life on earth. Studies of adaptation often rely on patterns of correlated morphology, performance, and habitat preferences. Gecko lizards are an excellent system to […]