Increased ambient temperatures in an urban landscape affect hatching success of the threatened Florida scrub-jay Aphelocoma coerulescens

ALDREDGE, R.A.*; BOWMAN, R.; BOUGHTON, R.K.; SCHOECH, S.J.; BRIDGE, E.; Archbold Biol. Stn., FL; Archbold Biol. Stn., FL; Univ. of Memphis, TN; Univ. of Memphis, TN; Univ. of Memphis, TN: Increased ambient temperatures in an urban landscape affect hatching success of the threatened Florida scrub-jay Aphelocoma coerulescens Ambient temperature has important physiological consequences on the […]

Reserve capacities of internal organs in laboratory mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR)

Meeting Abstract 22.5  Jan. 5  Reserve capacities of internal organs in laboratory mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR) KSIAZEK, A.*; KONARZEWSKI, M.; CZERNIECKI, J.; University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland; University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland; University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland BMR is considered to reflect energetic costs of maintenance of metabolically active internal organs. We […]

Phenotypic flexibility in cutaneous water loss and lipids of the stratum corneum in House sparrows (Passer domesticus) following acclimation to high and low humidity

Meeting Abstract 22.3  Jan. 5  Phenotypic flexibility in cutaneous water loss and lipids of the stratum corneum in House sparrows (Passer domesticus) following acclimation to high and low humidity MU�OZ-GARCIA, Agust�*; COX, Robert M.; WILLIAMS, Joseph B.; Ohio State University; Ohio State University; Ohio State University Resistance to water vapor diffusion through the skin is thought […]

Metabolic rate governs rates of genotypic and phenotypic evolution

Meeting Abstract 22.2  Jan. 5  Metabolic rate governs rates of genotypic and phenotypic evolution MCCOY, M. W.*; GILLOOLY, J. F.; ALLEN, A. P.; University of Florida; University of Florida; NCEAS Determining the relative importance of neutral versus adaptive processes in shaping rates of phenotypic evolution is a central aim of evolutionary biology. Many evolutionary biologists, while […]

Macro vs Micro-Geographic Variation in Metabolism and Hormone Correlates in the Big Brown Bat ( Eptesicus fucus )

Meeting Abstract 22.1  Jan. 5  Macro vs. Micro-Geographic Variation in Metabolism and Hormone Correlates in the Big Brown Bat ( Eptesicus fucus ) RICHARDSON, C.S.*; WIDMAIER, E.P.; MARSH, R.L.; KUNZ, T.H.; BOSTON UNIVERSITY; BOSTON UNIVERSITY; NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, BOSTON; BOSTON UNIVERSITY We examined basal metabolic rate (BMR) and plasma levels of thyroid hormone (T3) and leptin in […]

Yolk steroid movement early in development Finding a familiar face in an unfamiliar place

Meeting Abstract 22.5  Thursday, Jan. 3  Yolk steroid movement early in development: Finding a familiar face in an unfamiliar place PAITZ, RT*; BOWDEN, RM; Illinois St. Univ.; Illinois St. Univ. Yolk steroids influence a variety of offspring traits and have been studied as a means by which females may differentially modify offspring phenotypes. While numerous studies […]

Seasonal patterns in maternal and yolk hormones in the loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta

Meeting Abstract 22.4  Thursday, Jan. 3  Seasonal patterns in maternal and yolk hormones in the loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta ROSTAL, DC*; DAVIS, TS; PAITZ, RT; ZIMMERMAN, L; BOWDEN, R; Georgia Southern University; Georgia Southern University; Illinois State University; Illinois State University; Illinois State University A variety of functions have been suggested for yolk hormones in […]

Hormonally-mediated maternal effects the mothers perspective

Meeting Abstract 22.3  Thursday, Jan. 3  Hormonally-mediated maternal effects � the mother�s perspective TRAVERS, M.*; CLINCHY, M.; WILLIAMS, T.D.; ZANETTE, L.; SFU & UWO; UWO; SFU; UWO Hormonally-mediated maternal effects involve transfer of hormones from the mother�s circulation to offspring via egg yolk. Hormones that have potential �adaptive� effects in offspring also have important functional roles […]

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