Honey bee response to differences in handling time, rewards and flower colors

SANDERSON, C.E.; HILL, P.S.M.; WELLS, H.; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa: Honey bee response to differences in handling time, rewards and flower colors Foraging behavior of honeybees (Apis mellifera) was studied in order to examine the interaction that differences in reward, flower handling-time, and flower color have on the decision process […]

When Do Collared Lizards Use Maximal Sprint Speed

HUSAK, J.F.*; Oklahoma State University: When Do Collared Lizards Use Maximal Sprint Speed? In order to understand how selection acts on performance capacity, the ecological role of the performance parameter being measured must be determined. Knowing if and when an animal uses maximal performance capacity may give insight into what specific selective pressures may be […]

Ventilatory patterns of guinea fowl Numida meleagris during terrestrial locomotion and evidence for gearing in the avian respiratory system

NASSAR, P. N.*; CARRIER, D. R.; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City: Ventilatory patterns of guinea fowl Numida meleagris during terrestrial locomotion and evidence for gearing in the avian respiratory system While locomotor-respiratory entrainment has been observed in a number of exercising mammals and flying birds, no study has given a […]

The Effect of Load on Burst Speed on the Lizard Iguana iguana

TUCKER, S.C.*; BUTLER, M.A.; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville: The Effect of Load on Burst Speed on the Lizard Iguana iguana The effect of load has a potentially important impact on animals� locomotion. Heavy loads may reduce initial velocity or acceleration to the point that an animal can no longer escape predators […]

How leg muscles respond to back and limb loading in running guinea fowl clues about mechanical function from blood flow measurements

ELLERBY, D.J.*; MARSH, R.L.; HENRY, H.T.; CARR, J.A.; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston; Northeastern University, Boston: How leg muscles respond to back and limb loading in running guinea fowl: clues about mechanical function from blood flow measurements Surprisingly little direct information is available on the mechanical function of the diverse array […]

Energetic costs of back and limb loading in guinea fowl

MARSH, R.L.; ELLERBY, D.J.; HENRY, H.T.; Northeastern University, Boston, MA: Energetic costs of back and limb loading in guinea fowl. Loading studies have played a role in inferring the importance of various mechanical functions during running. Data showing a 1:1 relationship between the percentage increase in body mass and the percentage increase in gross metabolic […]

Dynamics of ankle extensor function during stabilization in running guinea fowl

DALEY, M.A.; Harvard University, Bedford: Dynamics of ankle extensor function during stabilization in running guinea fowl How do animals maintain stability in the face of unexpected disturbances during locomotion? This study investigates how limb and muscle dynamics respond to sudden changes in substrate level during avian bipedal running. Guinea fowl ran along a runway with […]

3D kinematics and kinetics of running in the ostrich (Struthio camelus)

RUBENSON, J.; BESIER, T.F.; HELIAMS, D.; LLOYD, D.G.; FOURNIER, P.A.; Univ. of Western Australia; Univ. of Western Australia; Univ. of Western Australia; Univ. of Western Australia; Univ. of Western Australia: 3D kinematics and kinetics of running in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) While several studies have enhanced our understanding of the mechanics of avian bipedalism many […]

Possible artificial introductions of freshwater peritrich ciliates and their implications for assessment of protistan biodiversity

CLAMP, J.C.; North Carolina Central Univ.: Possible artificial introductions of freshwater peritrich ciliates and their implications for assessment of protistan biodiversity The planktonic, sessiline peritrichs Epicarchesium pectinatum (Zacharias, 1897) and Pelagovorticella natans (Faur�-Fremiet, 1924) were collected from different tributaries of the St. Lucie River, Florida. Epistylis procumbens Zacharias, 1897, another planktonic sessiline, was collected near […]

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