Meeting Abstract 22.4 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Burrowing in sand – can surface reduce friction? SUMMERS, Adam P.; Friday Harbor Labs, UW Several species of fishes burrow quickly and apparently effortlessly into sand of various grain sizes. Sandlances exhibit a marked preference for one particular grain size and burrow by driving the head directly into the substrate. […]
sessions: Session 22
When and how do Tree Swallow chicks die during cold weather
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Friday, Jan. 4 When and how do Tree Swallow chicks die during cold weather? BOYLE, W.A.*; WINKLER, D.W.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; Kansas State U.; Cornell; U. Western Ontario Temperate-breeding altricial birds face strong selection to breed early with the consequence that chicks experience periods of inclement weather that both increase thermogenic stressors and reduce […]
Mechanisms of egg defense in Megapodes avoiding infection in a compost heap
Meeting Abstract 22.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Mechanisms of egg defense in Megapodes: avoiding infection in a compost heap D’ALBA, L*; JONES, D; BADAWY, H; SHAWKEY, MD; University of Akron; Griffith University; University of Akron; University of Akron Interactions, over evolutionary time, between bacteria and vertebrate animals remain poorly understood. Infection is an important source of mortality […]
Immune challenge and terminal investment in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)
Meeting Abstract 22.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Immune challenge and terminal investment in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) BOWERS, E.K.*; SAKALUK, S.K.; THOMPSON, C.F.; Illinois St. Univ. The reproductive costs associated with up-regulation of the immune system have been well-documented and arise from a trade-off between reproductive effort and self-maintenance. However, some recent studies that activated the […]
Are two parents better than one Examining the effects of biparental care in a stomatopod crustacean
Meeting Abstract 22.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Are two parents better than one? Examining the effects of biparental care in a stomatopod crustacean WRIGHT, ML*; CALDWELL, RL; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley Although social monogamy and biparental care have been extensively studied in birds, mammals, and fish, few studies have been conducted on invertebrate species. Social monogamy is […]
Social rank predicts telomere length in female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)
Meeting Abstract 22.3 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:00 Social rank predicts telomere length in female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) LEWIN, NS*; TREIDEL, LM; PLACE, NJ; HOLEKAMP, KE; HAUSSMANN, MF; Michigan State University The social environment plays an important role in shaping developmental trajectories, but we have little understanding of whether or how these effects express themselves later […]
Maternal effects of stress in a plural-breeding rodent
Meeting Abstract 22.4 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:15 Maternal effects of stress in a plural-breeding rodent BAUER, C.M.*; EBENSPERGER, L.A.; HAYES, L.D.; ROMERO, L.M.; Tufts University, Medford, MA; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Tufts University, Medford, MA The quality of parental care has significant impacts on offspring fitness. In laboratory rodents, chronically […]
Corticosterone receptor concentrations are correlated across different tissues within individual house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:45 Corticosterone receptor concentrations are correlated across different tissues within individual house sparrows (Passer domesticus) LATTIN, CR*; KENISTON, DE; ROMERO, LM; Tufts University; Yale University; Tufts University Hormonal mediators often show enormous intraspecific variation. Although there have been increased calls to make this individual variation the focus of inquiry, relatively […]
Retinoic acid regulates size, pattern and alignment of neural and mesodermal tissues at the head-trunk transition
Meeting Abstract 22.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 13:45 Retinoic acid regulates size, pattern and alignment of neural and mesodermal tissues at the head-trunk transition SKROMNE, I*; LEE, K; University of Miami, Coral Gables; University of Miami, Coral Gables At the head-trunk transition, alignment of hindbrain and spinal cord territories to occipital and cervical structures is critical for […]
Characterizing gene expression in the sponge choanoderm
Meeting Abstract 22.1 Sunday, Jan. 4 13:30 Characterizing gene expression in the sponge choanoderm PENA, J; NICHOLS, SA*; University of Denver; University of Denver A fundamental challenge in the field of evo-devo is to understand the evolution of animal body plan diversity. The body plan of sponges (phylum Porifera) is an outlier among modern animals and […]