Meeting Abstract 21.5 Wednesday, Jan. 4 From Tissues to Landscapes: Using Physiology to Answer Landscape Level Questions in Large Mammals DUNKIN, R.C.*; TINKER, M.T.; WILLIAMS, T.M.; Univ. of California Santa Cruz; USGS-Western Ecological Research Center; Univ. of California Santa Cruz Elephants, the largest land mammal, are highly dependent on surface water for efficient heat dissipation. As […]
sessions: Session 21
Burrowing rodents are not necessarily tolerant of hypercapnia
Meeting Abstract 21.1 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Burrowing rodents are not necessarily tolerant of hypercapnia BRICKNER-BRAUN, I*; PINSHOW, B; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research Burrow geometry, coupled with low permeability of soils to gases, and the respiration of its tenant(s), […]
Bivalves as Infaunal Hydraulic Ecosystem Engineers vs Wimps of the Class
Meeting Abstract 21.4 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Bivalves as Infaunal Hydraulic Ecosystem Engineers vs Wimps of the Class WOODIN, S.A.*; HEWITT, J.E.; PILDITCH, C.A.; POLERECKY, L.; THRUSH, S.F.; VOLKENBORN, N.; WETHEY, D.S.; Univ South Carolina, Columbia; NIWA, Hamilton, NZ; Univ Waikato, Hamilton, NZ; Max Planck Inst Marine Micro, Bremen, DE; NIWA, Hamilton, NZ; Univ South Carolina, Columbia; Univ […]
Biophysical modeling of foraging behavior climate change may limit foraging
Meeting Abstract 21.2 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Biophysical modeling of foraging behavior: climate change may limit foraging LEVY, O.*; DAYAN, T.; PORTER, W. P.; KRONFELD-SCHOR, N.; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University; University of Wisconsin, Madison; Tel Aviv University The effect of climate change on activity patterns of animals and thus on the structure of ecological communities […]
The effect of temperature on the growth rates and oxygen consumption of 6 cnidarian algal symbionts
Meeting Abstract 21.3 Friday, Jan. 4 The effect of temperature on the growth rates and oxygen consumption of 6 cnidarian algal symbionts MCGINTY, E.S.*; MCMAHON, R.F.; MYDLARZ, L.D.; Univ. of Texas at Arlington Algal symbionts in the genus Symbiodinium that form mutualistic relationships with many cnidarians are critical to coral reef maintenance, growth and persistence, but […]
Profiling gene expression responses of the symbiotic anemone, Aiptasia pallida, to elevated temperature and light conditions using RNA Seq
Meeting Abstract 21.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Profiling gene expression responses of the symbiotic anemone, Aiptasia pallida, to elevated temperature and light conditions using RNA Seq HANES, S D*; KEMPF, S C; MEYER, E; Auburn University; Auburn University; Oregon State University Coral reefs have dramatically declined over the past few decades as a result of mass mortality […]
Photonic enhancement of symbiotic photosynthesis in giant clams
Meeting Abstract 21.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Photonic enhancement of symbiotic photosynthesis in giant clams HOLT, A.L.*; GAGNON, Y.; VAHIDINIA, S.; MORSE, D.E.; SWEENEY, A.M.; UCSB; Duke University; NASA-Ames; UCSB; Univ. of Pennsylvania Giant Tridacnid clams, like reef-building corals, harbor and exchange nutrients with the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. These clams are also notable for their bright color […]
Evolutionary and ecological significance of sponge-Symbiodinium symbioses genetic regulation of uptake and maintenance in sponges
Meeting Abstract 21.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Evolutionary and ecological significance of sponge-Symbiodinium symbioses: genetic regulation of uptake and maintenance in sponges. HILL, M*; HILL, A; COTMAN, C; FRIDAY, S; HEIST, T; MCCAULEY, M; PETERSON, K; RICHARDSON, C; RIESGO, A; STREHLOW, B; Univ. of Richmond; Univ. of Richmond; Univ. of Richmond; Univ. of Richmondq; Univ. of Richmond; Univ. […]
Shell damage and repair in the bay mussel under a range of pCO2 conditions
Meeting Abstract 21.7 Saturday, Jan. 4 15:00 Shell damage and repair in the bay mussel under a range of pCO2 conditions GEORGE, M*; O’DONNELL, M; CARRINGTON, E; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105; California Ocean Science Trust, 1330 Broadway Ave Suite 1530 Oakland, CA 94612; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105 Shell damage is a threat […]
Physiological responses of two intertidal barnacles (Tetraclita japonica and Megabalanus volcano) to heat stress
Meeting Abstract 21.2 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:45 Physiological responses of two intertidal barnacles (Tetraclita japonica and Megabalanus volcano) to heat stress WONG, K.K.W.*; TSANG, L.M.; HUI, J.H.L.; CHAN, B.K.K.; CHU, K.H.; School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University; School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University […]