Novel Toadfish Swimbladder Morphology Creates Nonlinear Acoustic Complexities

Meeting Abstract 21.1  Monday, Jan. 4  Novel Toadfish Swimbladder Morphology Creates Nonlinear Acoustic Complexities RICE, Aaron N.*; LAND, Bruce R.; BASS, Andrew H.; Cornell Univ.; Cornell Univ.; Cornell Univ. Repeated morphological specializations of vocal structures across vertebrates have independently facilitated increased complexity in acoustic signals by generating nonlinear features. Such nonlinear acoustic complexity has been observed […]

Dietary protein content affects top-scent preference in meadow voles

Meeting Abstract 21.3  Monday, Jan. 4  Dietary protein content affects top-scent preference in meadow voles HOBBS, N. J.*; FERKIN, M. H.; University of Memphis Encountering over-marks, the overlapping scent marks of two different conspecifics, is a feature of olfactory communication for most terrestrial mammals. Previous studies have shown that when exposed to a same-sex over-mark, meadow […]

The PrepatternCooption Model for the Evolution of the Vertebrate Jaw

Meeting Abstract 21.1  Tuesday, Jan. 4  The Prepattern/Cooption Model for the Evolution of the Vertebrate Jaw MEDEIROS, Daniel M*; CATTELL, Maria V; SAUKA-SPENGLER, Tatjana; BRONNER, Marianne; YU , Brian; CERNY, Robert; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Caltech; Caltech; Caltech; Charles Univ. in Prague The elaborate head skeleton of jawed vertebrates is thought to […]

SoxE genes and the role of neural crest in cartilage evolution and development

Meeting Abstract 21.3  Tuesday, Jan. 4  SoxE genes and the role of neural crest in cartilage evolution and development MCCAULEY, David W; University of Oklahoma Neural crest cells give rise to many vertebrate-specific structures. These cells arise during development along the dorsal aspect of the neural tube, undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition whereupon they migrate […]

Molecular and morphological development of the shark head cavity

Meeting Abstract 21.2  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Molecular and morphological development of the shark head cavity ADACHI, Noritaka*; KURATANI, Shigeru; RIKEN CDB Kobe; RIKEN CDB Kobe The vertebrate head is considered as an evolutionary novelty. However, the head mesoderm is regarded a derivative of anterior somites in the ancestral chordate. Although, our head mesoderm consists of mesenchymal […]

How The Turtle Got Its Spots

Meeting Abstract 21.4  Tuesday, Jan. 4  How The Turtle Got Its Spots MOUSTAKAS, J. E.*; CEBRA-THOMAS, N. K.; KALLONEN, A.; LEWIS, K.; HÄMÄLÄINEN, K.; JERNVALL, J.; GILBERT, S. F.; Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland; Swarthmore College, PA; Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland; Swarthmore College, PA; Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland; Institute […]

Different ways to build a backbone Notch regulation of somitogenesis in the lizard Anolis carolinensis is highly divergent from birds and mammals

Meeting Abstract 21.6  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Different ways to build a backbone: Notch regulation of somitogenesis in the lizard Anolis carolinensis is highly divergent from birds and mammals ECKALBAR, WL; INFANTE, C; DENARDO, D; LOSOS, J; RAWLS, A; WILSON-RAWLS, J; KUSUMI, K*; Arizona State Univ.; Harvard Univ.; Univ. of Georgia; Arizona State Univ.; Harvard Univ.; Arizona State […]

Comparative post-embryonic development of the cranial lateral line canal system in cichlid fishes Temporal and spatial patterns

Meeting Abstract 21.5  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Comparative post-embryonic development of the cranial lateral line canal system in cichlid fishes: Temporal and spatial patterns DICKSON, JM*; WEBB, JF; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island Morphogenesis of the lateral line canals is a key feature of dermatocranial development in bony fishes. Of the four types of […]

Through the looking glass Are silvery fish safe from viewers with polarization vision

Meeting Abstract 21.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Through the looking glass: Are silvery fish safe from viewers with polarization vision? JOHNSEN, S. *; MARSHALL, N.J.; Duke Univ.; Univ. of Queensland Many coral reef and open-ocean fish have mirrored sides built from stacks of guanine crystals. Because the underwater light field is approximately symmetric around the vertical axis, […]

How do insect eggs avoid sunburns

Meeting Abstract 21.6  Wednesday, Jan. 4  How do insect eggs avoid sunburns? POTTER, Kristen A.*; WOODS, H. Arthur; University of Montana, Missoula; University of Montana, Missoula Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun damages DNA and causes acute health problems in living organisms. In response, organisms have evolved a suite of defenses against the sun’s harmful effects, […]

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