Meeting Abstract 21.2 Thursday, Jan. 3 Gliding Ants: 3D Kinematics, Maneuvers and Behaviors MUNK, Y; Univ. of California, Berkeley Gliding ants of the genus Cephalotes have been shown to be capable of directed aerial descent in the absence of wings or any other obvious morphological adaptations for aerodynamic performance. The first step towards understanding the mechanisms […]
sessions: Session 21
Wing stiffness affects mean advective flows of Manduca sexta, with wing overlap a potential contributor
Meeting Abstract 21.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 Wing stiffness affects mean advective flows of Manduca sexta, with wing overlap a potential contributor MOUNTCASTLE, A.M.*; TULL, C.; DANIEL, T.L.; University of Washington Many insects have wings that bend and twist during flight, often with dramatic deformations. The pattern and extent of deformation are dependent on wing flexural stiffness […]
Scaling of passive damping and maneuverability in flying animals
Meeting Abstract 21.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 Scaling of passive damping and maneuverability in flying animals HEDRICK, TL*; DENG, X; CHENG, B; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of Delaware; University of Delaware Most analyses of animal locomotion dynamics place stability and maneuverability on opposite poles; factors that enhance capability one are expected to reduce […]
Probing insect flight stability and control by inducing aerial stumbles
Meeting Abstract 21.1 Sunday, Jan. 4 Probing insect flight stability and control by inducing aerial stumbles COHEN, I.*; RISTROPH, L. G.; BERMAN, G. J.; BERGOU, A. J.; WANG, Z. J.; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University Flying insects are both marvelously stable and annoyingly evasive. Whether awe-inspiring or frustrating, flight must be […]
Pitching, Deformation and Control in Insect Flight
Meeting Abstract 21.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 Pitching, Deformation and Control in Insect Flight BERGOU, A.J.*; RISTROPH, L. G.; COHEN, I; WANG, Z.J.; Cornell University The complex wing motion of a flying insect is due not only to muscular activation but also fluid, inertial, and elastic forces. Thus, it may be that not all aspects of the […]
Dynamics and control of turning during saccades in fruitfly drosophila
Meeting Abstract 21.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 Dynamics and control of turning during saccades in fruitfly drosophila CHENG, Bo*; FRY, Steven; HUANG, Qingfeng; DICKSON, Will; DICKINSON, Michael; DENG, Xinyan; University of Delaware; ETH/University of Zurich, Switzerland; University of Delaware; California Institute of Technology; California Institute of Technology; University of Delaware By analyzing the wing and body kinematics […]
Aerodynamic effects of wing flexibility in flapping flight
Meeting Abstract 21.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 Aerodynamic effects of wing flexibility in flapping flight ZHAO, Liang*; HUANG, Qingfeng; DENG, Xinyan; SANE, Sanjay; University of Delaware; University of Delaware; University of Delaware; National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India Wings of insects are flexible structures. Although there has been much recent progress in […]
Why are there silent catfishes shifts in pectoral fin function and changes in pectoral spine morphology
Meeting Abstract 21.2 Monday, Jan. 4 Why are there silent catfishes: shifts in pectoral fin function and changes in pectoral spine morphology KAATZ, I.M.*; RICE, A.N.; STEWART, D.J.; LOBEL, P.S.; no current affiliation; Bioacoustics Program, Cornell University, NY; SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, NY; Boston University, MA The evolutionary selection pressures and constraints responsible […]
Role of song in the altitudinal replacement of Neotropical singing mice (Scotinomys)
Meeting Abstract 21.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Role of song in the altitudinal replacement of Neotropical singing mice (Scotinomys) PASCH, Bret; University of Florida Understanding the role of biotic and abiotic factors in limiting species distributions is a fundamental goal in biology. On the highest mountains of Costa Rica and Panamá, the Chiriqui singing mouse (Scotinomys xerampelinus) […]
Receivers, functions, and costs of parent-offspring signaling in treehoppers (Hemiptera Membracidae)
Meeting Abstract 21.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Receivers, functions, and costs of parent-offspring signaling in treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) HAMEL, Jennifer A.*; COCROFT, Reginald B.; University of Missouri In species in which parents defend offspring against predators, communication between parents and offspring may facilitate defense. Understanding signal function in this context is challenging, because signals may have evolved […]