Single- and multi-generational effects of atmospheric oxygen level on body size and tracheal dimensions in Drosophila melanogaster

Meeting Abstract 21.3  Jan. 5  Single- and multi-generational effects of atmospheric oxygen level on body size and tracheal dimensions in Drosophila melanogaster KLOK, C.J.*; KAISER, A.; LEE, W.H.; SOCHA, J.J.; HARRISON, J.F.; Arizona State University; Midwestern University; Argonne National Laboratory; Argonne National Laboratory; Arizona State University Comparison of the historical records for maximal insect size and […]

New Insights into Phanerozoic Oxygen Levels and their Impact on Evolution

Meeting Abstract 21.2  Jan. 5  New Insights into Phanerozoic Oxygen Levels and their Impact on Evolution VANDEN BROOKS, J. M.; Arizona State University Variation in atmospheric oxygen levels has the potential to be one of the main drivers of long-term vertebrate evolution through the Phanerozoic. Recent models of the evolution of atmospheric oxygen through time have […]

Hotter is Better Thermodynamics Constrains the Evolution of Insect Population Growth Rates

Meeting Abstract 21.6  Jan. 5  Hotter is Better: Thermodynamics Constrains the Evolution of Insect Population Growth Rates FRAZIER, M.R.**; HUEY, R.B.; BERRIGAN, D.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Biochemical and physiological adaptations enable diverse ectotherms to survive and reproduce in very different temperature regimes, but whether these adaptations fully […]

Does the thermal tolerance of the Western Fence Lizard change with air temperature

Meeting Abstract 21.4  Jan. 5  Does the thermal tolerance of the Western Fence Lizard change with air temperature? MCMILLAN, D.M.*; ADOLPH, S.C.; IRSCHICK, D.J.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; Harvey Mudd College; University of Massachusetts Amherst Understanding the effects of global climate change on populations of natural organisms is a difficult task because often the differences caused […]

Bumblebee flight kinematics under natural and experimental variations in air pressure

Meeting Abstract 21.1  Jan. 5  Bumblebee flight kinematics under natural and experimental variations in air pressure DILLON, M. E.*; CONG, G.; DUDLEY, R.; University of Washington, Seattle; Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC; University of California, Berkeley Despite the challenges of flying in reduced density air, bumblebees (genus Bombus) thrive on mountains. Flight at high altitudes (reduced air […]

The near-field flow generated by hummingbird wings

Meeting Abstract 21.4  Thursday, Jan. 3  The near-field flow generated by hummingbird wings WARRICK, D. R.*; TOBALSKE, B. W.; POWERS, D. R.; Oregon State Univ., Corvallis; University of Portland; George Fox University Hummingbirds, like other birds, generate lift coefficients far in excess (~ 2x) of those generated by typical man-made airfoils. The kinematic and Re number […]

Maximum vertical force production in bumblebees (Apidae Bombini) – a methodological comparison

Meeting Abstract 21.1  Thursday, Jan. 3  Maximum vertical force production in bumblebees (Apidae: Bombini) – a methodological comparison BUCHWALD, Robert*; DUDLEY, Robert; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley Description of the maximum forces produced by flying animals is important for understanding general limits to lift and power production, but such limits can be difficult […]

Landing flight in the pigeon Columba livia

Meeting Abstract 21.6  Thursday, Jan. 3  Landing flight in the pigeon Columba livia BERG, A.M.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Concord Field Station Using high-speed video, EMG and sonomicrometry, we studied the landing flight of four pigeons (Columba livia). As the birds approached the perch, we found no consistent increase or decrease in the center of mass potential energy, […]

Hovering aerodynamics in hummingbirds comparing a dynamically-scaled robot with live birds

Meeting Abstract 21.5  Thursday, Jan. 3  Hovering aerodynamics in hummingbirds: comparing a dynamically-scaled robot with live birds. TOBALSKE, B.W.**; WARRICK, D.R.; DICKSON, W.B.; ALTSHULER, D.A.; DICKINSON, M.H.; Univ. of Portland; Oregon State Univ.; California Institute of Technology; Univ. of California, Riverside; California Institute of Technology To help elucidate the mechanisms that permit hovering in hummingbirds, we […]

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