Homology and the evolution of non-avian dinosaur locomotion

CARRANO, M. T.: Homology and the evolution of non-avian dinosaur locomotion Non-avian dinosaurs diversified throughout the Mesozoic from a single bipedal, parasagittal-limbed ancestor. Their 140-my radiation spanned over three orders of magnitude in body size and included eight major clades. In spite of this, diversification within the dinosaurian locomotor apparatus appears to have been comparatively […]

Effects of turning angle on sprinting performance of three ecomorphs of arboreal lizards

Higham, T.E.*; Davenport, M.; Mattingly, W.B.; Jayne, B.C.: Effects of turning angle on sprinting performance of three ecomorphs of arboreal lizards Most studies on the locomotion of animals are for straight, steady speed movements; however, many species often perform maneuvering or intermittent locomotion in their natural habitats. Lizards, including several arboreal species, have been common […]

A comparative field study of the arboreal locomotion of lizards

IRSCHICK, D.J.*; JAYNE, B.C.: A comparative field study of the arboreal locomotion of lizards Few studies have rigorously quantified the habitat and movements of arboreal animals, particularly in a comparative context. We quantified the available habitat, habitat use and movement patterns of three morphologically different arboreal Anolis lizard species at a field site in Jamaica […]

Social Context Influences Androgenic Effects on Calling in the Green Treefrog

BURMEISTER, S.: Social Context Influences Androgenic Effects on Calling in the Green Treefrog Courtship behavior in frogs is an ideal model for investigating the relationships among social experience, gonadal steroids and behavior. Communication is mediated primarily by acoustic signals, and the auditory system projects to the hypothalamus. Listening to mating calls causes an increase in […]

Neurosteroid Modulation and Subunit Isolation of a GABA-A-like Receptor in the Amphibian Brain

HOLLIS, D.M.; BOYD, S.K.: Neurosteroid Modulation and Subunit Isolation of a GABA-A-like Receptor in the Amphibian Brain. The inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has multiple receptor subtypes. The GABAA receptor is widespread in the mammalian brain, but little is known about GABA receptors in the amphibian brain. Binding of the GABAA receptor agonist, [3H]muscimol, to […]

Experience modulates forebrain response to mate choice cues

SOCKMAN, K.W.*; GENTNER, T.Q.; BALL, G.F.: Experience modulates forebrain response to mate choice cues Within minutes of a behaviorally relevant stimulus, the brain responds with a pulse of immediate-early-gene (IEG) transcription that alters processes in long-term memory formation. This genomic response can vary with stimulus type, but its sensitivity to nuances in social experience is […]

Mechanical and Synergistic Factors Influencing Echinostomatoid Trematode Infections in Anurans

TAYLOR, C.N.; WASSERSUG, R.J.; Dalhousie University; Dalhousie University: Mechanical and Synergistic Factors Influencing Echinostomatoid Trematode Infections in Anurans We used high-speed videography of staged encounters between tadpoles of either Bufo americanus or Rana sylvatica and Echinostoma cercariae to understand why echinostomatoids, such as Echinostoma and Ribeiroia (which has been implicated in epidemics of limb deformities […]

Hormonal basis of seed-caching behavior and spatial memory ability in Merriams kangaroo rats

BARBER, A. M.; University of Nevada, Reno: Hormonal basis of seed-caching behavior and spatial memory ability in Merriam�s kangaroo rats Merriam�s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) utilize two main strategies to store seeds for future consumption: scatterhoarding and larderhoarding. Scatterhoarding is the placement of seed caches that are dispersed in many locations within an animal�s home […]

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