Meeting Abstract 21-2 Thursday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00 From Science Communication to a Conversation about Science. MORATH, J; Salt Lake Community College The Community Writing Center (CWC) is an outreach program of Salt Lake Community College that helps the public in any writing that they are working on, regardless of educational background. Our motto is […]
sessions: Session 21
What influences thermal maxima in urban ants
Meeting Abstract 21-1 Friday, Jan. 4 10:00 – 10:15 What influences thermal maxima in urban ants? JOHNSON, D*; STAHLSCHMIDT, ZR; Univ. of the Pacific Cities are rapidly expanding, and global warming is intensified in urban environments due to the urban heat island effect. Thus, urban animals may be particularly susceptible to climate change given their small […]
Thermal Acclimation Effects on Metabolic Performance in the Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
Meeting Abstract 21-7 Friday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 11:45 Thermal Acclimation Effects on Metabolic Performance in the Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum BRADY, SP*; RAFFEL, TR; Oakland University; Oakland University Within-season temperature variability is expected to increase as the climate continues to change, making it increasingly important to understand organism responses to sudden temperature shifts. According to […]
Responses of insect larvae to heat waves what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker
Meeting Abstract 21-5 Friday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:15 Responses of insect larvae to heat waves: what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker KINGSOLVER, JG*; MOORE, ME; AUGUSTINE, KE; HILL, CA; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill Climate change is increasing the frequency of heat waves and other extreme weather events experienced by […]
Metabolic Physiology of Minnows Exposed to Stable and Variable Thermal Environments
Meeting Abstract 21-6 Friday, Jan. 4 11:15 – 11:30 Metabolic Physiology of Minnows Exposed to Stable and Variable Thermal Environments FRENETTE, BD*; GIDO, KB; TOBLER, M; Kansas State University; Kansas State University; Kansas State University Laboratory studies of organismal thermal biology often rely on acclimation to constant temperatures to assess physiological or performance responses, yet […]
Immediate transcriptional response of Megachile rotundata to a temperature pulse under a fluctuating thermal regime
Meeting Abstract 21-4 Friday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00 Immediate transcriptional response of Megachile rotundata to a temperature pulse under a fluctuating thermal regime MELICHER, DM*; YOCUM, GD; TORSON, AS; RINEHART, JP; United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; University of Western Ontario; United States Department of Agriculture, […]
Heating Rate Affects Thermal Tolerance in Intertidal Mussels
Meeting Abstract 21-2 Friday, Jan. 4 10:15 – 10:30 Heating Rate Affects Thermal Tolerance in Intertidal Mussels MOYEN, NE*; SOMERO, GN; DENNY, MW; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University During tidal cycles, intertidal animals may undergo large body temperature changes as exposure between water and air alternates. The California mussel Mytilus californianus (the dominant competitor for […]
Aerobic scope of cultured juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, at high summer water temperatures
Meeting Abstract 21-3 Friday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 10:45 Aerobic scope of cultured juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, at high summer water temperatures WELLING, EM*; BURNETT, L ; MCELROY, E; University of Charleston, SC; College of Charleston; College of Charleston Many estuarine organisms are frequently exposed to high water temperature and the accompanying reduction in water […]