Comparative muscle physiology of the mantis shrimp’s raptorial appendage

Meeting Abstract 20.2  Monday, Jan. 4  Comparative muscle physiology of the mantis shrimp’s raptorial appendage MENDOZA BLANCO, M.A.; PATEK, S.N.*; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst Some mantis shrimp (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) deliver forceful blows with hammer-like appendages (“smashers”), while other species use elongated spears to pierce or grab prey (“spearers”). To accomplish these incredibly […]

Avian all-terrain Tendons as power attenuators during rapid energy absorption

Meeting Abstract 20.4  Monday, Jan. 4  Avian all-terrain: Tendons as power attenuators during rapid energy absorption KONOW, N.*; AZIZI, M.; ROBERTS, T.J.; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University Muscles perform two very different tasks during jumping: they produce mechanical power for takeoff, and absorb it during landing. Tendons can be important in amplifying muscle power during […]

Activation changes the length and stiffness of elastic elements in soleus muscles of wild-type mice, but not in titin mutants

Meeting Abstract 20.3  Monday, Jan. 4  Activation changes the length and stiffness of elastic elements in soleus muscles of wild-type mice, but not in titin mutants. MONROY, JA; UYENO, TA; GILMORE, LA; POWERS, KA; NISHIKAWA, KC*; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University Here, we test the hypothesis […]

The effect of substrate properties on hind foot use during locomotion of the zebra-tailed lizard

Meeting Abstract 20.4  Tuesday, Jan. 4  The effect of substrate properties on hind foot use during locomotion of the zebra-tailed lizard LI, Chen*; LAU, Loretta/K; HSIEH, S/Tonia; UMBANHOWAR, Paul/B; GOLDMAN, Daniel/I; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Temple Univ.; Northwestern Univ.; Georgia Tech Understanding the mechanisms that organisms use to maintain high locomotor performance over a diversity of […]

Surface dependent attachment in fluid-based smooth adhesive pads of insects

Meeting Abstract 20.1  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Surface dependent attachment in fluid-based smooth adhesive pads of insects DIRKS, JH*; FEDERLE, W; Trinity College Dublin; University of Cambridge Smooth adhesive pads of many insects adhere via nanometre-thin films of a two-phasic fluid. This fluid fills in gaps between the pad and the surface, thereby maximises contact area and […]

Slipping, sliding, and stability locomotor strategies for overcoming unexpected low-friction surfaces

Meeting Abstract 20.3  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Slipping, sliding, and stability: locomotor strategies for overcoming unexpected low-friction surfaces CLARK, A.J.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; College of Charleston; Clemson University Legged terrestrial animals must maintain dynamic stability while negotiating unexpected perturbations inherent to their structurally complex environments. Among humans, fatal and nonfatal injuries frequently result from slip-induced falls precipitated by […]

How gait influences obstacle negotiation in lizards Is bipedal better

Meeting Abstract 20.5  Tuesday, Jan. 4  How gait influences obstacle negotiation in lizards: Is bipedal better? OLBERDING, J.P.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; MCBRAYER, L.D.; Clemson University; Clemson University; Georgia Southern University Bipedal locomotion is common in many species of lizard, especially those that live in open habitats such as deserts. However, the advantages of this gait are still […]

Dogs on springs do trotting dogs adjust their virtual leg stiffness on compliant surfaces

Meeting Abstract 20.6  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Dogs on springs: do trotting dogs adjust their virtual leg stiffness on compliant surfaces? WILSHIN, S.*; KELLEHER, C.N.; BYRNES, G.; SEIPEL, J.; SPENCE, A.J.; Royal Veterinary College; RVC; University of Cincinnati; Purdue University; RVC Hierarchical hypotheses of motor control posit that animals overcome the problem of controlling complex bodies by […]

Attachment in smooth insect pads the influence of surface energy

Meeting Abstract 20.2  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Attachment in smooth insect pads: the influence of surface energy LABONTE, D.*; BULLOCK, J. M. R.; FEDERLE, W.; University Of Applied Sciences, Bremen; Dept. of Zoology, University of Cambridge; Dept. of Zoology, University of Cambridge All insects studied to date adhere to surfaces via small amounts of fluid secreted into […]

Torpor-assisted migration in bats

Meeting Abstract 20.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Torpor-assisted migration in bats MCGUIRE, LP*; JONASSON, KA; GUGLIELMO, CG; Univ. Western Ontario, London Optimal migration theory predicts that migrating animals should seek to minimize some combination of energy, time, or mortality risk. These factors trade-off with each other; animals may spend longer refuelling, increasing energy intake at the expense […]

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