Phronima Energetics Life of a planktonic stowaway

BISHOP, Renee E.; GEIGER, Stephen P.; MC CULLON, Joseph Jr.: Phronima Energetics: Life of a planktonic stowaway The hyperiid amphipods of the genus Phronima have adapted to the pelagia by hollowing transparent barrels from salps. The amphipods reside in the salp barrels and pilot them through the water. This unique behavioral adaptation may provide advantages […]

Growth in the fast lane metabolic scaling and activity in developing fishes

HUNT VON HERBING, I: Growth in the fast lane: metabolic scaling and activity in developing fishes. Embryonic and larval growth rates are high(50% d,-1)in some species,while juveniles have growth rates of 1-6%d-1.Given finite energy supplies,how can embryos and larvae simultaneously maintain high growth rates,swim and perform other metabolic processes? High growth rates are costly as […]

Energy metabolism during larval development of two abalone species, Haliotis fulgens and H sorenseni

MORAN, A.L.*; MANAHAN, D.T.: Energy metabolism during larval development of two abalone species, Haliotis fulgens and H. sorenseni Lecithotrophic larvae of marine organisms develop to metamorphosis without feeding on plankton. An understanding of the biochemical and physiological energetics of lecithotrophic development is useful for interpreting patterns of larval development and dispersal. This study investigates the […]

Biochemical bases of metabolic intensity during sea urchin development

GINSBURG, D.W.; MANAHAN, D.T.: Biochemical bases of metabolic intensity during sea urchin development Early stages of development require increased oxygen consumption to support energetically demanding processes, such as rates of protein synthesis and maintenance of ion gradients in the increasing number of cells. Little is known about the relationship among these physiological processes and their […]

Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Hagfish Role of Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptides in the Hagfish Gut

UZZELL, Thomas; STOLZENBERG, Ethan D.; SHINNAR, Ann E.*; ZASLOFF, Michael; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia; Barnard College, Columbia University, New York; Georgetown Univ. Medical Center, Washington, DC: Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Hagfish: Role of Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptides in the Hagfish Gut Hagfish are primitive craniates that lack […]

Innate Immunity in the Oral Cavity A Mouse Tongue Tale

LECLAIR, E. E.; NOMELLINI, V.; BAHENA, M.; BINGLE, C.D.; DePaul University; University of Sheffield: Innate Immunity in the Oral Cavity? A Mouse Tongue Tale Epithelial surfaces are patrolled by molecules that recognize bacterial byproducts to enhance host defense. We describe the cloning and expression of a mouse gene, which we call TPL, whose mRNA appears […]

Indirect mechanisms of testosterone-induced immunosuppression in songbirds a new paradigm

OWEN-ASHLEY, N. T.; HASSELQUIST, D.; WINGFIELD, J. C.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Lund Univ., Lund, Sweden; Univ. of Washington, Seattle: Indirect mechanisms of testosterone-induced immunosuppression in songbirds: a new paradigm We investigated the effect of different androgens on immune function in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis predicts a tradeoff between suppressive effects […]

Effects of Hypercapnic Hypoxia on the Clearance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus

HOLMAN, JD; BURNETT, KG; BURNETT*, LE; Grice Marine Lab, College of Charleston; Grice Marine Lab, College of Charleston; Grice Marine Lab, College of Charleston: Effects of Hypercapnic Hypoxia on the Clearance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, encounters both hypoxia and bacterial infections in its natural environment. […]

Clam Leukemia A Pre-Clinical Model for Evaluating Topoisomerase II Inhibitors

BOETTGER, S.A.; KELLEHER, A.L.; JERSZYK, E.C.; WALKER, C.W.; The University of New Hampshire, Durham; The University of New Hampshire, Durham; The University of New Hampshire, Durham; The University of New Hampshire, Durham: Clam Leukemia: A Pre-Clinical Model for Evaluating Topoisomerase II Inhibitors This study combines the use of traditional and novel topoisomerase II inhibitors promoting […]

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